Shakah Hig

Chieftain Shakah Uram Hig (a.k.a. Chieftain Shakah of Clan Hig)

Born as a half-orc, Shakah was an anomaly in a society that valued pure bloodlines. The circumstances surrounding his birth were shrouded in mystery. Whispers and murmurs suggested he was the offspring of a forbidden union, and his mixed heritage was seen as a symbol of shame and subjugation. Most half-orcs in the society of the time were considered to have slave heritage due to the dominant cultural beliefs.   However, instead of succumbing to the societal prejudices, Shakah's indomitable spirit pushed him to rise above the biases and prove his worth. From a young age, he demonstrated an uncanny knack for strategy. He wasn't just a brute force, relying on raw strength like many of his orcish brethren. Instead, Shakah combined the fierce strength of the orcs with a keen intellect that could rival the sharpest elven minds.   His journey to becoming the chieftain wasn't easy. Every step of the way, he faced discrimination and resistance. However, his reputation as a master tactician and warrior spread like wildfire throughout the clans. With every battle he won, with every foe he outsmarted, Shakah proved that he wasn't just a half-breed but a force to be reckoned with.   By the time he ascended to the role of chieftain of Clan Hig, he had already changed many minds. Yet, some still whispered doubts about his capabilities due to his mixed heritage. But the results of his leadership spoke for themselves. Under his guidance, Clan Hig flourished, becoming one of the most influential clans in the Toln Expanse.   His encounter with Queen Nonsi was pivotal not only for him but for the entire history of the continent of Eos. Their union, both politically and personally, was a testament to the power of love and unity over prejudice and adversity.   The Legacy of Chieftain Shakah   After his passing, Chieftain Shakah's legacy lived on. While he had faced numerous challenges due to his heritage, his triumphs became legendary. Tales of his strategic genius, his bravery in battle, and his unwavering commitment to peace and unity were passed down through the generations.   He became a symbol of hope for half-orcs everywhere, proving that one's bloodline did not determine one's destiny. His life story became a beacon, a source of inspiration for countless others to rise above societal constraints and create their own legacy.   Furthermore, the nation of Uthar, built upon the foundations laid by Queen Nonsi and Chieftain Shakah, thrived and grew. The principles of unity, diversity, and harmony became deeply ingrained in its people, ensuring that the vision of its founders lived on.   In many ways, the story of Chieftain Shakah is timeless, reminding us that with determination, intelligence, and a heart full of love, even the most marginalized and underestimated can change the course of history.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Early Life and Childhood
Chieftain Shakah's origins were veiled in shadows. Born as a half-orc in the hinterlands of the Toln Expanse, his birth was the result of an enigmatic union, a story untold. The stigmas attached to being a half-breed meant that Shakah's earliest days were filled with challenges. While he was not privy to the true tale of his parentage, it was clear from his unique appearance and strength that he was destined for a path different from other orcs.   Shakah grew up in the care of a foster family within Clan Hig. While his adoptive parents treated him with love and warmth, the world outside wasn't as forgiving. His peers often ridiculed him, making him an outcast, isolated due to his mixed heritage. But adversity only fueled his resolve. The tales of his ancestors, the mighty orcs and the wisdom of an unknown lineage, inspired him to harness both his physical prowess and intellectual capabilities.  
  • Adolescence and Training
As Shakah grew older, he sought solace in the art of combat and strategy. He became a student of the land, understanding the intricacies of the Toln Expanse, and used it to his advantage in mock skirmishes. By his late teens, he was already renowned for his uncanny ability to predict enemy movements and devise ingenious battle strategies. His mentors, old orcish war veterans, saw a spark in him, a beacon of hope for Clan Hig's future.  
  • Rise in the Ranks
Shakah's reputation soared. As a young warrior, he led small raiding parties against rival clans and often emerged victorious, even when the odds were stacked against him. His achievements on the battlefield couldn't be ignored, and soon he was entrusted with greater responsibilities. With each challenge, he demonstrated not just his skills as a warrior but also his potential as a leader. His peers, once skeptics, started rallying behind him, recognizing the strength and wisdom he brought to Clan Hig.  
  • Ascension to Chieftainship
The path to becoming Chieftain of Clan Hig wasn't a direct one for Shakah. There were trials of strength, intellect, and character. There were political intrigues and rivals who wished to see him fall. Yet, with a combination of diplomacy, battle prowess, and an innate ability to inspire those around him, Shakah claimed the mantle of Chieftain. His leadership was marked by an era of prosperity and unity for Clan Hig, but also by challenges as the clan navigated the post-Collapse world.  
  • The Fateful Encounter and Later Life
His encounter with Queen Nonsi was perhaps the most transformative event in his life. Their mutual respect and shared vision for a united Eos marked the beginning of a partnership that changed the destiny of not just their people but the entire continent. As partners, they faced both internal and external adversaries and cemented the legacy of Clan Hig and the drow as pivotal players in the region's history.   Throughout his reign and relationship with Nonsi, Shakah remained committed to his vision of a harmonious world. His legacy, marked by trials, triumphs, and a relentless spirit, served as a testament to the fact that one's birth does not define their destiny, but rather their choices and actions.


In the rugged terrains of the Toln Expanse, formal education as the modern realms knew it was a rarity. For orcs and clans like Clan Hig, the education was a mix of tradition, survival skills, and experiential learning. Shakah, however, in his unique position as a half-orc with an innate thirst for knowledge, charted his own educational journey.  
  • Traditional Orcish Education
From a young age, Shakah was exposed to the customary education of the orcs. This included:   1. Survival Skills: How to navigate the vast landscapes of the Toln Expanse, understanding the flora and fauna, and skills essential for hunting and gathering.   2. Combat Training: Orcs pride themselves on their martial skills. Shakah, with his formidable physique, was trained in various forms of combat, from hand-to-hand to weaponry.   3. Oral Histories: Elders of the clan imparted tales of valor, ancestral legends, and ancient wars, ensuring the continuity of their proud heritage.   4. Tribal Rituals and Ceremonies: Orcish clans had their own set of rituals and ceremonies, and Shakah was trained in their significance and the roles they played.  
  • Self-education and Enlightenment
What set Shakah apart was his insatiable curiosity. Recognizing the limitations of the traditional orcish learning, he embarked on a journey of self-education:   1. Languages: Besides the common tongue and orcish dialects, Shakah took an interest in other languages, which later aided him in forging alliances and understanding diverse cultures.   2. Strategy and Diplomacy: His knack for strategy wasn't just innate but honed through studying ancient battles, tactics of famed leaders, and understanding the art of diplomacy.   3. Philosophy and Leadership: Shakah delved into philosophical texts that he could find or trade for, trying to grasp the larger questions of existence, leadership, and governance.   4. Cultural Exchanges: Interactions with other races, especially after the emergence of the drow, expanded his horizons. Shakah often engaged in long discussions with drow scholars, learning about their arcane arts, history, and their unique worldview.  
  • Mentorships
Certain figures within Clan Hig and outside recognized Shakah's potential and played a pivotal role in his education:   1. Elder Groth: A wise orc shaman of Clan Hig, Groth introduced Shakah to the spiritual realm, teaching him about the spirits, the land's energy, and the balance of nature.   2. Captain Rorgar: An exiled human knight who once wandered into the Toln Expanse, Rorgar taught Shakah advanced combat techniques and introduced him to human literature and art.   3. Drow Scholars: After the fateful encounter with Queen Nonsi, Shakah frequently engaged with drow scholars and mages, learning about magic, The Underdark, and the drow's intricate societal structures.   Shakah's education was a blend of traditional orcish wisdom and an expansive, modern understanding of the world. This unique combination equipped him with the tools to navigate the challenges he faced as a leader and diplomat, making him one of the most enlightened chieftains in the annals of orcish history.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Throughout his life, Chieftain Shakah of Clan Hig accomplished numerous feats, both tangible and intangible, that left an indelible mark on the history of Uthar and the wider continent of Eos. Below is an overview of some of his most significant accomplishments:   1. Rise to Chieftainship: Despite being a half-orc and facing prejudice due to his mixed heritage, Shakah's intelligence, leadership, and martial prowess led him to become the Chieftain of Clan Hig, one of the most influential orc clans in the Toln Expanse.   2. Establishment of the Orc-Drow Alliance: Recognizing the need for unity and coexistence, Shakah was instrumental in forging a historic alliance with Queen Nonsi and the drow, a partnership that eventually led to the creation of Uthar.   3. The War of Black Blood: Under his leadership, Clan Hig and their drow allies triumphed in the 22-year-long War of Black Blood, effectively quelling the opposition led by Chieftain Gorthank of Clan Utgar.   4. Foundation of Uthar: After the war, Shakah's vision, along with Queen Nonsi's guidance, saw the foundation of the nation of Uthar, a thriving realm celebrating diversity and harmony.   5. The Rochnora Accord: As a statesman, Shakah drafted the Rochnora Accord, a set of guidelines promoting peace, trade, and mutual respect among the various tribes and races in the Toln Expanse.   6. Education and Cultural Renaissance: Shakah established learning centers throughout Uthar, fostering an environment where knowledge and arts flourished. He championed cultural exchange programs, leading to a renaissance of ideas and innovations.   7. Expansion of Uthar's Territories: Under Shakah's leadership, Uthar saw territorial expansion through both diplomatic means and strategic conquests, ensuring a larger, more secure realm for its inhabitants.   8. Codification of Laws: Drawing inspiration from various cultures, Shakah was instrumental in the creation of Uthar's legal system, focusing on justice, equity, and the rule of law.   9. Promotion of Multiracial Integration: Shakah worked tirelessly to ensure that Uthar was not just a nation of drow and orcs but an inclusive society where all races, from goblins to humans, could coexist harmoniously.   10. Architectural Marvels: Shakah sponsored various architectural endeavors, leading to the construction of formidable fortresses, aqueducts, and the iconic Twin Towers of Unity, symbolizing the drow and orc partnership.   11. Promotion of Trade and Commerce: Recognizing the importance of a thriving economy, Shakah established trade routes, bridging Uthar with distant lands and bringing prosperity to the region.   12. Spiritual Balance: Despite the various faiths and beliefs converging in Uthar, Shakah ensured a spiritual balance, promoting freedom of worship and often mediating between different religious factions.   Chieftain Shakah's legacy is one of vision, unity, and progress. His achievements not only ensured a golden age for Uthar during his reign but laid the groundwork for the prosperity and peace that would be enjoyed by future generations. The annals of history remember him not just as a great chieftain but as a visionary leader whose life and deeds reshaped the destiny of an entire continent.


Queen Nonsi of Uthar

Wife (Vital)

Towards Shakah Hig



Shakah Hig

Husband (Vital)

Towards Queen Nonsi of Uthar




The union of Queen Nonsi of Uthar and Chieftain Shakah stands as a pivotal cornerstone in the chronicles of the War of Black Blood. Their partnership not only solidified political alliances but also symbolized hope, unity, and the power of love to transcend societal boundaries.   Nonsi, of half-drow lineage and an avatar of Eilistraee, and Shakah, a formidable half-orc warrior, first met amidst the chaos of war. Their initial encounter was charged with mutual respect and cautious curiosity. Over time, and through shared trials and tribulations, their bond deepened, evolving from allies to confidantes and ultimately, lovers. Their love was passionate, often finding solace in each other amidst the trauma of war.   Their relationship was not without its challenges. Both grappled with their own personal insecurities and past traumas, yet found strength and understanding in each other's vulnerabilities. Nonsi, having never revealed her sacred worship of Eilistraee to another, shared this intimate communion with Shakah, further solidifying their bond.   Following the war's conclusion, they wed, marking a new era of unity and peace for their people. Shakah's eventual passing at the age of 210 left an indelible mark on Nonsi, yet she remained a steadfast leader for Uthar, drawing strength from their shared memories.   Their love story has left an enduring legacy, influencing subsequent generations and promoting interracial unions among orcs, half-orcs, and drows. The tale of their love, challenges, and triumphs remains a beacon of hope, immortalized in Uthar's national anthem, "Shakah's Waltz," composed by Queen Nonsi herself.

Nicknames & Petnames

Nonsi's Nicknames for Shakah: "My Mountain" - Highlighting his protective nature and his towering, sturdy presence in her life. "Greenfire" - Reflecting the greenish tint of his skin, combined with his fiery passion in both war and love.   Shakah's Nicknames for Nonsi: "My Flame" - Symbolizing the burning passion and warmth she ignited within him. "Silversong" - A reference to her drow heritage, her shimmering beauty, and her ethereal voice which often comforted him.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

1. War and Strategy: Both leaders in their own right, Nonsi and Shakah often discussed and planned war tactics together. They respected each other's insights and perspectives, making them a formidable team in the War of Black Blood.   2. Cultural Fusion: As Nonsi was half drow and Shakah a half-orc, both had unique insights into blending various cultures. They took pride in melding their respective heritages and traditions to create a unified and harmonious community.   3. Worship of Eilistraee: Nonsi, being an avatar of Eilistraee, introduced Shakah to her deity's teachings. Together, they would share moments of sacred worship, with Shakah growing to respect and venerate the Moon Maiden alongside Nonsi.   4. Music and Dance: Bonding over the arts was natural for them. While Nonsi played the harp, Shakah might've learned or appreciated other instruments. Dancing, particularly under the moonlight, became a shared ritual, expressing their spirituality and connection to Eilistraee.   5. Nature Walks: Given their first significant moment occurred in the Rochnora Range, nature became a sanctuary for their relationship. They cherished quiet strolls, sharing stories or simply enjoying each other's presence amidst the beauty of Uthar's landscapes.   6. Strength Training: While Shakah indulged in rigorous physical training, Nonsi would sometimes join him, making it both a time for physical exertion and bonding. They pushed each other to be stronger, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually.   7. Shared Adversities: Their mutual experiences of isolation, internal battles, and confronting prejudice for being 'half-breeds' made their bond unbreakable. They found solace in understanding each other's struggles and often spent nights comforting one another.   8. Literature and Knowledge: The pair loved to expand their knowledge, reading about ancient tales, histories of faraway lands, and magical theories. They often exchanged books and discussed their contents, expanding their perspectives.   9. Dreams of Peace: Beyond the war, both held a vision of a peaceful Uthar where diverse races and cultures coexisted harmoniously. They worked tirelessly towards this shared dream.   10. Culinary Exploration: They enjoyed discovering and experimenting with recipes that blended drow and orcish cuisine, often sharing intimate dinners where they'd taste-test new dishes together.   The relationship between Nonsi and Shakah was built on mutual respect, shared hardships, and a deep love that fused two worlds together. Their commonalities only enriched their bond, making their union a symbol of hope and unity for the entire realm.

Neutral Good
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chieftain Shakah, with his remarkable journey from an orphaned half-orc to the leader of a prominent clan and a beacon of unity in Uthar, accumulated several titles and honorifics throughout his life. These titles not only signify his status but also encapsulate his character, deeds, and the respect he earned:   1. Chieftain of Clan Hig:
  • The primary title that marked his leadership over one of the most influential orc clans in the region.
  • 2. Shield of Uthar:
  • For his role in defending Uthar during its formative years and ensuring its survival against numerous threats.
  • 3. The Half-Blooded Paragon:
  • A testament to his mixed heritage and his rise as an exemplar of strength and unity despite the challenges his birth presented.
  • 4. Warden of the Toln Expanse:
  • Highlighting his protective role and his commitment to ensuring the safety of the territories under his watch.
  • 5. Voice of the Marginalized:
  • Recognizing his constant efforts to uplift and champion the rights of those who faced prejudice, be it due to race, lineage, or other factors.
  • 6. The Sage-Warrior:
  • For his rare combination of martial prowess and deep wisdom, which he employed equally in battles and diplomacy.
  • 7. Consort of the Twilight Queen:
  • A title that indicates his deep and enduring relationship with Queen Nonsi.
  • 8. The Unifying Storm:
  • Alluding to the energy and change he brought about, uniting diverse factions and people under a singular vision.
  • 9. Guardian of the Rochnora Pass:
  • Celebrating his strategic defense of the vital mountainous regions that proved pivotal in many campaigns.
  • 10. The Orc Who Bridged Worlds:
  • A nod to his unique position between orcish and non-orcish communities and his efforts to bring about mutual understanding and respect.
  • Each title bestowed upon Shakah carries with it a tale of his deeds, his character, and the impact he left on the world of Uthar. They serve as reminders of his journey, his challenges, and his triumphs.
    45 ATC 255 ATC 210 years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    Circumstances of Death
    Old Age
    Toln Expanse
    Place of Death
    fiery orange/red
    long black hair usually braided
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    pale green skin
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    Chieftain Shakah was not just a man of action but also a man of profound words. His statements often reflected the depth of his thoughts, the breadth of his vision, and the strength of his character. Here are some of the most famous quotes and catchphrases attributed to him:   1. On Unity and Alliance: - "Together, we are a tapestry woven of strength and understanding. Separately, we are but threads, easily broken."   2. On Prejudice: - "In the fires of adversity, it is not our blood or lineage that defines us, but our actions and our hearts."   3. On Leadership: - "To lead is not to stand above others, but to stand with them, sharing in their joys and their burdens."   4. On War and Peace: - "War is the language of old wounds and misunderstandings. Let us pen a new script of harmony and shared futures."   5. On His Mixed Heritage: - "In me flows the strength of two worlds, and I wear it not as a mark of division, but a symbol of unity."   6. On Change and Adaptability: - "The river never laments the boulders in its path; it finds a new course, ever flowing, ever adapting."   7. On Love: - "Love is the sun that warms our days and the moon that guides our nights; it is the constant in a world of variables."   8. On Diplomacy: - "True diplomacy is the art of listening, understanding, and finding common ground amidst the echoes of differences."   9. On Legacy: - "We are but fleeting shadows on the vast canvas of time, but let our marks be strokes of love, unity, and progress."   10. On Faith and Belief: - "It is not in the gods we believe that defines us, but in the virtues we uphold and the deeds we perform."   11. On Sacrifice: - "The tree sacrifices its leaves every fall, only to return stronger each spring. Such is the cycle of sacrifice and rebirth."   12. Catchphrase:
  • Whenever faced with a challenge or a major decision, Shakah was often heard saying, "For the Heart of Uthar!" It became a rallying cry for those who believed in his vision and the unified future he sought to create.
  • Shakah's words were not only a reflection of his beliefs and philosophies but also served as guiding beacons for the people of Uthar. His quotes resonated deeply, transcending time and finding relevance in various spheres of life, from leadership and diplomacy to love and personal growth.
    Church of Eilistraee / Orcish Pantheon
    Other Affiliations