The Ashai Ethnicity in Sielah Universe | World Anvil

The Ashai


The Ashai are descendents of a desert people in which Arlais sought power over. They were a tribe know for their connection to the land, their holy men, and a budding use of magick. However, Arlais' hunger for power corrupted their way of life.

The Shattering

Arlais, in her lust for power, severed the desert from its neiboring fertile region, creating a magickal wasteland now know as the Ashrost. This devastation forced the Ashai people to become nomads, forever wandering the unforgiving Ashrost and living in the caverns of the area.

The The Ashai's Curse

Arlais' mususe of magick left a lingering curse on the Ashai and the AshrostThe land itself became unstable, choked by a magickal ash that stuns plant growth, and weakens magick users. The Ashai are unable to leave the Ashrost, tethered to the land by Arlais lingering magick, as she is frozen into a block of ice.

Culture and Society:

  • Weakened Magick: Ashia magick is a pale shawdow of its former glory. They can perform basic feats like healing minor wounds or maniuplating the elements on a small scale, but grand dispalys of magick are a distant memory.
  • Balancing the Curse: The Ashai have been striving to undo the damage Arlais caused. They do what they can to provide environmental restoration and they live in harmony with the harsh land.
  • Nomadic Survival: Like their ancestors, the Ashai trvel the Ashrost in caravans. They hunt and forage, to supplement what little they can grown in the caverns.
  • Oral History and Prophecy: The Ashai's stories carey cautionary tales about magick and the importance of using it responsibly. A prophecy whispers of a descendent of Arlais's who will have the power to heal the Ashrost and free the Ashai people.

Uniqueness and Tensions

  • Magickally Deficient: The Ashai struggle to maintain their magickal abilities due to the weakened magick in the Ashrost. The makes them vulnerable against those who wield strong magick.
  • Distrust of Outsiders: The hardships the Ashai have gone through have bred suspicion of outsiders. The Ashai fear those who might exploint the Ashrost's magikcal properties or a seeking power. But despite this, there have been a few outsiders accepted by the Ashai.
  • Hope for Redemption: Despite everything they have been through, the Ashair clin to the hope of breaking the curse and returning to a life of balance with the land. The prophecy of a descendant of Arlais fuels their belief.
  Note: For now, the Ashai are a people burdened by thier past and tied to land ravaged by magick. Their hope and belief are a big part of what helps them survive in the Ashrost.
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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