The Dawn Address

Diplomatic action


This speech, known as the "Dawn Address", remains one of the most iconic moments in Uthar's history, capturing the essence of Queen Rion Soliana Nonsi's vision for the country and its people. It is often recited during national ceremonies and taught in schools, reminding generations of Utharians of their shared purpose and legacy.

Gathered citizens of Uthar, sons and daughters of the twilight, bearers of both shadow and light, I stand before you today, not as a queen on her pedestal, but as a sister amongst her kin. Today, as the sun rises, marking another day in our beloved Uthar, let us reflect on our journey and our shared dreams. When we first emerged from the cavernous depths of the Underdark, our eyes were unaccustomed to the vast sky, our hearts burdened with memories of chains and shadows. Yet, it was here, under this very sky, that we chose to make our stand, to forge a realm defined not by the scars of our past, but by the promise of a shared destiny.     Uthar was not merely built with bricks and mortar, but with hope, resilience, and an unyielding spirit. We carved out a sanctuary where every drow, every human, every being, regardless of their origins, could stand tall, free from the weight of prejudice, free to chase their dreams beneath the twilight.     But freedom, my dear kin, is not a destination; it is a journey. A journey that demands vigilance, understanding, and above all, unity. For in unity, we find our strength, in diversity, our richness, and in acceptance, our heart’s truest expression.     I often look to the teachings of our divine guide, Eilistraee, who graced me with visions of a harmonious realm, where the melody of every individual weaves into a symphony of coexistence. It is this vision that fuels my every decision, my every endeavor, and it is this vision I wish to share with each of you.     Let us remember that every child born in Uthar is a beacon of our continued promise, every story of love and friendship a celebration of our shared ethos, and every challenge we overcome, a testament to our collective spirit.     I urge you, my beloved Uthar, to keep our flame of hope alive, to nurture the bonds that tie us together, and to forever strive for a brighter, kinder world. Let Uthar stand not just as a country, but as a living embodiment of dreams realized, of adversities overcome, and of a future that holds boundless promise.     With every sunrise, let us renew our pledge to one another, for as long as the twilight graces our skies, Uthar’s heart will beat strong, its pulse resonating with the dreams and hopes of every soul that calls it home. Thank you.

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