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First Protector of Panaxia

The First Protector is the ruler of the Panaxian Protectorate, and is elected to that position by a select group of Panaxians called electors, for a 12 year term. The first First Protector was the warrior who founded the Askari family, and the title has since been passed mostly between the most influential and powerful heads of the four families.


A prospective Protector must stand for election no earlier than one year before the election, and must formally declare their intentions before the Synod of Elders. They need not themselves have any specific standing within Panaxian society, but they must find 14 electors who will vouch for them, so candidates are usually powerful and influential Panaxians, and almost always electors themselves. There are 317 elector rings, all of which are in the hands of official electors, but they are not all required to vote. only 159 votes must be cast for an election to be valid, because not all electors may be ready when an election is called. An elector may have died without transferring their title and ring to an official heir, so the process of transfer is still in dispute, or an elector may be travelling far away. Througout history rings have been lost and needed to be replaced, a slow, bureaucratic process, and sometimes rings have been found decades or centuries later, causing even more confussion and consternation. When a First Protector dies during their term, a special election is held (still with 159 votes required), but the elected protector only serves out the term of the deceased, so that the 12 year cycle can remain in place as it has since the country was founded. A person may only serve two terms as First Protector, and this includes partial terms, following deaths.


The first Protector is responsible for the safety of the realm, both internal and external, so they lead the armies of Panaxia as well as oversee the city guards and bailiffs. They are also responsible for the collection of taxes and the improvement of the realm. They can delegate alot of this responsibility among the Synod of Elders.
The crest of Panaxia, which the First Protector and his retinue may use only while he or she hold the title.
Royalty, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
My Lord Protector
Source of Authority
The Panaxian Electors
Length of Term
12 years


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