

The Outlanders, who were once the Sun Chasers, the Wind Riders, and the Sky Readers, were once a part of the Yestar. They did their best to bring the royals back to the closeness they once had with Morgance because where they lead, everyone else would follow. Disappointingly for them, the royals didn't listen. They watched the Yestar change physically as they moved away from Morgance.

Who EXACTLY Were They?

The Sun Chasers

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe
They were meticulous astronomers, who studied the movements of Tangwyn's sun as well as the movement of Kenmetta. They were able to predict droughts, long term heat waves, and even the occasional solar storm with uncanny accuracy.   With their knowledge, Sun Chasers developed innovative planting and harvesting methods. They understood the optimal times for planting the various crops, water conservation techniques, irrigation techniques, and even how to use natural fertilizers to enrich the soil.   Sun Chasers were constatnly experimenting with new crops, even developing drough-resistnat strains. They understood the unique properties of Tangwyn's soil and surrounding environments.   The Sun Chasers were led by Sun Chaser Scribe, who was highly respected and maintained meticulous records on weather patterns, solar cycles, and agricultural techniques (success or otherwise). This person would advise the nobles and royals and ensure food security for the Yestar people. Under the Scribe, the Sun Chasers were divided into clans of sorts. These so called clans were divided by specialization in distinct areas of expertise. Some specialized in staple crops like hardy grains, while others specialled in drought-resistant fruits and vegetables. While all Sun Chasers learn about astronomy, meterology, soil science, and the secrets passed down through the generations, there are no formal learning centers for this.

The Wind Riders

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe
Swift and surefooted, they were skilled hunters, adept at tracking and taking down even the most dangerous beasts. Their hunting prowess ensured a steady supply of meat for the Yestar. This also protected the people from predatory threats. Due to thier speed and agility, Wind Riders also served as scouts and messengers. They also helped tame some of the creatures that now domesticated, such as the Mochyn and the Buchod, among others.   Since they spent a lot of time out in the wilds, they were adept at surviving, which included finding water, navigating by the stars, and building temporary shelters.   The Wind Riders were, essentially, led by a Champion, who was their most skilled hunter and survivalist. They, like the Sun Chasers, had specialized clans of sorts. These specializations included hunting specific prey, scouting, and being a messenger.   Wind Riders faced the challenges of finding new animals, taming those animals that could be domesicated, and devevloping new hunting techinques to take down te most dangerous predators, even the aerial ones. They also improved their survival skills so the could scout uncharted territory to expand Yestar's borders.

The Sky Readers

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe
Wise and introspective, they were masters of astronomy. The meticulously tracked constelations, planets, the sun of Tangwyn and Kenmetta. They're objective was to learn more about Tangwyn by learning as much about the space the planet and Morgance inhabited.   Sky Readers used the constallations to come up with an astrology system that worked for the Yestar. And they believed that dreams also haeld the key to better understanding so they would do dream interpretations.   There were two kinds of Sky Readers. One would stay in obsevatories, studying the night sky from a fixed location that gave an unobstructed view of the night sky. They would make and study celestial charts, record their obsevations, and perform complex astrological calculations. The other kind were travelling scholars, who were advisors to the royals and nobles, interpreting celestial signs and dreams.   The Sky Readers leader was known as the Eyes of Morgance. They were highly respected and often one of the King and Queen's personal advisors. As with the other two groups, specialized 'clans' studied things like nagivtion, astrology, and dream interpretation.   Sky Readers were open to innovation which led to new instruments such as crystal lenses for improved stargazing and orreries to madel movements fo the celestial bodies.

What EVER Happened to Them?

The Outlanders' leaders leaders (the Sun Chaser Scribe, the Wind Riders Champion, the Eyes of Morgance) came together to decide what to do. As much as they wanted to stay, guide the regulars, provide their services, they didn't like what was becoming of their fellow Yestar. So, they prayed to Morgance for guidance. They were directed to where the Errosoma Ocean and the Predurian Ocean meet at the southern tip of the continent. Gathering everyone together, they made the journey.   Once at the location Morgance directed them to, the Outlanders waited and prayed for both themselves and the Yestar. After a fortnight, Morgance opened a way into the oceans, with the condition that the Outlanders live there and protect the Yestar. They accepted Morgance will and walked into the ocean.   They found they could process oxygen from the water, as well as still breathe on land. The Outlanders built cities at the bottom of the ocean. Each group used their skills to keep the Outlanders alive. The Sky Readers built powerful scopes to watch the sky and the stars and adapted what they knew to study the ocean. The Sun Chasers struggled the most, but eventually overcame, finding ways to grow crops in their new ocean cities. The Wind Riders studied the new wildlife, learning what could be hunted and what could be domesticated.   And so, the Outlanders thrived in their new location, continuing to pray to Morgance and watch over the Yestar.   It is yet unknown if they survived The Shattering.

How the Yestar View the Outlanders?

I've seen herds of Giaga migrate across the plains and flocks of Ean wing across the sky, following their food source or moving to a new nesting ground. I've seen small groups of Wind Rider hunters tracking and killing their prey. I've never seen so many people migrate.
— A Soldier on patrol
The Outlanders remained a testament to innovation, agricultural and hunting techniques, stargazing and to loyalty to Morgance. Their deep devotion to the Goddess made the demi-gods in many eyes. Their agricultural and hunting techniques as well as the domestication of many animals remained a part of Yestar culture and survival even if innovation fell away.

They are a beautiful people, befitting the Goddess Morgance. I watched as they passed by my home on their exudus. They gave kind smiles, and the gaity of the children made me smile, even as my heart ached. We lost something important when they left.
— A woman on the outskirts of Coolyn
Many felt the loss of the Outlanders deeply, but felt unworthy to be in their's and Morgance's presence. Yet, at the same time, they felt smaller without the Outlanders among them.

They follow Morgance's will and have become one with the sea. They ever remain loyal to Her and to us. Forever our protectors.
— Royal Pronouncement


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Festival of the Sun: An annual festival to honor Morgance, the sun and the Sun Chasers. It involves music, dance, offerings/Prayers/Chants to Morgance, and celebrating Sun Chaser achievements.   Festival of the Wind: An annual festival honoring the Wind Riders for thier bravery and their role in protecting the people. Prayers/Chants are offered to Morgance as well as races, mock hunts, music and dance.   Night of Falling Stars: An annual festival to honor the Sky Readers. This is usually a quieter festival than the other two as this one is more about the sharing of knowledge and the seeking/offering of guidance for the coming year. The usual Prayers/Chants are given to Morgance and there is some music.
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Articles under Outlanders

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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Aug 31, 2024 12:49 by Tara Fae Belle

Nice writing! I like the inclusion of how Yestar view the outlanders, as well as the festivals to honour each of the 3 groups.

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~ Happy wording!