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Sessions 4-5-6: Lake Stratos Cont. Report

General Summary

Early in the day our adventurers approached the marketplace eager to resupply and open to the possibilities of gaining valuable information. After dispersing and making our various purchases we met Old Grace a fruit vendor who offered up some of her rare fruits. On the way out we stopped at Linkela's to follow up on the situation with the water. She confirms that the river is fed by the spring underneath Lake Stratos. Sealah states that to reach the spring there is extreme cold and strong currents. He and Linkela share a moment about him being the physical manifestation of the lake, and we learn that Stratos is illiterate(Could be lying?). Linkela insists that we keep the situation with the water and her clay hush hush, and our heroes agree.   Meanwhile, it seems that a commotion was stirred up outside of the raptor hall! A mechanical bird appears to be causing issues with the trained birds, even going so far as to attack them; much to the chagrin of the falconeers. Acting quickly, Zephyra, casts a magic missile and brings the mechanical menace to the ground. Our intrepid heroes bound towards the wreckage, and are met with a sobbing child. She snatches up the wreckage and the glowing crystal being investigated by Zephyra and admonishes the party for breaking the anvilwrought and begins to leave as mysteriously as she appeared.   Decisively, the party decides to follow the child and discovers her in an alley repairing the anvilwrought and saying that she needs to return to the "others". Not wanting to miss an opportunity to learn more about this girl, her abilities, the crystals and these "others" the party continues to follow closely. She finally stops at a clearing in the woods, where several other anvilwrought owls come to her side, it seems she may be the creator of these owls. Ellisandre and fabian make themselves known and attempt to learn more about this kid and make amends for the bird situation, but it is futile.
Continuing on their errands for the day the party brings themselves to the shrine of fenix; a large prismatic ore, which doubles as a local forge managed by fennekis (sp?) the ripped, renowned blacksmith. After talking business and delivering the order for 4 platinum badges, our party decides to question the blacksmit about anvilwrought, to which she responds that she has never seen one and they are more of the stuff of legend. Zephyra points out the similarities between ellisandre's ammo and the crystal powering the anvilwrought. Becoming friendly, fennekis decides to share a legend about mt dracolis.   Purphorous built his first castle deep beneath the mountain, he would create anvilwroughts there such as a flying ram or two headed dragon, etc. but in time he decided that the forge and castle were no good, and he needed something else. He left thraxis (sp?) as a caretaker, this dragon captured a phoenix heart and used it to power the forge. Fennekis believes that a phoenix heart forge could be used to forge legendary armor/weapons if the stories are true. Fabian says hes gonna go there and gonna secure it for fennekis.   Having prepped and gotten all errands out of the way, our adventurers get down to business and decide to head to dawngrete (sp?) in order to investigate lake stratos. We are greeted by Yoti, Fabians mother, who fusses over him and sealah and is happy to have company. She provides wine, food, and fine herb. The party shares why they are there and attempts to get information about the lake.   For all of the local occupants the spring beneath the lake lies as a mystery, most not even knowing about its existence. It is not until Sealah communes with nature and the lake itself that he learns of a path to this void beneath. Deciding that he must scout it out, he dives to the bottom and discovers a cavern lost to time. After returning to the rest of the party, a plan was devised to venture the depths together and explore the cavern.
Exploration of the cavern reveals that this cave has become home to a number of flailsnails, whose shells contain antimagic properties. Many of these snails climb the walls and line it with this mucous which also contains those properties. Zephyra theorizes that this mucous may be leaking into the water and removing some of the positive magical properties which have existed there for a long time.   The other major feature of the cavern are some large ruins which seem to be almost entirely unrecognizable. Zephyra believed this to be related to the ancient empires that modern societies dont know much about, and the party gets to investigating. Alas, the efforts yield little more than a dead flailsnail adorning one of the braziers, upon lifting the snailshell a rumbling occurs and a freaking hydra jumps out of the wall.   An epic struggle occurs with the hydra defending its territory, its scales covered in the pearlescent mucous of the flailsnails returning our magic spells back at us, and regrowing heads at each significant blow we deal. Finally culminating in two of ours; fabian and sealah ending up unconscious, but with the body of the hydra slewn at the bottom of the cavern.   acting quickly, zephyra and ellisandre stablise their friends and look for a way out, determining their best course of escape to be the giant hole made by the body of the hydra. with some climbers gear and a creative use of wildshape the two are able to make it to the surface, alerting the nearby satyrs for help     In the following hours, fabian and sealah were sent to recover at Hermynias, where a makeshift meeting was set up with anthousa regarding the information discovered regarding the water, and the issue with linkelas clay. Anthousa thanked the party and advised to keep their discoveries a secret.
The Leviathalas Campaign
Zephyra Haladiin
LN Eladrin Elf (Sage)
Wizard 14
80 / 86 HP
Fabian Lavigne
Chaotic Good Satyr (Folk Hero)
Bard 14
115 / 115 HP
Ellisandre Duskblossom
Chaotic Neutral Wood Elf (Urchin)
Druid 9
Rogue 5
40 / 101 HP
Stratos Sealàh
Chaotic Good Naiad (Nymph)
Sorcerer 14
44 / 111 HP
Report Date
14 Dec 2021


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