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Asha & Orgus (A-sha & Oar-gus)

Asha & Orgus are the children of Maia and Baal, the resulting offspring from the intercourse that happened in the myth of The Maiming of Liadriel. They are the Gods, and ostensibly the progenitors of the orcs. Asha is said to have all of their mother's beauty and cunning, while Orgus has all of their father's courage and determination. Unsurprisingly they are worshipped by orcs everywhere, but other people, who have suffered exile and humiliation are also known to worship them, although in secret.

Divine Domains

Asha & Orgus are the Gods of Exile, Defiance and Warfare.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The totem animals associated with Asha & Orgus are wolves, and it is a common symbol of them. Their favoured weapons are a battleaxe (Orgus) and a single-edged sword (Asha). Other symbols of Asha & Orgus are an orc jaw with one broken tusk, a clenched fist and an axe and a sword crossed in front of a round shield.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Male & Female
Related Myths


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