The Order of Valindria

The Goluk War posed a grave threat to the elves of Va'len, endangering their existence and leaving their homeland devastated. Amidst this chaos, General Virion Draunus, a wood elf believed to be deceased along with his forces after the Battle of Ashen Wood, emerged and formed the Order of Valindria. This specialized task force dedicated themselves to safeguarding the remaining elven population. In the aftermath of the war, they played a crucial role in establishing and defending new settlements along the northern borders of the former country of Leona, which eventually became United Leona. The persistent threats of gnolls and orcs from the east necessitated the vigilance of the Order to ensure the safety of their people.   The Order had a twofold mission: protecting their kin and seeking retribution against the remaining members of the Goluk, as well as unraveling the mysteries surrounding this cult. They were largely successful in hunting down their hated enemies, but by 875 A.T.C (After The Collapse), their pursuit had reached a stalemate. Lacking jurisdiction in Leona and desiring a more secure refuge for the elven-kind, Draunus and Lady Faeloda, the appointed political leader of the Va'len elves following the demise of the Va'len Royal Family, approached King Leona XVIII to negotiate the inclusion of displaced elves within Leona.   Before the completion of what would later be known as The Palacor Agreement, the elves seeking refuge were welcomed into Leona. As part of the agreement, the Order of Valindria became an enlisted special military unit and representatives, serving as escorts for diplomatic missions to other countries.   This agreement would come as necessary when tensions began to escalate between Argos, Leona, and Quazadun. Leona's military required reinforcement, and The Order answered their call.   The consequences of this decision would become apparent during what would later be known as the Quazad - Leona War during 1121 A.T.C, resulting in the loss of numerous original members of the Order of Valindria. However, Draunus accepted these terms with the firm belief that the loyalty between the Order and the elven people took precedence over everything else, including the eradication of the Goluk threat and the war they then took part in.   Years have passed since the agreement was made, and the Valindria Order has experienced a decline in numbers. Nevertheless, their ranks have been replenished by individuals of various races, predominantly humans and half-elves. Presently, their responsibilities primarily involve guarding and maintaining law and order in smaller regions of United Leona, where the military's presence is less pronounced, as well as combating and subduing monsters and fiends.   Reflecting the changing times, the Order has evolved into a diverse group with members from different backgrounds and beliefs. Nonetheless, being welcomed into their ranks remains an immensely prestigious honor. The Valindria Order continues to stand as one of the most formidable, respected, and efficient fighting forces in the entire realm of Eos.


The Order of Valindria is a prestigious organization divided into three major branches, each with its own unique purpose and characteristics.   White Company   The White Company, also known as the Valindria Paladins, is the original group of the Order. Its members, who mostly consist of wood elves, have distinct features such as white hair and brown or olive-colored skin. Due to their involvement in the Quazad-Leona War, there are only a few remaining original members. However, these experienced individuals pass on their teachings and train aspiring members. Joining the White Company requires exceptional martial skill, magical aptitude, and a clear devotion to the gods of Va'lis. Once accepted, initiates take an oath of servitude to the Order, gaining access to its inner secrets.   Red Company   The Red Company, known as the Valindria Clerics, is marked by their attire of dark red robes and, in some cases, dark red hair. They believe that this unique appearance signifies a blessing bestowed by Valindria herself, recognizing their commitment to utilizing her divine flame for healing and nurturing. Whenever there is war, death, pain, or suffering, the arrival of a cleric from the Order of Valindria brings hope and reassurance.   Black Company   The Black Company, reserved for recruits from various backgrounds, provides opportunities for individuals from any race who wish to join the Order. Prospective members undergo rigorous training and are organized into battalions. Their responsibilities include maintaining law and order in small towns, protecting high-value targets, escorting and safeguarding dignitaries, as well as developing expertise in tracking and hunting to eliminate specific monsters and aberrations.   Regardless of the chosen company, induction into the Order of Valindria is a challenging process. The elven and half-elven people of Eos hold the Order in the highest regard, considering it an incredibly honorable achievement to become a member.


  • Culture of the Order of Valindria
The culture of the Order of Valindria is deeply rooted in its reverence for nature, the cosmos, and the principles set forth by its divine patron, Valindria. This culture is characterized by several core beliefs and customs that shape the way its members perceive and interact with the world around them:   1. Harmony with Nature: The Order places a strong emphasis on living in harmony with nature. Members believe that the natural world is a reflection of divine beauty and that they have a sacred duty to protect and preserve it. They strive to minimize their impact on the environment and often engage in reforestation and conservation efforts.   2. Celestial Connection: Valindria's celestial origins play a significant role in the culture of the Order. Members often stargaze and study the night sky as a way to connect with their divine patron. They believe that the cosmos hold hidden truths and seek to understand the mysteries of the universe through astronomy and astrology.   3. Community and Unity: The Order fosters a sense of community and unity among its members. They believe that by working together and supporting one another, they can better fulfill their mission to protect the vulnerable and promote balance in the world. Shared rituals and gatherings strengthen these bonds.   4. Reverence for Fire: Fire is seen as a symbol of transformation and renewal, reflecting Valindria's essence. Members often incorporate fire into their rituals and ceremonies, and they view controlled burns as a way to rejuvenate forests and promote new growth.   5. Respect for Elders: Elders within the Order are highly respected for their wisdom and experience. They often serve as mentors to younger members, passing down knowledge and traditions. This respect for elders is seen as a reflection of the Order's commitment to preserving wisdom and tradition.   6. Diplomacy and Peacemaking: The Order places a strong emphasis on diplomacy and peacemaking. They believe in resolving conflicts through peaceful means whenever possible and work to mediate disputes between different factions or nations. This commitment to diplomacy aligns with their goal of promoting balance and harmony.   7. Mystical Practices: The Order engages in various mystical practices, including meditation, divination, and elemental magic. These practices are seen as a way to attune themselves to the natural world and the cosmic forces that shape it. They often seek guidance from celestial signs and omens.   8. Annual Festivals: The Order celebrates several annual festivals dedicated to Valindria and the natural world. These festivals often involve fire-dancing, music, and rituals that honor the changing seasons and celestial events.   9. Humility and Service: Members of the Order are taught to be humble and to prioritize service to others. They view themselves as stewards of the land and protectors of the vulnerable. Acts of kindness and service are considered pious acts that align with their faith.   10. Cosmic Responsibility: The Order believes in a cosmic responsibility to maintain balance in the world. They see themselves as agents of Valindria's will, working tirelessly to ensure that the forces of nature and the cosmos are kept in equilibrium.

Public Agenda

1. Environmental Stewardship: The foremost goal of the Order is the preservation and restoration of the natural world. They are dedicated to safeguarding forests, rivers, and all aspects of the environment. This includes efforts to combat deforestation, pollution, and the destruction of ecosystems. Their aim is to leave a healthier and more vibrant world for future generations.   2. Protection of Vulnerable Populations: The Order sees it as their sacred duty to protect and support vulnerable communities, including refugees, displaced persons, and those affected by conflicts or disasters. They provide shelter, food, and aid to those in need and advocate for their rights and well-being.   3. Advocacy for Diplomacy: The Order actively promotes diplomacy and peaceful conflict resolution as the preferred means of resolving disputes. They work as mediators and facilitators in conflicts, striving to bring warring parties to the negotiation table and avoid further bloodshed.   4. Celestial Understanding: Members of the Order are dedicated to deepening their understanding of the cosmos and its significance. They engage in celestial research and share their findings with the broader world. This includes educating others about the interconnectedness of all living beings and the impact of cosmic forces on the natural world.   5. Crisis Response: The Order maintains a rapid-response team that can be deployed in times of natural disasters, conflicts, or other crises. They provide emergency relief, medical aid, and support to affected communities. Their response is swift and compassionate, embodying their commitment to service.   6. Promotion of Fire-Based Renewal: Valindria's association with fire symbolizes transformation and renewal. The Order actively practices controlled burns and other fire-based techniques to rejuvenate forests and promote new growth. They believe that fire, when harnessed responsibly, can be a force for positive change in the natural world.   7. Cultural Preservation: The Order recognizes the importance of cultural diversity and works to preserve the traditions and knowledge of various communities. They document oral histories, protect sacred sites, and support cultural exchange to ensure that rich cultural heritages are not lost.   8. Cosmic Balance: Above all, the Order seeks to maintain cosmic balance. They see themselves as cosmic stewards, striving to ensure that the forces of nature and the celestial realms remain in equilibrium. Their actions are guided by a deep respect for the intricate web of life and the interconnectedness of all things.   9. Education and Outreach: The Order is committed to educating the public about their beliefs and practices. They hold workshops, lectures, and open ceremonies to foster understanding and cooperation among different communities. Their aim is to inspire others to join their cause and work together for a better world.   10. Unity and Peace: The overarching motivation of the Order is the promotion of unity and peace. They believe that by working together, respecting the natural world, and seeking harmony with the cosmos, they can create a world where all beings thrive in balance and serenity.

Divine Origins

The origins of the Order of Valindria can be traced back to the aftermath of the Goluk War and the devastation it brought to the elven nation of Va'len. The religion developed as a response to the need for spiritual guidance, protection, and the preservation of elven culture and heritage. Here's an overview of its origins:   1. The Goluk War (868 ATC - 872 ATC): The Goluk War, a conflict between The Goluk cult and the elven inhabitants of Va'len, was a turning point in the history of the elves. This war devastated the elven kingdom, and many believed that Va'len was forever cursed due to the destruction it witnessed.   2. Foundation of the Order (873 ATC): After the Goluk War, the survivors of the elven nation of Va'len, along with some sympathetic allies, came together to form the Order of Valindria. These survivors were deeply committed to protecting the remaining refugees and ensuring the safety and well-being of the vulnerable population left in the wake of the war.   3. The Palacor Agreement (875 ATC): The Palacor Agreement, established through diplomatic negotiations among the various nations of Eos, granted sanctuary to all elves who sought refuge during the Goluk War. Lady Faeloda was appointed as the representative of the elven people in matters of governance.   4. The Greening Initiative (880 ATC - 900 ATC): The Order of Valindria, along with the support of Utharian druids and mages, initiated the Greening Initiative to restore the ravaged lands of Va'len. This endeavor aimed to rejuvenate significant portions of Va'len and symbolized the hope for the eventual restoration of the forest nation.   5. Days of Ash (902 ATC - 905 ATC): Unfortunately, the Greening Initiative's success was short-lived, as the lands of Va'len suffered another devastating setback during the Days of Ash. Mysterious and chaotic magics regressed the lands, rendering them barren and ashen. This event raised questions about whether Va'len was cursed beyond restoration.   6. The Va'len Exile (920 ATC): As a result of the ongoing misfortunes in Va'len, a majority of its remaining inhabitants chose to leave their homeland for good, seeking refuge in other parts of Eos. This somber exodus marked a symbolic end to the hopes of reclaiming Va'len.   Throughout these tumultuous events, the Order of Valindria played a central role in offering solace, protection, and spiritual guidance to the displaced elves and other faithful followers. They interpreted the cataclysmic events as tests of faith and perseverance. The religion's teachings evolved from these experiences, emphasizing the importance of unity, the balance between cosmic and fiery forces, and the enduring connection to the divine, even in the face of adversity. Today, the Order of Valindria remains a guiding light for its followers, continuing to adapt to the changing circumstances of Eos.

Cosmological Views

  • Cosmic Origins
The Order of Valindria holds a unique cosmological belief system that intertwines elements of celestial and elemental forces. According to their teachings, the universe came into being through the interplay of these fundamental forces.   1. The Celestial Realm:At the heart of their cosmology lies the Celestial Realm, personified by Elrod, the god of stars and celestial bodies. It is believed that Elrod, in his boundless power and wisdom, created the cosmos, breathing life into the stars and celestial phenomena. These celestial bodies are seen as the embodiment of order, light, and guidance. In the Order's cosmology, the celestial realm is the source of purity and enlightenment, symbolizing the higher planes of existence.   2. The Elemental Realms: Surrounding the Celestial Realm are the Elemental Realms, each associated with one of the classical elements: earth, air, fire, and water. These realms represent the raw forces of creation and destruction. Fayeth, the goddess of earth and mother of Elrod, is regarded as the guardian of the Elemental Realms. In this cosmology, these elemental realms are seen as the forge in which the universe was shaped, with elements coming together to form planets, landscapes, and life itself.  
  • Creation Myth
The Order of Valindria teaches a creation myth that emphasizes the interplay between the Celestial and Elemental Realms. According to their beliefs:  
  • In the beginning, there was only the Celestial Realm, with Elrod as its radiant sovereign. The vast cosmic expanse was pure and ordered, with stars and celestial bodies filling the void.
  • Fayeth, the goddess of earth and the mother of Elrod, extended her influence into the cosmos, intertwining the forces of the celestial and elemental realms. Her touch gave rise to the first planets and realms within the universe.
  • Lucx, the god of the afterlife and guide of souls, emerged from the weave of these cosmic forces. His role was to ensure the cycle of existence remained unbroken, guiding souls through the celestial realms upon their passing.
  • Valindria, the daughter of Elrod and a celestial being, fell from the Celestial Realm to Eos, the mortal realm. Her arrival brought the element of fire to Eos, forever linking her essence to the flames.
  • The harmony of these celestial and elemental forces gave rise to life in the universe. Stars provided light and guidance, while the elements nurtured landscapes and creatures.
    • The Balance of Creation
    Central to the Order's cosmology is the concept of balance. They believe that the cosmos thrives when the celestial and elemental forces are in harmony. This balance is not only external but also internal, emphasizing the need for individuals to find equilibrium within themselves.  
  • Balance in Nature: The Order teaches that nature itself is a reflection of this cosmic balance. The elements of earth, air, fire, and water must coexist harmoniously to maintain the vitality of ecosystems and landscapes.
  • Balance within the Self: Individuals are encouraged to seek balance within themselves by nurturing both their celestial qualities (such as wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment) and their elemental qualities (like passion, creativity, and strength). Finding this inner balance is seen as a path to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
    • The Divine Purpose
    The Order of Valindria believes that understanding and upholding this cosmic balance is their divine purpose. They see themselves as guardians of both the physical world and the spiritual realm, with the duty to protect and guide those who seek their wisdom.

    Tenets of Faith

    1. Nurture the Flame Within: This tenet encourages the faithful to recognize and cultivate the inner spark of passion and vitality. It emphasizes the importance of kindling one's own inner fire while respecting the fiery nature of Valindria.   2. Guardianship of the Land: The faithful are called to be stewards of the natural world, protecting and preserving it from harm. This tenet underscores the responsibility of safeguarding the forests, waters, and creatures of Eos.   3. Balance in All Things: Valindria's faith teaches that balance is essential to harmony in the world. Followers are urged to seek equilibrium in their actions, emotions, and relationships, avoiding extremes and excess.   4. Renewal Through Adversity: This tenet acknowledges that even in destruction, there is the potential for rebirth and renewal. It encourages the faithful to find strength and growth in the face of adversity, mirroring the transformative power of fire.   5. Unity in Diversity: The Order of Valindria promotes unity among diverse peoples and cultures. Followers are expected to embrace differences and work together for the common good, just as different elements come together to sustain life.   6. The Flame's Gift: Valindria's flames offer warmth, light, and transformation. This tenet inspires the faithful to use their talents and abilities to bring positive change to the world, illuminating the path for others.   7. Protection of the Vulnerable: Valindria's faith prioritizes the safeguarding of those in need. Followers are called to be protectors of the weak, the displaced, and the marginalized, upholding justice and compassion.   8. The Dance of Creation: This tenet celebrates the divine dance between nature and fire, symbolizing the intricate relationship between Aundriel and Valindria. It encourages the faithful to find beauty and inspiration in the natural world.   9. Harmony with the Cosmos: Valindria's faithful are invited to contemplate the cosmos and the interconnectedness of all things. This tenet emphasizes the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, seeking knowledge as a form of veneration.   10. Eternal Vigilance: Finally, this tenet underscores the ongoing commitment to protect and renew the world. The faithful are called to remain vigilant, watching over those who need guidance and offering hope in times of darkness.


    1. Upholding the Balance: Central to the faith is the idea of upholding the balance of the universe. Followers are encouraged to strive for harmony in all aspects of life. This includes not only avoiding actions that disrupt balance but actively working to restore equilibrium when it is disrupted.   2. Cherishing the Light Within: Valindria's teachings emphasize the inherent goodness and potential for growth within every individual. Faithful are encouraged to recognize and nurture the "light" within themselves and others, promoting personal development and enlightenment.   3. Guarding Against the Darkness: Followers are expected to be vigilant in guarding against threats to the balance and harmony of the world. This includes taking a stand against malevolent forces and actions that seek to bring chaos or harm.   4. Seeking Knowledge: Understanding the cosmos and the mysteries of the universe is considered a form of veneration. Faithful are encouraged to seek knowledge, pursue wisdom, and engage in scholarly pursuits to deepen their understanding of the world.   5. Compassion and Healing: Acts of compassion and healing are seen as pious acts. Providing aid and comfort to those in need, whether physical or spiritual, is highly regarded. Clerics of Renewal, in particular, are tasked with tending to the wounded and sick.   6. Honoring Nature: Valindria's connection to the natural world is emphasized, and followers are encouraged to respect and protect the environment. This includes responsible stewardship of forests, rivers, and all aspects of the natural world.   7. Respecting the Flames: Fire, as a symbol of both destruction and renewal, is seen as a potent representation of Valindria's power. Followers are expected to use fire responsibly and avoid reckless actions that may cause unnecessary destruction.   8. Unity and Cooperation: Cooperation and unity among followers are strongly encouraged. The faith values community and working together to achieve common goals, whether in tending to nature or preserving the balance.   9. Forgiveness and Redemption: While guarding against darkness, the faith also teaches the value of forgiveness and redemption. Followers are encouraged to offer opportunities for those who have strayed from the path to find their way back to the light.   10. Personal Sacrifice: In some interpretations, personal sacrifice in the service of the greater good is considered a virtuous act. This may include selflessly giving to those in need or making sacrifices to restore balance.  
    • Sins and Transgressions
    Within the ethical framework of the faith, sins and transgressions can include:   - Deliberately causing harm or imbalance in the world. - Disrespecting nature or engaging in wanton destruction. - Ignoring the suffering of others or failing to offer aid when able. - Pursuing selfish or destructive goals without regard for consequences. - Abusing fire or engaging in reckless actions that harm others or the environment. - Betraying the trust and unity of the faith community. - Failing to seek redemption or refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing.  
    • Pious Acts and Virtues
    Pious acts and virtues within the faith encompass:   - Acts of compassion, kindness, and healing. - Seeking wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment. - Protecting and preserving the natural world. - Promoting unity, cooperation, and harmony. - Forgiveness and offering opportunities for redemption. - Respecting the power of fire and renewal. - Striving for personal growth and nurturing the light within.


    1. Daily Contemplation: Faithful followers often begin their day with a period of quiet contemplation. This may involve meditation, prayer, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the natural world around them. The goal is to start each day with a sense of inner peace and focus.   2. Observance of Celestial Events: Valindrians are attuned to celestial phenomena, particularly the movements of stars, planets, and celestial bodies. They may have daily rituals or moments of reflection based on celestial events, such as watching the sunrise or sunset, stargazing, or noting the phases of the moon.   3. Acts of Kindness: Valindrian worship emphasizes the importance of compassion and spreading the light of knowledge and goodness. Everyday acts of kindness, generosity, and helping those in need are considered forms of worship. This includes caring for the environment and all living beings.   4. Rituals of Renewal: Valindrians believe in the cyclical nature of existence, and many engage in rituals that symbolize renewal and rebirth. These rituals may involve purification through fire or water, such as bathing in natural springs or participating in communal bonfires.   5. Seasonal Festivals: The faith celebrates a calendar of seasonal festivals, often aligned with celestial events and the cycles of nature. These festivals are occasions for communal worship, reflection, and merriment. They may include lighting lanterns, bonfires, dancing, and communal feasting.   6. Pilgrimages: Some Valindrians undertake pilgrimages to sacred sites, often located in natural settings like mountains, forests, or pristine lakes. These journeys allow followers to deepen their connection with the divine and seek personal enlightenment.   7. Observance of Stellar Events: The Order of Valindria places great importance on celestial events, and major astronomical occurrences are often observed with elaborate rituals. Solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, and planetary alignments are considered significant moments for reflection and meditation.   8. Study and Knowledge-Seeking: The pursuit of knowledge is seen as a form of worship. Followers engage in lifelong learning, whether through formal education, reading sacred texts, or studying the natural world. Scholars, astronomers, and philosophers often play a prominent role in Valindrian communities.   9. Acts of Environmental Stewardship: Valindrians are dedicated to the protection and preservation of the natural world. Regular activities include planting trees, participating in clean-up efforts, and promoting sustainable practices within their communities.   10. Observance of Personal Balance: Valindrians strive for personal balance in all aspects of life, including work, relationships, and self-care. Regular reflection on one's actions and intentions is encouraged to maintain inner harmony.   11. Worship at Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Elrod and Valindria, often located in high places or natural settings, serve as places of worship and community gatherings. Shrines dedicated to specific aspects of the faith or celestial events are also common and provide spaces for personal devotion.   12. Sharing Stories and Wisdom: The telling of myths, legends, and stories related to the faith is a cherished tradition. Elders and clergy often share tales that carry moral lessons and insights into the cosmos.


    • Appointment and Selection
    Priests and priestesses of Valindria are typically selected from among the most devout and knowledgeable members of the faith. Their appointment is a sacred and carefully considered process, often involving a combination of divine revelation, community recognition, and formal training. Here's how they are appointed:   1. Divine Calling: Some priests and priestesses claim to have received a divine calling from Valindria herself. These individuals often experience profound visions, dreams, or encounters with divine manifestations that mark them as chosen vessels of the goddess.   2. Community Recognition: In many cases, potential priests and priestesses are identified by the community. They may have demonstrated exceptional dedication, wisdom, or leadership within the faith, earning the respect and trust of their fellow worshipers.   3. Formal Training: Once identified or called, individuals undergo formal training and education within the Order. This training includes studying sacred texts, learning the rituals and practices of the faith, and deepening their understanding of Valindria's teachings.  
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    The priesthood of Valindria encompasses various roles and responsibilities, each contributing to the guidance and spiritual well-being of the faithful. These roles include:   1. High Priest/Priestess: The highest-ranking spiritual leader within the Order, the High Priest or High Priestess, is responsible for overseeing the faith's central temple or cathedral. They lead major ceremonies, offer guidance to other clergy, and serve as a direct conduit between Valindria and her followers.   2. Temple Priests/Priestesses: These clergy members serve in local temples and shrines dedicated to Valindria. They conduct daily rituals, administer sacraments, and provide counseling and spiritual guidance to worshipers.   3. Druids and Shamans: Some priests and priestesses within the Order follow a more nature-oriented path, similar to druids or shamans. They have a deep connection to the natural world and often play a vital role in ecological preservation and healing.   4. Clerics of Renewal: A specialized group of clergy members known as Clerics of Renewal focus on the healing aspect of Valindria's portfolio. They use their knowledge of fire and renewal to tend to the wounded and sick, both physically and spiritually.   5. Teachers and Scholars: Within the priesthood, there are individuals dedicated to the study and interpretation of Valindria's teachings. They educate the faithful, write theological texts, and engage in philosophical discussions.  
    • Distinguishing Features
    Members of the Valindrian priesthood are distinguished from the rest of the faithful in several ways:   1. Attire: They often wear distinctive vestments and ceremonial robes, which may incorporate symbols of Valindria such as flames or representations of the natural world.   2. Symbols: Clergy members frequently bear symbols of their office, such as staffs, amulets, or holy books, which signify their roles and connection to the divine.   3. Training: They have undergone rigorous training in theology, ritual, and doctrine, allowing them to perform religious rites, interpret sacred texts, and provide spiritual guidance.   4. Responsibility: The clergy are responsible for conducting important religious ceremonies and ensuring the spiritual needs of the community are met. They play a central role in the worship and religious life of the faithful.   5. Leadership: High Priests and High Priestesses are considered the highest authority within the faith and hold a unique position as spiritual leaders and representatives of Valindria.

    Granted Divine Powers

    1. Pyromancy: Pyromancy is the practice of harnessing and manipulating fire and heat. Some priests and devout followers of Valindria are granted the ability to control flames, create protective barriers of fire, or summon fire for various purposes, such as purification or defense.   2. Celestial Insights: Those devoted to Elrod often possess the ability to read celestial signs and predict celestial events. This can include foretelling astronomical phenomena, such as solar eclipses or meteor showers, and interpreting their significance for the mortal world.   3. Healing through Flame: The faithful may have the power to use controlled fire for healing purposes. This could involve cauterizing wounds, reducing pain through controlled burns, or using fire's purifying properties to cleanse infections.   4. Elemental Communion: Devotees with a strong connection to Valindria may be able to commune with elemental spirits associated with fire and heat. These spirits can offer guidance, protection, or assistance in various endeavors.   5. Astral Projection: In moments of deep meditation or spiritual communion, some followers of Elrod and Valindria may experience astral projection. This allows them to journey to the celestial realms, gaining wisdom, insight, and visions of the cosmos.   6. Fire Manipulation: Skilled practitioners may have the ability to manipulate fire beyond mere control. This includes shaping flames into intricate patterns, creating fiery sculptures, or using fire as a medium for artistic expression.   7. Protection from Celestial Threats: The blessings of Elrod can offer protection from celestial threats, such as meteor showers or cosmic anomalies. Devotees may be shielded from harm during these events.   8. Starlight Vision: Priests and the deeply faithful may develop the ability to see clearly in the dark, as if guided by starlight. This enhances their ability to navigate at night and perceive hidden truths.   9. Resistance to Heat and Fire: Some followers may acquire increased resistance to extreme heat and fire, allowing them to withstand intense temperatures without harm.   10. Elemental Fusion: In moments of great need or during rituals, priests and select individuals may temporarily fuse with elemental forces. This fusion grants them enhanced abilities related to fire, such as heightened strength, speed, or agility.

    Political Influence & Intrigue

    1. Diplomatic Mediation: The Order of Valindria, with its emphasis on balance, harmony, and unity, often plays a role in mediating conflicts between different political entities. The clergy of Valindria may serve as impartial mediators in negotiations, helping to resolve disputes peacefully.   2. Environmental Policies: Regions where the faith is prevalent tend to have more environmentally conscious policies. The reverence for nature and the duty to protect it align with policies aimed at conserving forests, rivers, and other natural resources. Political leaders in these areas may consult with clerics of Valindria on environmental matters.   3. Aid and Charity: The faith's focus on compassion and healing leads to a strong presence of charitable organizations associated with the Order. These groups provide aid to the needy, including refugees, the sick, and the displaced. Political leaders may collaborate with these organizations to address social issues and alleviate suffering.   4. Ethical Governance: Valindrian ethics, which stress the importance of balance, personal growth, and respect for the light within each individual, can influence political leaders' decision-making. Leaders may adopt policies that prioritize the well-being and development of their citizens.   5. Influence on Laws: The tenets of the faith, particularly those related to personal growth, unity, and environmental stewardship, can find their way into legal systems. Laws that promote ecological conservation, social welfare, and ethical conduct may be influenced by Valindrian principles.   6. Conflict Resolution: The Order's belief in forgiveness and redemption can influence how conflicts are resolved within regions where the faith is strong. Reconciliation and rehabilitation are often favored over punitive measures, leading to more peaceful and harmonious societies.   7. Representation: In regions where elves from Va'len have sought refuge, they may be granted political representation through agreements like the Palacor Agreement. Lady Faeloda or other elven representatives may have a voice in governance, advocating for the rights and concerns of their people.   8. Cultural Exchange: The faith encourages seeking knowledge and understanding, which can promote cultural exchange and cooperation between different regions and nations. This can lead to alliances and collaborations in various fields, including the arts, sciences, and diplomacy.   9. Neutral Ground: In regions with strong Valindrian influence, places of worship and contemplation may serve as neutral ground for diplomatic negotiations. Political leaders may choose such locations for sensitive discussions, considering them to be places of balance and respect.   10. Conflict Mitigation: In regions prone to natural disasters or environmental challenges, the faith's emphasis on renewal and protection can lead to proactive measures to mitigate potential crises. Leaders may consult with Valindrian clergy for guidance on disaster preparedness and response.


    • Flameseekers
  • Beliefs: Flameseekers are characterized by their fervent devotion to Valindria's fiery aspect. They believe that the transformative power of fire is the true essence of Valindria's gift to Eos. They see purification through controlled fire as the highest form of spiritual cleansing.
  • Practices: Flameseekers engage in intense rituals involving fire, often including fire-walking, fire-breathing, and fire-dancing. They also tend to be skilled pyromancers, using their control over fire as a form of spiritual expression.
  • Perception: Mainstream followers see Flameseekers as passionate and dedicated but also potentially reckless. They respect their fiery enthusiasm while cautioning against the dangers of unchecked flames.
    • Celestial Watchers
  • Beliefs: Celestial Watchers focus primarily on Elrod's aspect as the guardian of the cosmos. They believe that the study and understanding of celestial events hold the key to divine enlightenment. Their faith is deeply intellectual and philosophical.
  • Practices: Celestial Watchers are astronomers, scholars, and stargazers. They spend their lives observing and documenting celestial phenomena, believing that the heavens are a reflection of the divine plan.
  • Perception: Mainstream followers admire the wisdom and dedication of Celestial Watchers. They see them as the keepers of cosmic knowledge, guiding the faithful with celestial insights.
    • Flamekeepers
  • Beliefs: Flamekeepers are known for their belief that fire, both physical and spiritual, is a symbol of inner enlightenment. They emphasize the kindling of the inner light and view Valindria's fire as a metaphor for the divine spark within all beings.
  • Practices: Flamekeepers engage in meditation, often involving visualization of inner flames. They also focus on acts of kindness and compassion, believing that nurturing the inner light leads to a virtuous life.
  • Perception: Mainstream followers hold Flamekeepers in high regard for their emphasis on inner spirituality and kindness. They are seen as the torchbearers of inner illumination.
    • Starforgers
  • Beliefs: Starforgers believe that the divine essence of Elrod and Valindria resides in the stars themselves. They see starlight as a conduit to the divine, capable of bestowing insight and wisdom. They consider themselves cosmic wanderers seeking the light of truth.
  • Practices: Starforgers often embark on pilgrimages to celestial landmarks, such as mountaintop observatories or remote starlit lakes. They meditate under the night sky and interpret celestial patterns for guidance.
  • Perception: Mainstream followers regard Starforgers as mystics and seekers of cosmic truth. They appreciate their connection to the celestial realms and their ability to interpret cosmic signs.
  • While these sects differ in their emphasis and practices, they are generally accepted within the Order of Valindria as diverse expressions of the faith. The mainstream faith sees each sect as contributing to the overall understanding of the divine and the cosmos. The differences among these sects are celebrated as different facets of the same radiant jewel, enriching the spiritual tapestry of the religion.

    Renewal's Flame

    Founding Date
    873 A.T.C
    Military, Other
    Alternative Names
    Valindrian Order, Keepers of the Flame, The Radiant Wardens
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Neighboring Nations
    Notable Members
    Related Ethnicities

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