
High Priestess Vaela (a.k.a. Light of Eilistraee)

Vaela, also known as the Light of Eilistraee, was a prominent figure in the history of Uthar and the continent of Eos. She held the esteemed title of the First High Priestess of the Church of Eilistraee. As one of the founding members of the Twilight Guard and a close associate of Queen Nonsi, Vaela played pivotal roles both in Uthar's spiritual growth and its political defenses. Her contributions extended to education and diplomacy, solidifying her legacy as one of Uthar's most influential leaders.  
  • Early Life and Background
  Information about Vaela's early life is limited. However, it is widely believed that her association with Queen Rion and the inner circle of the Twilight Guard originated from her time in the Underdark, where she first felt the divine call of Eilistraee.  
  • Role in the Twilight Guard
  As one of the founding members, Vaela was instrumental in shaping the ethos of the Twilight Guard. Known for her wit and a penchant for light-hearted jests, she brought levity to the group, balancing the rigors of their mission. Her deep-rooted faith in Eilistraee often served as a guiding light, ensuring that the guard's actions were always in alignment with their divine purpose.  
  • High Priestess of the Church of Eilistraee
  Vaela's deep spiritual connection to Eilistraee made her the ideal candidate to lead the newly established Church of Eilistraee. As the First High Priestess, she laid down the foundational rituals, rites, and teachings. Vaela was key in establishing the importance of the Twilight Communion and was known to have a special connection with the Moonseers and Star Chanters.    
  • Her Fate
In the aftermath of the Siege of Whispering Hollow, the spirits of the drow were in turmoil. Their beloved Whispering Hollow had been taken, and the indomitable Elara had given her life to protect her people. Queen Nonsi was wounded, and as the orcs prepared to launch another devastating offensive, the drow's chances looked bleak. The impending battle was to take place in the Toln Expanse, a vast, sunlit area where the orcs held dominance. The drow would be at a severe disadvantage under the relentless rays of the sun, a contrast to the twilight of the Rochnora Range they had been fighting in.   With Queen Nonsi in a weakened state, it was rumored she was considering once again using her incredible magic to cast the skies in twilight, shielding her people. But the cost of such a spell was significant. The first time she had performed it, she was left at death's door. There were fears that attempting it again would end her life.   Vaela, a beacon of hope, laughter, and the heart of the Twilight Guard, became privy to this potential sacrifice. With the memory of Elara's valiant death still fresh, Vaela decided she couldn't bear another loss, especially not that of her queen.   In secret, Vaela had spent time in the very glade where she'd had her divine encounter with Eilistraee. There, she had learned to replicate the ritual to cast the twilight spell. Knowing the dire situation, she approached her sisters in the Twilight Guard - Lorin and Serenthia - and confessed her intentions. Both were devastated by the news, but they understood the necessity of her plan. The very survival of their people was at stake.   Word reached Queen Nonsi about Vaela's intention, and despite her injuries, the queen was livid. Her fury was unmatched, and it was only through the calming words of Serenthia and Lorin that she was restrained. They made her see the gravity of the situation and the importance of honoring Vaela's wish.   On the eve of the impending battle, Vaela made her way to the moonlit glade. As she began the incantation, legends say that Eilistraee herself descended upon the glade and danced with Vaela, guiding her through the powerful ritual. Vaela's voice, usually filled with mirth, trembled with emotion as she whispered through her tears, "I will miss you, my sisters."   With the final notes of the spell, a vast expanse of the continent was bathed in the soft, protective embrace of twilight. The skies above the Toln Expanse transformed, creating an environment where the drow could fight on equal footing with the orcs.   As the magic subsided, Vaela's energy waned, and she collapsed. Eilistraee, ever the compassionate goddess, danced around her fallen devotee, lifting her spirit and guiding it towards Evermeet. In the ethereal realms of Aravandor, Vaela's spirit was welcomed by the minor deities of the Seldarine, with Eilistraee herself ensuring Vaela's comfort.   Back in the Material Plane, as the drow marveled at the twilight sky, they began whispering tales of Vaela's sacrifice. From that day, the twilight that shrouded Uthar became known as "Vaela's Curtain" — a constant reminder of the price paid for their survival and the undying love and sacrifice of a devoted sister.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vaela's very presence radiated an undeniable charm and warmth. Unlike the typical imposing figures associated with high leadership, she showcased a unique blend of grace and approachability.   Her petite stature belied her true strength. While her delicate frame might have hinted at vulnerability, those who knew her or had seen her in action were well aware of the swift and deadly force she wielded. This very juxtaposition between her size and her prowess often caught the unaware off guard, giving her an edge in both combat and diplomacy.   Her skin, the signature velvety shade of the drow, shimmered softly under the perpetual twilight of Uthar. What set her apart, even more, were the **subtle silver freckles** that dusted her cheeks and nose, giving her an almost ethereal glow.   Vaela's face was the mirror of her soul. Wide lavender eyes, always sparkling with a mix of curiosity, mischief, and latent power, were the first thing many noticed. They were the kind of eyes that seemed to know a secret, always twinkling as if holding back a delightful jest. Framing these eyes was a cascade of **curly midnight-black hair** that danced and bounced with her every movement, adding a playful dynamism to her persona.   Her lips, often curled into a playful grin, reinforced her image as Uthar's beacon of hope, joy, and nurturing energy. This ever-present smile, combined with her overall demeanor, made her not just a figure of reverence but also one of endearment.   While she might have been petite and always smiling, her very essence was that of a formidable force. Vaela, with her distinctive looks and inviting demeanor, stood as a testament to the fact that true power did not always have to be austere or intimidating. Her approachability, combined with her high position, made her an iconic figure in Uthar, relatable to her people yet awe-inspiring in her achievements.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Origins in the Underdark
The shadowed corridors and caverns of the Underdark conceal many stories, and Vaela's early life is one such enigma. However, like many of her kin, she felt the oppressive grip of Lolth and the stifling hierarchy of the dark realm. Drawn to the whispers of rebellion and longing for freedom, she became part of a secret network challenging Lolth's dominance.  
  • Emergence from the Underdark
The Collapse, a cataclysmic upheaval, marked a significant turning point in Vaela's destiny. Seizing the opportunity presented by the chaos, she, along with other dissenters, followed Queen Nonsi from the gloomy depths of the Underdark to the promise of a brighter world above. The journey was fraught with peril, but it was the vision of freedom and the charismatic leadership of Queen Nonsi that drove them forward.  
  • The Call of Eilistraee
As the survivors settled and as the nascent nation of Uthar began to take shape under Queen Nonsi's leadership, Vaela found herself particularly moved by the teachings and philosophies introduced by the queen. Nonsi's sermons and writings on Eilistraee, the goddess of liberation and dance, resonated deeply with Vaela. This fervor culminated in a profound spiritual awakening: a moonlit encounter with Eilistraee herself. Within a secluded glade, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon, Vaela felt the gentle touch of the Dark Dancer, experiencing her grace and purpose firsthand.  
  • Formation of the Twilight Guard
Empowered by her divine encounter and bearing the blessings of Eilistraee, Vaela recognized the importance of a dedicated force to defend Uthar, both physically and spiritually. Collaborating with Serenthia Lusilver, Lorin Fanaedar, Elara Sovrec, and Queen Nonsi, she established the Twilight Guard. This elite force, bound by loyalty and shared purpose, would play a pivotal role in the days to come.  
  • The War of Black Blood
As Uthar faced its gravest challenge, the Twilight Guard stood firm, defending the fledgling nation from the onslaught of Clan Utgar and its allies. Vaela was at the forefront, not only as a skilled combatant but also as a beacon of spiritual strength and hope. With her deep connection to Eilistraee, she channeled divine magic on the battlefield, bolstering her allies and confounding her enemies. Her presence was a constant reminder of the higher purpose they were all fighting for: the freedom and future of Uthar.  
  • Legacy
From the depths of the Underdark to the luminous realms of Uthar, Vaela's journey is one of transformation and purpose. Her dedication to Eilistraee, the founding of the Twilight Guard, and her contributions during the War of Black Blood have firmly established her place in Uthar's annals. A symbol of hope, resilience, and faith, Vaela's life story continues to inspire generations, showing them the power of belief and the promise of a better tomorrow.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Perceptive Thinker
Vaela's life in the Underdark, fraught with subterfuge and danger, honed her perceptiveness. She developed a keen ability to read situations, understand underlying motives, and foresee potential outcomes. This astute observational skill served her well, both in personal interactions and on the battlefield.  
  • Avid Scholar
Despite the challenges she faced in her early life, Vaela had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She took every opportunity to learn, whether it was ancient drow lore, the tenets of Eilistraee, or magical studies. Her dedication to academia played a pivotal role in establishing learning establishments for Uthar's magically adept, ensuring that knowledge would be a cornerstone of the nation's identity.  
  • Open-mindedness
Unlike many of her kin who were strictly bound by tradition, Vaela was always open to new ideas and perspectives. This trait was instrumental in her ability to adapt to life on the surface, embrace the teachings of Eilistraee, and promote understanding between different races and cultures in Eos.  
  • Natural Leader
Vaela possessed an innate ability to inspire and lead. Her deep connection with Eilistraee and her own personal convictions provided her with a moral compass, guiding her decisions and actions. Her leadership was not just about authority; it was about empathy, understanding, and fostering a sense of community and purpose.  
  • Strategic Planner
As a founding member of the Twilight Guard, Vaela showcased her talent for strategic thinking. She could anticipate enemy moves, formulate plans with multiple contingencies, and ensure the best possible outcome for Uthar's defense. Her tactical acumen was evident in the War of Black Blood, where her strategies played a significant role in Uthar's victory.  
  • Diplomatic Acumen
With the establishment of Uthar and its interactions with neighboring nations, Vaela's diplomatic skills came to the fore. Her ability to listen, empathize, and find common ground helped forge alliances and promote peaceful coexistence. She played a pivotal role in spreading the word of Eilistraee across Eos, building bridges of understanding and faith.  
  • Legacy
Vaela's intellectual characteristics, combined with her spiritual depth and combat prowess, made her an invaluable asset to Uthar. Her wisdom, foresight, and dedication to the betterment of her people ensured that she left an indelible mark on the annals of Uthar's history. Her teachings and ideologies continue to resonate, shaping the intellectual and spiritual pursuits of future generations.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Moral Compass
Vaela's moral foundation was deeply rooted in the teachings of Eilistraee, emphasizing love, freedom, and harmony. She believed in the innate goodness within every soul, even those scarred by the cruelties of the Underdark. Her morality was a reflection of her profound spiritual connection, seeking a balance between the divine and the earthly.  
  • The Value of Freedom
Having personally experienced the oppressive shackles of the Underdark, Vaela was a fervent advocate for liberty, both in thought and action. To her, freedom wasn't just an abstract concept; it was an essential right, vital for the flourishing of one's spirit and potential.  
  • Compassion and Empathy
Vaela's nurturing nature made her a beacon of empathy. She perpetually sought to understand, uplift, and heal those around her. Even in the face of adversity or confronting those who had strayed from the path, Vaela always approached situations with a heart full of understanding and a will to guide rather than chastise.  
  • Role of Suffering
Vaela viewed suffering not as a punitive force but as a catalyst for growth and understanding. She acknowledged the pain and trauma of the Drow's history but believed it shaped their resilience and character. Through suffering, one could find meaning, purpose, and eventually, redemption.  
  • Approach to Leadership
Despite her high status, Vaela always emphasized the importance of humility and service. Leadership, in her eyes, was not about wielding power but about empowering others. She led with a gentle hand, always striving to be a guide rather than a commander.  
  • Interactions with Other Cultures
Having played a pivotal role in spreading the teachings of Eilistraee across Eos, Vaela believed in the merits of cultural exchange and mutual respect. She approached other cultures with an open heart and mind, seeing them as opportunities to learn, share, and forge bonds.  
  • Responsibility to Uthar
Vaela felt a profound responsibility towards the betterment and spiritual nourishment of Uthar. Her devotion to Queen Rion Soliana Nonsi and the shared vision they had for their people reinforced this duty. She endeavored to imbue Uthar with values that would ensure its prosperity and spiritual harmony for generations.

Personality Characteristics


  • Divine Connection
At the heart of Vaela's motivation was her profoun connection with Eilistraee. The divine encounter she had in the moonlit glade forever altered her life's trajectory. Guided by the Dark Dancer's blessings, she felt a deep-seated calling to help her people transition from the shackles of Lolth's ways to Eilistraee's path of hope, freedom, and unity.  
  • Loyalty to Uthar
Having journeyed alongside Queen Nonsi from the Underdark to the surface, Vaela felt an unwavering commitment to the fledgling nation of Uthar. Witnessing the trials, challenges, and victories of her people, she was motivated to ensure Uthar's success, safety, and prosperity. The formation of the Twilight Guard and her contributions during the War of Black Blood further highlighted her dedication to her homeland.  
  • Desire for Enlightenment
Vaela was always driven by the quest for knowledge and understanding. Her establishment of learning centers for the magically adept was not just about imparting skills; it was about fostering a culture of enlightenment and wisdom in Uthar. This motivation stemmed from her belief that through knowledge, the Drow could break free from their tumultuous past and craft a brighter future.  
  • Harmony and Unity
Vaela understood the value of unity, both among the Drow and with other races of Eos. Her efforts to spread Eilistraee's teachings across the continent were motivated by a desire to bridge cultural and racial divides, fostering understanding, acceptance, and harmony.  
  • Nurturing Spirit
Known for her approachable and nurturing demeanor, Vaela was deeply motivated by the well-being of her people. She wished to see them thrive not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. This nurturing instinct often manifested in her interactions, where she played the roles of mentor, spiritual guide, and friend.  
  • Legacy and Future Generations
Vaela was always forward-thinking, motivated by the future she envisioned for Uthar. She hoped to create a lasting legacy, where her teachings and efforts would benefit not just her contemporaries but future generations of Drow. Her work, especially in the realms of faith and education, aimed to lay a solid foundation for Uthar's continued growth and prosperity.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Year of Death
97 ATC
Circumstances of Death
Sacrifice Through Ritual
Place of Death
Rochnora Range, Uthar
Long white, usually braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale purple, almost gray
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the dance of life, every step carries a purpose, every misstep a lesson. Embrace both with grace, for they compose the beautiful rhythm of our existence."   Context: Vaela often used dance as an analogy for life, as both were deeply interconnected in drow culture, especially under Eilistraee's teachings. This quote was shared during one of her sermons at the Church of Eilistraee, encouraging the drow to embrace both their successes and failures.   "The twilight is neither day nor night, but a delicate balance of both. So are we, my sisters and brothers, a blend of our past shadows and the promise of dawn. Let us cherish this balance and forge ahead."   Context: After the Siege of Whispering Wood and in the face of adversity, Vaela spoke these words to rally the spirits of the drow, reminding them of their unique identity and the strength they derived from both their Underdark heritage and their new life on the surface.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations