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Panaxians (Pa-NAX-ians)

The Panaxians are the small folk who live at the foot of the Nievan Mountains, who are often called gnomes. They are a proud people, who, despite being closely intertwined with the Duurian culture and dependent on their protection, as well as the mercantile opportunities of the Empire of Dunor, they have maintained an independent culture, and remained mostly selfgoverned since the early Golden Epoch. Today their land formally falls under the protection of Duurheim, but they are still an independent country.

While many Panaxians are farmers and shepherds, to feed their society, a disproportionate number of them are scholars, scribes, alchemists and wizards, who bring a lot of wealth to their society by hiring their sought after skills to foreigners.

Most Panaxians are small folk, whom outsiders usually refer to as gnomes, but they are not averse to inviting strangers into their society, so in the Silver Epoch there are a sizable minority of non-gnome Panaxians, mainly dwarves and humans. Panaxian gnomes tend to have brown skin, ranging from light to dark, and dark hair, though they often have skyblue coloured eyes.

There are very few temples that can be found in Panaxian society, and they are all dedicated to Rhya. Panaxians also worship Hastor and Morgesh, but only at private shrines that some Panaxians will keep in their homes.


Major language groups and dialects

Panaxians speak their own language, with the same name as their culture, which most outsiders just call Gnomish, but pretty much all Panaxians also speak Dunorian or Duurian, depending on who they live closest to, and this will also often be the language they converse in on a daily basis, making Panaxian almost like a secret language, shared only in private among gnomes.


Languages: Panaxian - Sarkaran - Choose either Dunorian or Duurian

Weapon Proficiencies: Sickle, Sling, Light Crossbow

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Mason's tools, Calligrapher's supplies, Tinker's tools, Alchemist's supplies
A Panaxian apothecary.
The town of Sina Abbasnia.


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