The Shattering


The prophecy was foretold by a wise man of The Ashai who saw what Arlais's insatiable hunger for power would bring to his people and to the land. It is a chilling prophecy full of despair but there is still a flicker of hope in it.


All of The Ashai know about the prophecy. It has been passed down through the generations by oral tradition. It's also written on scrolls that are kept safe in specially designed rooms within the cave systems that The Ashai live in now.   In the current era, no one on the other continent know anything about this prophecy because knowledge of the other continent, the Shattering, and The Ashai have been forgotten. It is unknown if anyone knew about the prophecy right after the Shattering happened. Though it is possible for Ciannedra to have known given her connection to Magick, the land, and to her children.

In Art

Artwork is depicted on cavern walls and in tapestries. Many of the scenes depict Arlais standing over the wise man. There are some art that shows what the artist thinks the land looked like before the Shattering and what the other continent may look like. There's also depcitions of the sea since most believe that the young woman prophesied to save them won't be from among their own ranks.
Date of First Recording
03/28/0075 Before Civil War
Date of Setting
Near future and distant future
Telling / Prose
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio


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