Rune Rot

Transmission & Vectors

The exact method of transmission remains a mystery but The Wilders hold 2 beliefs on how it spreads:
  • Cursed Winds: Winds carrying an unnatural chill and a faint red luminescence spread runelike spores.
  • Touch of the Blighted: Contact with infected plants or contaminated soil may transmit the Rot.


The exact cause is a curse by Damijan, as a way to kill Tangwynians and get more souls for himself. The runelike spores are the physical manifestation of this curse, a corruption of the natural world.


Rune Rot manifests in a terrifying display:
  • Ominous Runes: Glowing red runes appear on leaves and stalks, a harbringer of the coming blight.
  • Unnatural Luminescence: A sickly red glow emanates from the infected areas, pulsing with an unnatural light.
  • Rapid Decay: Plants wither and die at an alarming riate, their lifeless husks radiating a faint red luminescence.
  • Runelike Spores of Corruption: The husks erupt, releasing clouds of glowing red runelike spores that carry the curse to new victims.


Treating Rune Rot is a desperate struggle, with limted success. Some approaches are:
  • Religous Rites: Farmes try to appease Morgance through elaborate offerings and prayers. This effectiveness remains unproven. Though faith offers solace and a sense of control during outbreaks
  • Healer Concoctions: Healers create special concoctions using rare herbs and minerals believed to purify the soil and ward off the curse. The effectiveness of these concoctions varies greatly.
  • Burning the Blight Extreme measures involv burning infected crops but also valuable resources. The Wilders are left to handle this as they can usually heal the land afterward.


Once a plant is infected with Rune Rot, the prognosis is grim. The disease progresses rapidly, and ther's no known cure. Entire fields have been wiped out in days.


The devestation extends beyond the immediate loss of crops. Long-term consequences of Rune Rote are:
  • Famine and Malnutrition: Widespread outbreaks lead to food shortages, malnutrition, and social unrest.
  • Economic Hardship: Farmers lose thier crops and income, crippling local ecominies.
  • Loss of Morale: The seemingly unstoppable nature of the curse can lead to despair and loss of faith among the populace.

Affected Groups

Rune Rot's impact is felt all across Tangwyn.
  • Farmers: They bear the brunt of the disease, losing crops and livelihoods.
  • Merchants and Traders: Food shortages disrupt trade and pricing.
  • Ruling Class: Unrest due to hunger and economic hardship threaten their power.

Hosts & Carriers

Rune Rot primarily targets crops vital to Tangwyn's food supply. This makes grains highly susceptible with fruits and vegetable be hit as well. Some nonfood plants like the Rhosyn can become infected..   Unidentified Carriers: Since tranmission is a mystery, The Wilders have theories about carriers of the disease. This includes insects and rodents.


While a true cure rmains elusive, sveral methods are used to try and prevent Rune Rot outbreaks.
  • Crop and Field Rotation: Planting different crops in succession and in different fields helps disrupt the life cycle of the fungal pathegen, making it harder for the disease to establish itself.
  • Herbal Repllents: Certain herbs with strong odors are believed to ward off the curse. Their effectiveness is debatable but they are a common prevtative measure.


The Wilders have been working to understand the spread of Rune Rot. They believe this is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies. They have focusing on:
  • Mapping Outbreaks: Tracking the geographical spread of Rune Rot to idenify potential risk zones and target resources.
  • Studying the Runelike Spores: Research into the prperties and behavior of the spore may lead to ways to neutralize them or prevent them from spreading.
  • Investigating Etheral Agents: The Wilders track down rumors of cursed creatures or souls that haven't passed on to see if there's truth in them. And if so, trying to understand them to determine if they are the transmission of Rune Rot.


The first outbreak of Rune Rot happend in 175 Before Civil War, nearly 150 seasons after The Shattering. It devestated entire swaths of farmlands. It reappears periodically, leaving famine and despair in its wake. It has disappeared since Mordoth released Damijan.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio and Canva


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