The Twilight Guard

In the land of Eos, amidst the shadows and mysteries of the realm, a formidable order known as the Twilight Guard emerges. They are the elite task force of Queen Nonsi, a ruler of unparalleled grace and strength, and they serve as devoted missionaries of the Church of Eilistraee. Cloaked in secrecy, their origins are veiled in whispers and rumors, fueling tales of their extraordinary prowess and the mystique surrounding their selection. Legend has it that the members of the Twilight Guard are personally hand-picked by Queen Nonsi herself. It is said that she scrutinizes potential candidates with keen discernment, searching for those with unwavering loyalty, unmatched skill, and a deep-rooted connection to the teachings of Eilistraee. Those fortunate enough to be chosen enter a realm of enlightenment and combat training unlike any other.   Within the hidden walls of the Queen's fortress, these select few are bestowed with the sacred duty to protect and serve both their queen and their goddess. They undergo rigorous physical and mental training, honing their bodies and minds to perfection. The path they tread is not an easy one, as it demands relentless dedication, unyielding discipline, and a profound understanding of the ancient arts of war.   It is whispered among the denizens of Eos that Queen Nonsi, accompanied by her trusted generals, personally instructs the chosen warriors in the ways of the sword. Her guidance is said to be both rigorous and transformative, molding them into the epitome of martial prowess. Under her watchful eye, the Twilight Guard learns the intricacies of blade dancing, a unique style of combat known only to a select few. With each graceful movement, they evoke a symphony of death, blending skill and artistry into a mesmerizing display.   The renown of the Twilight Guard extends far and wide, solidified by their instrumental role in the War of Black Blood. In this monumental conflict, the orcs tribes of the Toln Expanse clashed with Queen Nonsi's drow forces, who had recently emerged from the depths of The Underdark. The Twilight Guard, with their unparalleled training and unbreakable spirit, stood at the forefront of the battle, leading the charge against the ferocious orc hordes.   Their presence on the battlefield was nothing short of awe-inspiring. With swift and deadly strikes, the Twilight Guard carved a path through enemy lines, their blades weaving an intricate dance of death and liberation. Their relentless assault shattered the morale of the orcish warriors, turning the tide of battle in favor of Queen Nonsi's forces. The War of Black Blood was won, thanks in large part to the legendary exploits of the Twilight Guard.   But their duty extends beyond the realm of warfare. The members of the Twilight Guard are staunch followers of Queen Nonsi, unwavering in their loyalty to her rule. However, their devotion extends further, intertwining with their unwavering dedication to the goddess Eilistraee. As missionaries of the Church, they embark on perilous quests, spreading their goddess' message of hope, love, and acceptance to all who are willing to listen.   In distant villages and forsaken corners of Eos, the Twilight Guard arrives as a beacon of light, offering a respite from the encroaching darkness. Their performances of swordplay are not mere displays of skill, but rituals of enlightenment, intertwining art and faith to illuminate the hearts of those who witness them. Through their actions, they seek to dispel the shadows that consume the hearts of mortals, guiding them towards the path of compassion and understanding.   The Twilight Guard stands as one of the oldest and most revered orders of warriors in Eos. They epitomize loyalty, skill, and devotion, embodying the ideals of their queen and goddess.   With each swing of their blades, they carve their names into the annals of history, forever etching their legacy as the guardians of the twilight and the bearers of Eilistraee's light.


The Queen: The ultimate authority and leader. Generals: Trusted advisors and instructors under the queen. Twilight Guard Members: Elite warriors handpicked by Queen Nonsi.


Reverence to both Queen Nonsi and goddess Eilistraee. Rigorous physical and mental training regimes. Emphasis on loyalty, skill, and spiritual connection. Value of blade dancing as a symbol of their combat style and faith.

Public Agenda

Protect and serve Queen Nonsi. Spread the teachings and blessings of Eilistraee. Offer hope, love, and acceptance through their missionary efforts.


Origins - The Veiled Beginning The land of Eos, several centuries ago, was a fragmented realm with numerous smaller kingdoms and tribes. Amidst this chaotic landscape, a powerful and wise drow queen, Queen Nonsi, emerged, bringing unity to many of these factions. Realizing the need for a dedicated, elite force to protect her newly established kingdom and the nascent Church of Eilistraee, she founded the Twilight Guard.   The First Selection - Dawn of the Shadows   The first members of the Twilight Guard were chosen from the most loyal and skilled warriors of Queen Nonsi's armies. These warriors underwent a ritual of purification and dedication under the silver moon, symbolizing their new path and allegiance. This ceremony marked the formal initiation of the Twilight Guard and set the standard for all subsequent selections.   The Training Grounds - Forge of Moonlit Steel   The training grounds, known as the Moonlit Citadel, were established within a secluded valley surrounded by towering mountains. Here, members of the Twilight Guard underwent grueling training. Legends suggest that the citadel's waters had restorative properties, aiding in the swift healing and rejuvenation of the warriors.   The War of Black Blood - Dance of Victory   A few decades after its foundation, the Twilight Guard faced its most formidable challenge: the War of Black Blood. As orc tribes from the Toln Expanse threatened the drow territories, the Twilight Guard's unparalleled training and strategic insights proved invaluable. Their decisive charge against the orcish front lines not only turned the tide of the war but solidified their reputation across Eos.   Post-War Era - Era of Enlightenment   With the end of the War of Black Blood, the Twilight Guard shifted their focus to missionary work and safeguarding the teachings of Eilistraee. Their roles as protectors extended beyond the battlefield to the realm of faith and spirituality. This era saw a rapid expansion of the Church of Eilistraee, with many attributing its growth to the peace and stability ensured by the Twilight Guard.   The Great Schism - Twilight's Trial   Around two centuries after their formation, the Twilight Guard faced internal strife. Differences arose regarding their roles, leading to a division between those who believed in a more aggressive, expansionist policy and those who advocated for maintaining their traditional roles as protectors and missionaries. The Great Schism lasted for a decade and ended with a reconciliation ritual, reinforcing the Twilight Guard's unity.   Modern Era - Guardians of Legacy   Today, the Twilight Guard stands as a symbol of dedication, loyalty, and skill. Their legacy is etched in the annals of Eos's history, serving as both a testament to their past victories and a beacon of hope for future generations. They continue to evolve, adapting to the changing needs of Eos while remaining steadfast in their commitment to Queen Nonsi and the teachings of Eilistraee.

Tenets of Faith

Loyalty to both Queen Nonsi and goddess Eilistraee. Spreading messages of hope, love, and acceptance. Pursuing enlightenment and combat training. Offering respite from darkness to all.

Granted Divine Powers

Note: The bestowed powers reflect the divine blessings of the goddess Eilistraee and the unwavering training and devotion of the Twilight Guard members.  
  • Lunar Infusion
- Description: Members can channel the energy of the moon, strengthening their physical and mental capabilities. This power peaks during the full moon.
  • Application: Increased strength, agility, and reflexes during combat. Enhanced cognitive skills and intuition.
    • Shadows' Embrace
  • Description: Allows the Twilight Guard to blend seamlessly into shadows and darkness, making them nearly invisible.
  • Application: Covert operations, intelligence gathering, and surprise attacks.
    • Eilistraee's Lament
  • Description: A haunting, ethereal melody that can calm aggressive foes, or bolster the morale and spirit of allies.
  • Application: Used in diplomatic missions, or to rally and inspire troops during warfare.
    • Moonlit Ward
  • Description: A protective barrier infused with lunar energies. It can shield the Twilight Guard from both physical and magical attacks.
  • Application: Defense against projectiles, spells, or when facing overwhelmingly powerful foes.
    • Starforged Blade
  • Description: Temporarily imbue their weapons with a divine radiance, increasing their sharpness and causing them to emit a silvery light.
  • Application: Effective against creatures of darkness, undead, or those vulnerable to divine energies.
    • Night's Whisper
  • Description: Grants the ability to communicate telepathically with other members of the Twilight Guard over short distances.
  • Application: Coordination during combat, sharing critical information without alerting enemies.
    • Dusk's Renewal
  • Description: A rapid healing ability, allowing the Guard to recover from injuries at a faster rate during nighttime or under the moonlight.
  • Application: Enhanced endurance during prolonged battles or when immediate medical attention is unavailable.
    • Twilight Vision
  • Description: Enhances the eyesight of the Guard members, allowing them to see clearly in complete darkness and discern illusions.
  • Application: Night-time reconnaissance, detecting hidden traps or enemies using illusionary tactics.
    • Moon's Blessing
  • Description: A divine blessing that can be invoked to cleanse an area or individual from curses, poisons, or dark magic.
  • Application: Purifying corrupted lands, healing those affected by dark magic, or counteracting potent curses.
    • Dance of the Silvered Blade:
  • Description: A mystical combat form that allows the user to move with supernatural speed and precision, making them appear as if they're dancing.
  • Application: Engaging multiple opponents or deflecting a barrage of attacks simultaneously.
  • While these powers are granted by Eilistraee, they also require the member to maintain a strong connection to their faith and dedication to the ideals of the Twilight Guard. Misuse or straying from the path could lead to a weakening or loss of these divine gifts.


    • Order of the Midnight Sun
    Function:   This sect focuses on intelligence gathering, espionage, and covert operations. They are responsible for ensuring the safety of the realm by uncovering and neutralizing potential threats before they arise.   Structure:   Luminary Master: Leader of the sect, specializing in decoding intelligence and determining the course of action.   Shadow Walkers: Elite spies skilled in blending with darkness and passing unnoticed.   Cipher Monks: Those responsible for deciphering encrypted messages and artifacts of importance.  
    • Celestial Blade Circle
      Function:   They are responsible for preserving and enhancing the art of blade dancing. This sect views combat as a form of worship, merging martial prowess with spiritual devotion.   Structure:   Dance Matron: Leader of the circle, considered the most proficient blade dancer in Eos.   Crescent Instructors: Veteran warriors responsible for training and guiding new initiates.   Moonlit Disciples: Acolytes dedicated to mastering the intricacies of blade dancing.  
    • Starlit Emissaries
      Function:   As ambassadors of Queen Nonsi and the Church of Eilistraee, this sect travels across Eos to form alliances, conduct diplomatic missions, and spread the teachings of the goddess.   Structure:   Starbearer: Chief ambassador, responsible for forging the most critical alliances and peace treaties.   Twilight Envoys: Diplomats trained in the arts of negotiation, culture, and religion.   Glimmering Aides: Assistants who help the envoys in various capacities, often responsible for logistics and planning.  
    • Veil of the Moonweaver
      Function:   This sect is dedicated to healing and magical arts, using both conventional and mystical methods to restore and rejuvenate. They also research ways to combine magic with blade dancing.   Structure:   Moon's Regent: Leader known for unparalleled magical prowess, responsible for directing research and healing missions.   Silver Sages: Mages dedicated to the study and practice of ancient magical arts.   Lunar Healers: Practitioners who cater to the wounded, blending traditional healing with gentle magical touch.  
    • Dawn’s Vanguard
      Function:   The first line of defense against threats, this sect is specialized in reconnaissance and early confrontation. They patrol the borders, ensuring the realm's safety and security.   Structure:   Dawnwatcher: Leader responsible for coordinating patrols and reconnaissance missions.   Horizon Scouts: Warriors specialized in long-range combat and information gathering.   Sunguard Sentinels: Highly trained guards who man the critical posts and checkpoints across the kingdom.   Each of these sects, while having distinct roles and hierarchies, work in harmony under the larger umbrella of the Twilight Guard, ensuring that Eos remains protected from threats both external and internal.
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