
The mochyn were originally hunted before being domesticated by the Wind Riders group of the Outlanders before The Shattering. They used to roam in herds and were larger with tusks.

Basic Information


Strong, mobile snouts with large rounded ears. Small eyes with good peripheral vision. Robust muscular torso and short, strong legs, Short, curly tail. Digestive system is adapted for an omnivorous diet. Nervous system is well-developed with good learning capabilites.

Biological Traits

Strong snouts for digging food out of the soil. Intelligent enough to outsmart predators and be creative in finding food

Genetics and Reproduction

Coloring is mostly reddish-brown or grey with lighter coloring around the snout and eyes. There are some mochyns that are black, spotted or albinos.   All mochyns reproduce sexually. Gestation is 4 moon's cycles.

Growth Rate & Stages

Babes: Born blind and helpless. They become mobile within a few sennights. They rely on their mothers for milk and protection.   Juveniles: Mochyns reach sexual maturity aroun 1 seasonal cycle. Growth sees them becoming increasingly indepedent.   Adult: They reach full size by 3 to 4 seasonal cycles. They may reproduce throughout their adult life.

Ecology and Habitats

by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe
Mochyns used to roam the plains and forests of Tangwyn, eating plants, roots, insects and dead animals. The tusks they once had allowed them to dig roots up (which their strong snouts helped with). They would also use their tusks to turn over logs to find insects to eat. While, by nature, they didn't actively hunt other animals, when they came across a dead, decaying animal, their tusks were valuable in getting to the meat they wanted for food.   Now they are found on farms all across the Kingdom of Merkan and the Kingdom of Natal

Additional Information


They have been bred to be gentler, somewhat smaller and have no tusks.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are used for their meat as food, hides for clothing, shelter, and crafter, and fat is sued for cooking, candles and various other products.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can be found all across Tangwyn, with the highest concentrations in the Kingdom of Merkan. Second highest concentration is in the Kingdom of Natal.

Average Intelligence

The Mochyn has basic problem-solving skills, equivelent to a young one of 6 seasonal cycles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eyes are good at detecting movement, identifying threats and food. Excellent hearing for detecting threats or hearing other mochyn. Strong sense of smell crucial for finding food and identifying groups. Taste is well-developed to distinguished between different types of foods. Snouts are sensitive for rooting and exploring.
Scientific Name
Sus Tangwyniensis Mochyn
12 to 15 seasonal cycles
Average Height
31 to 39 inches at shoulder
Average Weight
330 to 550 lbs.
Average Length
5 to 6.5 feet from snout to tail
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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