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Manticores are vicious, monstrous creatures, whose origins are believed to go back to the War of Ashes, where they were created to serve the Lords of Malice. They live like wild beasts, but have the intelligence of an average human, and can learn to speak, though they rarely bother, unless they live close to civilized creatures they might interact with. They hunt and eat most anything, and are not above eating carrion when they can find it, and are even happier to have other, lesser creatures find food for them, if they can intimidate them or bargain with them. They do not like other manticores though, and protect their territory fiercely from the encroachment of rivals. The exception to this is when a male is seeking a mate, or on the rare occasion that a manticore succeeds on subjugating other manticores, which then makes them a terrible force to be reckoned with.

Manticore CR: 3

Large monstrosity, neutral evil
Armor Class: 14 (natural armour)
Hit Points: 68 8d10+24
Speed: 6 Squares , fly: 10 Squares


17 +3


16 +3


17 +3


7 -2


12 +1


8 -1

Senses: Darkvision 12 squares, Passive Perception 11
Languages: Maquirian, Sometimes the local language
Challenge Rating: 3

Tail Spike Regrowth: The manticore has twenty-four tail spikes. Used spikes regrow when the manticore finishes a long rest.


Multiattack: The manticore makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws or three with its tail spikes.   Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1 square, one target. Hit: 7 1d8+3 piercing damage.   Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1 square, one target. Hit: 6 1d6+3 slashing damage.   Tail Spike: Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/40 squares, one target. Hit: 7 1d8+3 piercing damage.

Manticores have a feline body with reptilian wings and a scorpion-like tail, which is covered in small vicious barbs. Often they also have antlers or horns on their head, and their eyes are monochrome.
Manticores are usually solitary, but "Manticore Kings" have been known to rise to power from time to time, who gather many lesser manticores under them to conquer and rule over other species.


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