Kingdom of Aon


The Kingdom is lead by a King and Queen, who are directly responsible for the Province of Khelon.   A Duke and Duchess control the other provinces, which are:
  • Province of Manzi
  • Province of Natal
  • Province of Stymoor
  • Province of Toryn
  • Province of Wreoya
  Except for the Province of Khelon, all of the provinces are divided into smaller sections that are overseen by an Earl and Countess. Every city and town has a mayor, who is a Baronet or Baronetess (though after the Civil War it was only Baronet's who wielded any power).   Soldiers helped protect everyone. This was followed by merchants, the working class and the poor.   In the beginning, Supernaturals fit into whatever class they were born in to. After the creation of Crefalls, they inhabited a weird place in society, almost equal to merchants, but many considers the Supernaturals outcasts.


The Kingdom boasted a culture of oneness. This is something that an outsider might see if they didn't look to closely under the surface.   There is a rigidity to the class structure that doesn't allow for people to become to close to each other if they are from different classes. While there is solidarity among the lower classes due to the treatment of the nobles and ruling class, the same can't be said for those two classes.   Plus with so many people not liking, and even outright fearing the Supernaturals, rifts have created cracks in the culture of Aon.   These cracks aren't helped when the nobles are allowed to get away with certain behaviors, such as rape. The Kings and Queens tend to overlook the rehensible acts of the nobles as long as they get their tithes and there are no undue deaths.


The Kingdom of Aon began when Morgance created mortals on Tangwyn, so it is said. And for a time they were one people, close to Morgance.   It was when they moved away from her and some started accepting other Gods and Goddesses to worshp that they stopped being one people, stopped being what Morgance hoped they would be.   Unfortunately, the cracks that formed in the Kingdom of Aon's culture and society, eventually led to its downfall.


The Kingdom was disbanded when Ajana, the last Queen of Aon, was assassinated by Tuathal. This led to 10 seasonal cycles of Civil War as none of the 5 claimants were willing to bend the knee to the others.


Belief in Morgance is the many religion.   Others are belief in Dumisani, Damijan, Tairra, and Shayla.

Justice... Ever Watchful

01/01/0000 Before Civil War - 01/45/2740 Before Civil War

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
City of Darktide (the Capital, which didn't have a name until near the end of the Civil War)   Lydas   Oakenwich   Freyrest   Stymoor   Crefalls
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Kingdom of Aon

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character flag image: by Lady Wynter by way of Dreamstudio and Canva


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