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Aasimar (Az-Sim-mar)

Born of both human heritage and divine essence, Aasimar are radiant beings who walk the line between worlds. With appearances reminiscent of their human counterparts, Aasimar possess an ethereal allure, adorned with eyes that shimmer like starlight and hair that glows with the hues of precious metals.   These celestial beings manifest their connection to the heavens through innate divine abilities, each unique to the individual. A healing touch, the power to command elements, or the unfurling of luminous wings are among the manifestations of their celestial lineage. Their rarity with in the world shines as a beacon of otherworldly heritage. Guided by a sense of compassion and an unwavering commitment to good, Aasimar often venture into the world to aid those in need and protect against malevolent forces.    Whether born from direct unions between celestial beings and mortals or bestowed with divine essence at the dawn of their lives, Aasimar carry the legacy of their celestial lineage. Their presence brings hope, unity, and a bridge of understanding to the myriad races that inhabit this realm.

Basic Information


Aasimar are celestial beings born with a combination of human and divine traits. They appear almost identical to humans, with subtle variations that set them apart. Aasimar often possess an otherworldly aura, marked by radiant features such as glowing eyes, hair that shimmers like precious metals, or faint luminescent patterns on their skin.

Biological Traits

Aasimar inherit their celestial lineage through bloodlines, granting them innate divine abilities. These abilities can vary greatly from individual to individual, ranging from healing touch to limited control over elements. Some Aasimar may even sprout ethereal wings or radiate an aura of protection.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aasimar are typically born from unions between humans and celestial beings, such as angels or powerful celestial spirits. The celestial lineage is usually a recessive genetic trait, making it relatively rare. However, the offspring of Aasimar are more likely to have celestial traits if both parents have celestial ancestry.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aasimar mature at a rate similar to humans, reaching physical adulthood around the age of 20. Throughout their lives, they maintain youthful appearances, showing little sign of aging.

Ecology and Habitats

Aasimar are scattered across diverse regions of the world, often blending into human societies. They are drawn to places of natural beauty, where they can feel a stronger connection to their celestial heritage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aasimar have similar dietary needs to humans, consuming a variety of foods. Some Aasimar, particularly those with strong divine affinities, may prefer a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods associated with purity and health.

Biological Cycle

Like humans, Aasimar follow diurnal rhythms, requiring sleep and sustenance to maintain their strength and vitality.


Aasimar tend to display a strong sense of compassion and a desire to protect and help others. They often feel a sense of responsibility to use their divine gifts for the betterment of society. This can lead to feelings of internal conflict when they encounter morally grey situations.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aasimar often integrate into human societies, contributing their abilities to various roles, such as healers, advisers, or protectors. They are generally well-respected, though occasional envy or fear can lead to challenges.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aasimar are found where ever there are settlements of other humanoids, spanning almost the entire globe of Sitagus.

Average Intelligence

Aasimar possess a wide range of intelligence levels, but they tend to be curious and open-minded, seeking knowledge and understanding of both the mortal and celestial realms.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aasimar possess heightened senses, allowing them to perceive the world with exceptional clarity. They can often see and sense spiritual energies and auras, which aids them in identifying good and evil intentions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Aasimar names often reflect their celestial heritage, with names inspired by celestial bodies, virtues, or elements. They might also choose names that embody their chosen life path or mission.

Beauty Ideals

Aasimar value inner beauty and integrity, focusing less on physical appearance and more on the radiance of their souls.

Gender Ideals

Aasimar do not hold strict gender roles, valuing qualities like kindness, wisdom, and strength in individuals regardless of their gender.

Relationship Ideals

Aasimar emphasize strong emotional connections and mutual respect in their relationships. They often seek partners who share their values and goals.

Common Etiquette Rules

Aasimar practice courtesy and humility in their interactions. They tend to show deference to authority and maintain a sense of reverence for the divine.

Common Dress Code

Aasimar attire often features flowing, ethereal fabrics and colours that reflect their celestial heritage. They may incorporate symbols or patterns associated with their divine lineage.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Aasimar culture emphasizes spiritual growth, altruism, and the pursuit of noble endeavors. They value unity, cooperation, and the advancement of knowledge.

Common Taboos

Desecration of Sacred Sites: Aasimar hold deep reverence for places of natural beauty and spiritual significance. Any harm done to these sites is considered a grave offense, as it disrupts the balance between the mortal and celestial realms.
Abuse of Divine Abilities: Aasimar are born with celestial powers, which they are encouraged to use for benevolent purposes. The misuse or exploitation of these gifts for personal gain or harm is strictly forbidden and may lead to isolation from the community.
Breaking Oaths and Promises: Honoring one's word is of utmost importance to Aasimar. Breaking oaths or betraying promises damages their credibility and connection to the divine, tarnishing their reputation within their society.
Engaging in Malevolent Acts: Aasimar are guided by a strong sense of justice and compassion. Engaging in malicious or harmful actions, such as theft, violence, or manipulation, is considered an affront to their celestial nature.
Uncontrolled Anger or Hatred: Aasimar strive to embody the virtues of love and understanding. Succumbing to unchecked anger or fostering hatred contradicts their core values and may lead to spiritual dissonance.
Neglecting Aid to the Vulnerable: Aasimar are expected to use their abilities to help those in need, particularly the vulnerable and oppressed. Neglecting this duty is seen as a betrayal of their celestial lineage.
Disrespecting Elders or Ancestors: Aasimar hold their ancestors and wise elders in high regard. Disrespecting or disregarding their guidance is seen as a rejection of their wisdom and the lessons of the past.
Embracing Corruptive Influences: Associating with dark or malevolent forces, including necromancy or other forms of forbidden magic, is strictly forbidden. Such associations threaten to sever their connection to the divine.
Ego and Arrogance: Aasimar are expected to remain humble and compassionate, avoiding excessive pride or arrogance. Ego-driven actions are viewed as a departure from their celestial purpose.
Refusal to Forgive: Forgiveness and redemption are central to Aasimar values. Holding grudges and refusing to offer a chance for reconciliation contradicts their mission of spreading light and healing.

Observance of these taboos is vital for Aasimar to maintain their connection to the divine, preserve their reputation, and fulfill their roles as guides and protectors. Those who transgress these taboos may face social consequences, as well as internal spiritual conflict, as they strive to realign themselves with their celestial heritage.

Common Myths and Legends

Aasimar are often featured in legends as messengers of the gods or as heroes who rise to confront great evils. Their celestial heritage ties them to prophecies and cosmic events in many mythologies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aasimar possess a natural affinity for fostering positive relations between different races and species. Their celestial heritage grants them an innate empathy and understanding that enables them to bridge gaps between diverse groups. This ability to connect with others on a profound level makes Aasimar sought-after diplomats, mediators, and peacemakers in inter-species interactions. Humans: Due to their shared appearance, Aasimar and humans often have relatively smooth interactions. Aasimar may find themselves drawn to human communities, where they can blend in easily while still contributing their celestial abilities.   Elves: Aasimar's compassion and wisdom align well with elven ideals, leading to amicable relationships. Elves appreciate Aasimar's dedication to preserving natural beauty and their harmonious connection with the divine.   Dwarves: The dwarven practicality and Aasimar's healing abilities can create valuable partnerships, especially in crafting and construction projects. Aasimar's diplomatic skills are useful in addressing disputes within dwarven communities.   Orcs: Aasimar can inspire positive change within orc societies by appealing to their sense of honor and potential for greatness. Their celestial nature can also counteract the negativity often associated with orcs, leading to increased cooperation.   Gnomes and Halflings: These races are drawn to Aasimar's warmth and guidance. Aasimar can provide a sense of security and enlightenment to these smaller races, fostering creativity and collaboration.   Dragons and Other Celestial Beings: Aasimar share common origins with celestial beings like angels and benevolent spirits. They can establish strong bonds with these entities, often working together to thwart malevolent forces.   Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, and Other Mixed-Race Individuals: Aasimar can relate to the challenges faced by individuals with mixed heritage. They serve as beacons of hope, showcasing the beauty of diverse backgrounds and the potential for greatness.   Shifters and Lycanthropes: Aasimar's radiant nature may resonate with these more primal races, potentially aiding in their self-control and stability during transformations.   Undead and Dark Creatures: Interspecies relations with darker races or undead can be more complex. Aasimar may attempt to redeem or bring light to these beings, though it's not always met with success due to the inherent darkness.   In general, Aasimar are respected for their ability to see the inherent goodness in others, fostering cooperation and understanding between races that might otherwise be at odds. Their diplomatic prowess and empathy make them invaluable assets in forging alliances, resolving conflicts, and promoting unity among the diverse inhabitants of your world.
Genetic Descendants
160 years
Average Height
5′‒6′6″ (150‒200 cm)
Average Weight
124‒280 lb (56.2‒130 kg)
Average Physique
Physically, Aasimar resemble humans, varying in height, build, and other characteristics. Their celestial lineage, however, often grants them an air of elegance and grace.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Aasimar have a natural radiance that can manifest in their hair, eyes, and skin. Their features may emit a soft glow, and their hair and eye colors often resemble precious gemstones or metals.