Smoke House


Core Function: A smoke house is a structure designed to preserve food through the process of smoking. Meat, fish, and even vegetables are hung or laid on special plates within, where smoke from burning wood, herbs, or liquor imparts flavor, texture and antimicrobial properties.   Evolution: Originally, smoke houses were simple, open-air structures. Over time, they've become complex, enclosed buildings with controlled smoke generation. These buildings are esstiential for preserving food. Beyond preservation, smoking enhances flavor and texture, making food preservation a culinary art.   Unintended Use: The smoke produced by the smoke house has been found to repel some insets and small animals. Additionally, the smoke itself has been used for medicinal purposes, believed to purify the air and aid in respiratory ailments.


Stone and brick are used for their sturdiness and heat resistance, making it a great foundatin, and outer structure. Wood is used for the internal sturcture and for the food racks.Clay or mud is used for insulatiion to maintain a consistant temperature and smoke concentration. Chimney(s) are essiential for venting smoke and creating proper airflow within the smoke house

Social Impact

Food Preservation: Smoke Houses allowed Tangwynians to store meat, fish and vegetables for extended periods. This allowed for a reliable food supply during the harsh winter moon's cycles or if something unexpected happened, like Rune Rot.   Dietary Expansion: Smoked foods became a culianry stape, diversifying the Tangwynian diet and introducing new flavors and textures.   Trade and Commerce: The ability to preserve food led to the drevelopment of trade routs, as smoked goods became valuable commodities.   Social Gatherings: Smoke Houses often fostered a sense of community and strengthend social bonds because it essientially took a village to maintain and operate a smoke house.
Access & Availability
As smoke houses are not easy or cheap to build, plus maintance is costly as well, nobles have built them throughout the land and cover the maintance costs. Workers are hired at low wages to use the smoke houses.
Building a smoke house requires knowledge of construction, fire management, and food preservation.   The basic concept is simple, but mastering the art of producing high-quality smoked food requires experience and experimentation.
Attributated to early Tangwynians who observed the effects of smoke on meat left near fires. Through trial and error they learned to control the smoking process. The development of smoke houses was a significant advancement.
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