Eldeen Reaches

Capital: Greenheart   Hallmarks: Agriculture, animal husbandry, druidic magic   A stretch of fertile farmlands borders a vast, untamed forest. Farmers tend the fields, while tribes of shifters and circles of druids and rangers roam through the woods. These are the Eldeen Reaches.   Bordering with many Regions like the Demon Wastes to the North, Shadow Marches to the West, Droaam on the South-West, Breland to the South, and Aundair to the East. To the South it's a shoreline with Lake Galifar, to the West you'll find the Crescent Bay, and to the North East it has coastline bordering the Eldeen bay.   Druids and shifters dwelled in the The Towering Wood for thousands of years, but the eastern farmlands of the Reaches were part of Aundair until the Last War. The lords of Aundair focused their resources on the war effort, ignoring banditry and other problems faced by the farmers of the east. The Wardens of the Wood —largest of the druid sects—came to the aid of these farmers. Fifty years ago, the people of eastern Aundair seceded and formed the Eldeen Reaches. The Treaty of Thronehold recognized the Reaches as a nation, but its citizens fear Aundair will try to reclaim the region.   Druidic magic is central to life in the Eldeen Reaches . Its people seek to live in harmony with the natural world, and each community has a druidic advisor who helps with planning and planting. The The Towering Wood is also home to tribes of shifters, who maintain a nomadic existence. The Wardens of the Wood uphold order and settle disputes, and the Archdruid Oalian—an awakened greatpine—is the spiritual leader of the Reaches.           Read more about the Eldeen Reaches at DndBeyond:
Founding Date
450 AG, Acknowledged in 490 AG by Treaty of Thronehold
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories

Treaty of Thronehold recognized the Eldeen Reaches as a nation

Fifty years ago, the people of eastern Aundair seceded and formed the Eldeen Reaches. The Treaty of Thronehold recognized the Reaches as a nation, but its citizens fear Aundair will try to reclaim the region.   The Reachers are fiercely independent. They broke with Aundair, and they bow to no monarch.   The farmers of the eastern Eldeen seceded from Aundair during the Last War, and tensions between the two nations remain high. Most Reachers believe it’s only a matter of time until Aundair tries to reclaim the region, and every village has a militia ready to serve.   The people of the Reaches value hospitality and regard all people as equals, but the fear of Aundairian aggression can cause Reachers to treat foreigners with suspicion or hostility.

Articles under Eldeen Reaches