
Basic Information


The Mokarran shares the Uianna's flattend, diamond-shapped body with wing-like pectoral fins. However, the fins have evolved a more streamlined, pointed shape like the Defein's dorsal fin, aiding in propulsion.   The head retains the Uianna's forward-facing mouth with rows of filter plates for feeding on small sea life. Though, the snout is elongated and pointe, similar to a Defein, housing a retractable protractile jaw with sharp conical teeth for occasional prey capture.   The Mokarran's coloring is a mix of both species. It has the vibrant mix of colors like the Defein but retains the dark spots of the Uianna for cmoouflage.   They've also been bred to possess bioluminescent organs along thier wing-like fins and underside. These organs allow them to emit a soft, blue light, atracting prey and allowing commuincation with each other.

Biological Traits

Bioluminescence: All Mokarran pssess bioluminescent organs, allowing for commincation, and attracting prey.   Filter Feeding: The sophisticated filtering system for small sea life consumption remains a key feature.   Leap Breaching: Occasional leaping out of the water persists, possibly a form of commincation or play behavior within the pod.   Echolaction (Potential): With their increased intelligence, some Outlanders theorize that Mokarran might have dveloped a rudimentary form of echolocation using bioluminescence and sound waves to navigate complex environments or locate hidden prey. This is an unconfirmed theory requiring research.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Mokarran are a complex hybrid resulting from the fusion of Uianna and the Defein DNA. This complex genetic makeup makes natural reproduction improbable.   Mokarran are bred in captivity by Outlanders specializing in hybridization. The process involves extracting eggs from female Uiannas and fertilizing them with genetically modified Defein in a controlled environment.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg Sac: Mokarran eggs develop within a hardened sac for several months before hatching.  
by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio
Mokarkit: Upon hatching, the offsrping are called Mokarkits. They resemble miniature Uiannas with vibrant Defein colors. They are raided in large pools for several years.   Juvenile: As they mature, the Mokarkit develop the pointed snout and protractile jaw. They bodies grow larger, and the vibrant colors become more subdued. They also develop their biolumiscent organs.   Adult: At around 10 seasonal cycles, Mokarran reach full maturity, achieving their impressive size and becoming valuable mounts for Outlanders.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily they feed off small sea life. Their bioluminescence plays a crucial role in attracting the necessary concentrations.   The Mokarran will do cooperative hunting for larger fish and for squid. The used their bioluminescene to herd prey into tight groups.


Social Structure: Mokarran are highly social creatures, living in pods that can range from a dozen to several hundred individuals. Within these pods, a complex social hierarchy exists, with the older, larger Mokarran holding positions of dominance.   Communication: Their bioluminescence plays a vital role in communication. The intensity, pattern, and location of the bioluminescent glow carries a range of messages, to include (but not limited to) warning of predators, feeding opportunities, and emotional states. Additionally, their vocalizations have become more intricate, incorporating whistles, chirps, and even clicks to convey complex ideas. Thier intelligence allows them to understand and respond to these nuanced signals.   Problem-Solving: Mokarran exhibit a higher level of problem-solviing abilites. They are known to work together to navigate challenginng currents and escape predators, They've even been seen utilizing tools (like strategically placed rocks) to dislodge stubborn shellfish from the seabed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pods: Mokarran live in social groups called pods. These pods can range in size from a dozen to several hundred individuals, with larger pods offering greater protection and hunting opportunities.   Dominance Hierarchy: Within each pod, a complex social hierarcy exists. Older, larger Mokarrn with extensive bioluminescent displays typically hodl positions of dominance. These dominant individuals lead hunts, mediate disputes, and guide the pod's movements.   Communication and Cooperation: Bioluminescence plays a crucial role in social interactions. Dominant Mokarran use bioluminescent displays to assert thier authority, while others use it to signal warnings, propose cooperation, or express emotions. Thier high level of intelligence allos for complex communiation and coordinated group activities.


Domestication of Mokarran is a lengthy and delicate process. Specialists identify eggs from wild Uianna with the desirable traits they're looking for, such as size and temperament. These eggs are brought to specialized breeding facilities where sperm for a genetically modified Defein are injected.   The resulting Mokarkits are raised in large pools, a controlled environment where they are exposed to postivie interactions with Outlanders from a young age. This socialization porcess helps Mokarkits become accustomed to human presence and builds trust. Only mokarran that demonstrate a willingnes to cooperate and lack aggression toward Outlanders are selected for further training as mounts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vision: Excellent panoramic vision thanks to their laterally placed eyes.   Electroreception: Like the Uianna, they possess electrorecptors to sense weak electrical fields emitted by prey.   Smell: Acute sense of smell to locate prey concentrations.   Hearing: Good hearing underwater, allowing them to detect sounds and vibrations.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Bioluminescent Bacteria: Mokarran have a symbiotic relationship with bioluminescent bacteria that reside within thier bioluminescent organs. These bacteria provide extra light-emitting power in exchange for a safe habitat and nutrients.   Isopods (Parasites): Unfortunately, Mokarran are also susceptible to parasitic isopods that attach themselves to their gills and feed on blood. Outlanders maintian a vigilant eye on their Mokarran companions to identify and remove these parasites before they cause harm.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Domain: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Myliobatiformes
Family: Mobulidae
Geunus: Mokarranus
Family: Mokarranus Velocitas
30 to 50 seasonal cycles
Average Weight
8,800 to 13,200 lbs.
Average Length
26 to 33 ft.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The base body color of a Mokarran shimmers with a pearlescent silver or blue, reflecting the light and appearing almost ethereal. This also makes the colors from the Defein pop more, even as they get older.   The organs for the bioluminescence puts color over this base color. Common colors are blues, greens, and yellows. The intensity and pattern of this bioluminescene can be controlled by the Mokarran, allowing for communication and displays.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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