Whippled-Nethers Physical / Metaphysical Law in Sielah Universe | World Anvil


What is it?

The Whippled-Nethers is a warm, milky mist located in space near Tangwyn. It is a place where Morgance (with the help of the Priests on Tangwyn) collect the souls of the deceased.

Why? And What do the Souls get?

Morgance cares for her people in life and in death. With their souls in the Whippled-Nethers, she is able to keep watch over them and commune with them. The souls also commune with each other and are able to continue relationships established in life. As they are non-coporeal, they have limitations in what they can do. They cannot leve the Whippled-Nethers or it means complete death.

How it came into being

Morgance created the Whippled-Nethers after being ejected from her birth universe. She tried to reestablish the River Norisea (a river that flowed through all of creation from which mortals got their life source from). But standing in the empty void with no universe, no life around her, Morgance did what she could. She collected up the dust remenants of the river but it wouldn't become a river again. The mist is what she got.

Another How

The River Norisea was destroyed by the God Tynan right before he attacked his father, The Great One.
Metaphysical, Divine
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio and NightCafe


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