

Career Progression

Apprentice: Young ones with an interest in metalworking typically begin as aprentices around 14 to 14 seasonal cycles. They spend several seasons sweeping floors, tending the forge, and learning basic metal manipulation techniques from a seasoned blacksmith.   Journeyman: After several seasons of apprenticeship, a skilled worker may become a journeyman. They can work independently, crafting basic tools and may even take on their own apprentices.   Master Blacksmith:The pinnacle of the career path is the master blacksmith. They possess exceptional skill in forging, welding, and shaping metal. Masters often run thier own workshops, take on high-value commissions, and may even train the next generation of blacksmiths.

Other Benefits

High Demand: Blacksmiths are vital for the tools and weapons they make. Their skills are always in demand, ensuring a steady income and job security.   Respect: Master Blacksmiths are highly respected for their strength, skill, and craftsmanship. They are seen as essential members of the community.   Creative Outlet: Blacksmithing allows for a creative outlet. Blacksmiths can design and forge unique pieces, expressing their artistic vision through metal.
There's something' about takin' a stubborn hunk of metal, all rough and dull, and turnin' it into somethin' beautiful even. It's like breathin' life into it. Hard work, aye, but seein' the finished product, knowin' it'll serve someone well, that's reward enough.
— A Master Blacksmith



The primary purpose of a blacksmit is to transform raw metal into functionall and beautiful objects. They create essential tools and weapons for farmers, soldiers, and craftsmen. They sometimes forge decorative pieces like railing and gates.

Social Status

Blacksmithing is a demanding and physically challengeing profession. The work is often dirty and involves exposure to extreme heat and sparks. Wile respected for their skills, blacksmits are not held in the same social standing as those in other professions.
Goodness, surely you wouldn't consider sending your son to a filthy blacksmith's workshop? That work is backbraking and leaves you smelling like burnt iron. He deserves a position that befits his station, something with a bit more... refinement.
— One noblewoman to another


Blacksmithing is one of the oldest professions in existence. The ability to work metal helped propel Tangwynians to the next level because to the creation of more durable tools and weapons. Blacksmiths have played a crucial role in warfare, agriculture, and construction throughout history.



  • Forge
  • Anvil
  • Hammers
  • Tongs
  • Chisels
  • Files
  • Quench Tanks filled with oil


A blacksmith's workplace is typically a hot, smoky workshop. The main features include: Forge area, Work area, and a Storage area.
Artisan, Craftsmen
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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