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Lunari (Lun-ar-e)

The Guardians have existed bound to their celestial duty on the moon of Signus. The collection of Gods populated the moon with a specialized subrace of Aasimar, the Lunari. The Lunari adopted the moniker of Guardians of Signus as it was the purpose of their creation by the Gods. They are the caretakers of the Signus and hold that role with great importance.   The Lunari fall under two responsibilities creating two paths of lifestyles a Lunari can follow. Either the Lunari live their lives in one of the settlements maintaining the order of an astral nexus or live in one of the nomadic tribes that maintain the magics of the surface and deal with issues across all areas of the moons.   Settled Cities:
Settled Lunari communities establish stationary cities around Astral Nexuses, locations of stable and potent magical energy. These cities are constructed using their innate magic and reinforce the seals on the imprisoned demigod. The Astral Nexus serves as the heart of each city, drawing energy from the moon's core. The Lunari commune with the Nexus, deepening their magical abilities and understanding.
  Settled cities are meticulously placed around Astral Nexuses, ensuring optimal exposure to stable magical energies. Lunari gather to study and deepen their connection to the moon. Guardians uphold the seals, allowing others to focus on advanced magical research and celestial lore.
  These cities allow Lunari to focus on their deeper connection with the moon's magic and the seals. Guardians in these cities strengthen their bond with Signus, enhancing their magic and knowledge. The settled lifestyle grants stability, fostering intense magical study and research.
  Nomadic Tribes:
Nomadic Lunari form tribes traveling in Ephemeral Cities, mobile sanctuaries. These cities are constructed with magic and move across Signus to absorb magical energies, address disturbances, and engage with Astral Beasts. Guardians play a central role in leading and protecting these tribes.
  Nomadic tribes set up Ephemeral Cities in areas with potent magical energies or astral disturbances. Guardians lead, while Seers guide routes and Wardens maintain protective enchantments. Harmonizers mediate with astral entities. Communities are built to swiftly respond to magical fluctuations and disturbances, fostering close-knit bonds among members.
  Nomadic life fulfills the Lunari's duty to maintain magical balance. They adapt to the moon's fluctuations, swiftly addressing disruptions and disturbances. The mobile lifestyle fosters communal bonds and provides opportunities for interaction with the diverse regions of Signus.

Basic Information


The Physiology and Celestial blood of the Lunari can adapt to the oddities that might arise on Signus. These angelic humanoids are directly related to Aasimar and share a similar body morphology to humans, having a few exceptions. Adapting to the harsh natures of Signus’, the Lunari's skin is pale pearlescent white, which glows softly. Frost accumulates on their bodies naturally. Their eyes are a pupil-less deep azure blue. Their blood is the same azure blue as their eyes. Their hair comes in shades of blue, white or soft pearlescent with a faint glowing quality. When their wings manifest, they are the same colour as their hair and will glow that colour. Their feathers are thick and acclimatized to colder environments, similar to the Snowy Owl.

Biological Traits

Resilience to Cold: Their bodies have adapted to the cold environments of Signus, making them highly resistant to extreme temperatures.
Moonlit Flight:
When their wings manifest, they can harness the moon's energy to achieve graceful, gliding flight, allowing them to move effortlessly across the moon's surface.
Ethereal Glow:
The Lunari emit a soft, celestial glow that brightens during magical bursts. This glow not only adds to their ethereal appearance but also serves as a natural light source in the moon's darker periods.
Bioluminescent Hair and Feathers:
The Lunari's hair and feathers come in various shades of blue, white, or soft pearlescent colors. When their wings and hair manifest, they glow with a similar hue, acting as natural light sources during the moon's darker phases, illuminating their ephemeral cities in an ethereal glow.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Lunari are a specialized subrace of Aasimar, created directly by the gods for their celestial duty on Signus. As a result, they have unique genetics that set them apart from regular Aasimar. When two Lunari reproduce, they follow a conventional biological process similar to humans, giving birth to offspring that inherit their celestial traits and magical abilities. As long as Lunari continue to breed with other Lunari, their celestial bloodline persists and remains closely tied to the magical essence of the Pearlescent Moon.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Lunari mature at a similar rate to humans, but due to their celestial heritage, they enjoy longer lifespans. They progress through life stages similar to humans, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. During their long lives, they experience a gradual accumulation of knowledge and magical proficiency, making them wise and experienced beings.

Ecology and Habitats

Being designed to adapt to the harsh environments of Signus, they have perfectly mutated to live upon the harsh moon.   Magical Dependency: The Lunari's physiology is uniquely attuned to the magical properties of Signus. They have evolved to absorb the moon's mystical energies directly from their environment, sustaining themselves without the need for conventional food or drink. This adaptation allows them to draw strength and nourishment from the moon's magic, making them remarkably self-sufficient on their lunar home.
Flora and Fauna of Signus: The surface of Signus is sparse, adorned with icy plains, rugged mountains, and ancient craters. While plant life is scarce, the Lunari have developed a harmonious relationship with the few resilient organisms that exist. Moonflowers, luminescent flora native to the moon, provide a source of wonder and sustenance for the Lunari, blooming under the moon's light and dispersing their radiant essence as gentle energy for the Lunari to absorb.
Astral Beasts' Influence: The presence of Astral Beasts adds a mystical dimension to Signus's ecology. Their ethereal nature influences the moon's environment, creating subtle fluctuations in magical energies. The Lunari have learned to interpret these changes and use them as indicators of potential disturbances or events beyond the moon's borders.
Interaction with the Ethereal Plane: The moon's connection with the ethereal plane influences its ecology, introducing unique phenomena. Ephemeral wisps, seemingly sentinels of the ethereal realm, dance across the moon's surface during significant celestial alignments, their presence adding an enchanting aura to the Lunari's habitat.
Moon's Impact on the Lunari Anatomy: Signus's influence shapes the Lunari's anatomy, fostering a close bond with their lunar home. Their glowing pearlescent skin and azure eyes are a direct result of their connection to the moon's magic. The frost that naturally accumulates on their bodies is a testament to their adaptation to colder lunar environments.
Celestial Wings and Lunar Flight: When their wings manifest, they gain the ability to draw upon the moon's energy to achieve graceful, moonlit flight. These wings are not merely extensions of their anatomy; they are a manifestation of their celestial heritage, blending seamlessly with their pearlescent appearance and radiating a soft glow that resonates with Signus's magic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Lunari have no conventional dietary needs as they are sustained by the moon's magic. Their physiology has evolved to draw strength and nourishment directly from the magical energies of Signus. Thus, they require no food or drink, relying solely on the moon's mystical essence to sustain their health and vitality

Biological Cycle

The Lunari's biological cycle is closely tied to the lunar phases of Signus. During the moon's brighter phases, their natural magical abilities may strengthen, allowing them to harness more potent spells. Conversely, during the darker phases, they might enter a period of rest and meditation, conserving their energy until the moon's magic surges again.
  Magical Prowess and Signus's Enchantment:
Their innate connection to the moon allows the Lunari to harness and channel magical energies with exceptional skill. During specific phases, the Lunari's magical prowess may reach its zenith, granting them the ability to perform powerful rituals, create enchantments, and exhibit heightened magical sensitivities.


The Lunari are compassionate and empathetic beings, guided by a strong sense of duty and devotion to their role as Guardians. They are known for their calm demeanor and level-headedness, even in the face of danger. Harmony and cooperation are deeply ingrained in their culture, and they value teamwork and unity above all else. Due to their inherent connection to magic and the celestial plane, they have an intuitive understanding of the world around them, often displaying wisdom beyond their years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Lunari society revolves around their communal nature and shared purpose. They live in close-knit communities within ephemeral cities that travel across Signus, ensuring each member has access to the moon's magical energies. The Guardians, marked at birth for their higher purpose, form a council that makes important decisions and oversees the well-being of the Lunari population. Respect for authority and the wisdom of elders are deeply ingrained values.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Lunari's geographic distribution revolves around two main groups:

Nomadic Communities:
These travel in mobile Ephemeral Cities, positioning themselves strategically to absorb the moon's magic and address disturbances. Their movement across Signus ensures balance and harmony.

Settled Communities:
Some Lunari settle near Astral Nexuses, potent magical points. Here, they study magic and deepen their celestial understanding, maintaining seals and focusing on the moon's ethereal nature.

This distribution balances their dynamic duty. Nomads respond to disruptions and Settlers maintain magic, forming a cohesive presence across Signus.

Average Intelligence

The Lunari possess above-average intelligence compared to other humanoid races in their world. They excel in emotional and magical intelligence, stemming from their deep connection to the moon's magic and celestial heritage. Their heightened intelligence contributes to their adeptness in understanding the complexities of Signus, as well as their ability to harness and manipulate magical energies effectively.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Lunari have an innate connection to the magics given off by Signus, which has granted them the inherent ability to feel and read the magic’s presence of the moon. With this sense and understanding of the magic around them, their innate magic is more potent, and their ability to harness other magic comes naturally.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic Relationship with Astral Beasts:
Certain Astral Beasts on Signus form symbiotic relationships with the Lunari, recognizing the celestial beings as protectors of the moon and its magical energies. These beneficial relationships are characterized by mutual cooperation and support. Some Astral Beasts become steadfast companions to the Guardians, forging deep bonds with their Lunari counterparts. These loyal allies assist the Guardians in their duties, alerting them to potential disturbances and providing valuable insights from the ethereal realm. Symbiotic Astral Beasts may possess unique magical abilities that harmonize with the Lunari's celestial heritage. The Lunari, in turn, learn to harness and channel these astral powers, enhancing their own magical capabilities. Symbiotic Astral Beasts occasionally visit the Ephemeral Cities, where they contribute to the lunar ecosystem and help maintain magical balance. In return, the Lunari provide protection and a safe haven for the Astral Beasts during their stay. Lunari and symbiotic Astral Beasts engage in ceremonial interactions during celestial events, solidifying their bond and affirming their commitment to safeguarding Signus together.
  Parasitic Relationship with Astral Beasts:
Not all Astral Beasts on Signus have benevolent intentions, and some may exhibit parasitic behaviors, posing challenges to the Lunari and their moon. Parasitic Astral Beasts might attempt to feed off the moon's magical energies, causing fluctuations and disturbances that jeopardize the balance of Signus. This forces the Lunari to take swift action to contain the astral threats. Some parasitic Astral Beasts view the Ephemeral Cities as sources of power and sustenance, seeking to breach the cities' protective barriers. The Lunari Guardians must be vigilant in defending their sanctuaries from these invasive creatures. In particularly perilous situations, parasitic Astral Beasts might infest certain areas of Signus, disrupting the moon's delicate equilibrium. The Lunari face the challenge of locating and eradicating these infestations to restore stability. Parasitic Astral Beasts can lead to confrontations between Guardians and astral entities. The Lunari must use their celestial heritage and magical prowess to pacify these hostile creatures and mitigate potential damage to the moon.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Lunari's naming traditions are deeply rooted in celestial themes. Their names often embody qualities of the moon, stars, or divine beings. Some examples of Lunari names might be Lysandra (meaning "moon's light"), Astraeus (referring to a celestial god), or Selenius (inspired by the moon's name itself). Because the Lunari are community minded they have no need for clan names as they are all one big family.

Major Organizations

The Lunari's major organization is the Guardians, comprised of Lunari marked for their celestial duty. Guardians protect the moon's balance, oversee Ephemeral Cities' travels, and address astral disturbances. They work together with a shared purpose, ensuring Signus's stability and safeguarding its magical essence.
  Guardian Roles:
Guardians: Assigned to protect, guide, and oversee the mobile tribes or stationary cities.
Seers: Gifted with heightened magical sensitivity, they anticipate disturbances and astral activities.
Wardens: Skilled in magic, they mend seals, manage energy flows, and repair damages.
Harmonizers: Masters of communication, they negotiate with astral entities, forming alliances or pacifying threats.

Beauty Ideals

The Lunari's beauty ideals are rooted in their core values of respect and community, emphasizing inner qualities over external appearances. While they appreciate the diversity of physical forms, their concept of beauty centers on qualities such as wisdom, kindness, and empathy. Lunari celebrate individuals for their contributions to the community and their ability to foster harmony and unity. This perspective creates a culture where beauty is found in the positive impact one has on others and the nurturing of a supportive and respectful environment, rather than superficial attributes.

Gender Ideals

The Lunari's agender identity forms the foundation of their gender ideals, allowing them to transcend traditional gender norms. Although they possess distinct physical sexes, they view these differences as expressions of individual diversity rather than hierarchical distinctions. Their culture emphasizes equality, acceptance, and appreciation for each individual's unique attributes and contributions, fostering a unified community that values unity, respect for individuality, and an absence of gender-related assumptions.

Courtship Ideals

The Lunari's ideals on courtship are characterized by a culture of openness, freedom, and respect for personal choices. Love and affection are regarded as natural expressions of emotion, and individuals are encouraged to pursue romantic connections without social constraints. Courtship is marked by genuine communication, mutual understanding, and shared experiences, fostering emotional bonds. The Lunari's emphasis on open expression and mutual respect allows love to flourish freely, contributing to a society where relationships are built on authentic connections rather than societal expectations or limitations.

Relationship Ideals

The Lunari's ideals on relationships reflect their commitment to open expression and respect for personal connections. Love is considered a natural and cherished emotion, and individuals are encouraged to express their feelings freely without fear of judgment. Romantic relationships are built on mutual understanding, communication, and shared experiences. The Lunari's culture values emotional bonds based on authenticity and mutual respect, fostering an environment where love can be openly expressed and celebrated as an integral part of their community-minded society.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Lunari's major language group centers around their inherited Celestial language, serving as a unifying communication tool for formal matters and celestial rituals. While Celestial remains the core language, subtle dialectical variations could have arisen based on their nomadic or settled lifestyles, and interactions with Astral Beasts might have influenced specialized terminology related to magic and cosmology. This linguistic diversity reflects their dynamic experiences as protectors of Signus and their interactions with the magical and astral aspects of their world.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Lunari's common etiquette is deeply rooted in their values of respect, unity, and open expression. Greetings are often warm and sincere, with eye contact and a gentle touch to convey connection. Listening actively and engaging in meaningful conversation is highly valued, as it fosters understanding and unity. Physical and personal boundaries are respected, and disagreements are approached with a desire for mutual understanding rather than conflict. Sharing resources, knowledge, and support is customary, reflecting their community-minded nature. Acts of kindness, empathy, and assistance are emphasized, creating an environment where everyone's well-being is prioritized, and the collective harmony is nurtured.

Common Dress Code

The Lunari's dress code is reflective of their open-minded and community-oriented culture. While they do not enforce strict attire guidelines, their clothing choices often align with their values of unity, practicality, and self-expression. Lunari attire tends to be comfortable, allowing for ease of movement in their nomadic or settled lifestyles. Clothing may incorporate pearlescent or celestial-inspired colors and designs, symbolizing their connection to Signus. Personal expression is encouraged, and individuals may choose clothing that reflects their identity and role within the community. Adornments, such as jewelry or accessories, are common and may hold cultural or personal significance. Overall, Lunari clothing exemplifies their harmonious approach to life, embracing diversity and individuality within their community.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Lunari's culture is deeply intertwined with their celestial heritage and their role as protectors of Signus. Their cultural identity revolves around unity, respect, and a strong sense of community. The preservation of magical balance and harmony is a fundamental value, driving their nomadic and settled lifestyles. Rituals and ceremonies involving Celestial language and magical practices connect them to the moon's energies and reinforce their duty as Guardians. Astral Beasts play a significant role in their cultural symbolism, representing both challenges and allies. Art, music, and storytelling are used to transmit their history, cosmology, and shared experiences. Their agender perspective shapes their inclusive and respectful approach to relationships and interpersonal dynamics. The Lunari's cultural heritage is a tapestry of celestial connections, a commitment to harmony, and a celebration of the diverse qualities that define their unique society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Lunari's customs and traditions reflect their deep connection to Signus and their commitment to maintaining its magical balance. Some common customs and observed traditions include:

Celestial Gatherings: Regular gatherings where Lunari come together to connect with the moon's energies, share experiences, and reinforce their unity.
Astral Beacon: During significant celestial events, the Lunari light Astral Beacons, magical lanterns that symbolize their connection to the moon and their duty as Guardians.
Lunar Blessings: Lunari offer blessings to the moon during phases of significance, expressing gratitude for its magical energies and seeking its continued guidance.
Astral Dance: A rhythmic and graceful dance performed under the moon's light, symbolizing harmony and the interconnectedness of all Lunari.
Ephemeral Celebrations: Festivals held in Ephemeral Cities during phases of potent magical energies, featuring communal feasts, art displays, and performances.
Astral Harmony Rituals: Guardians lead rituals that invite Astral Beasts to interact peacefully with the Lunari, fostering cooperation and understanding.
Seed of Unity: During the Equinox, Lunari plant seeds representing their collective strength and unity, nurturing the growth of symbolic plants in their communities.
Astral Guardians' Vigil: A solemn night of meditation and reflection observed by Guardians, reinforcing their commitment to Signus's protection.
Astral Beacon Parade: A joyful procession of Guardians and Lunari carrying Astral Beacons through their communities, uniting the moon's energy with their collective spirit.
Ephemeral Artistry: Lunari create ephemeral artworks using magic, showcasing their artistic talents and the transitory beauty of their creations.

Common Taboos

Hoarding Magic: Excessive use of the moon's magic for personal gain is frowned upon, as it may disrupt the balance and deplete resources needed for the Guardians' duty.
Harming Astral Beasts: The Lunari consider Astral Beasts to be sacred creatures. Harming or unnecessarily provoking them is strictly forbidden.
Revealing Secrets: The true nature of Signus and the demigod's imprisonment is a deeply guarded secret. The Lunari vow to never reveal these truths to outsiders.

Common Myths and Legends

The Lunari's myths and legends are intricately woven into their cultural fabric, serving to explain the moon's magical nature, their celestial heritage, and the challenges they face as Guardians. Some of their prominent myths and legends include:
  The Creation of Signus: A foundational myth explaining how the moon was created by the collective gods as a final act of forming their world. This myth ties the Lunari's existence to Signus's creation.
The Binding of the Demigod: A tale of heroic sacrifice and unity among the gods, resulting in the sealing of a powerful demigod within the moon. This myth underlines the importance of Guardians and their duty to maintain the seal.
The Astral Accord: A legend recounting the first encounter between Lunari and Astral Beasts, emphasizing the mutual understanding and cooperation that developed over time.
The Dance of Ephemeral Cities: A myth that speaks of a celestial dance performed by the Ephemeral Cities, connecting them with the moon's energy and guiding their movements across Signus.
The Celestial Union: A romantic legend portraying the unity of two Lunari who fell in love and wove their energies together, creating a powerful magical bond that fortified their connection to the moon.
The Ethereal Veil: A cautionary tale of a Lunari who breached the Ethereal Veil and glimpsed into the realm beyond, warning of the dangers of tampering with the cosmic balance.
The Whispering Constellations: A myth where Lunari believe that the constellations in the night sky carry messages from ancient guardians, guiding them in times of uncertainty.

These myths and legends form an integral part of Lunari culture, transmitting their beliefs, history, and values through storytelling, reinforcing their commitment to their role as celestial protectors and the unique relationship they share with Signus.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
160 years
Average Height
5′‒6′6″ (150‒200 cm)
Average Weight
124‒280 lb (56.2‒130 kg)
Average Physique
Due to their celestial nature, the Lunari have a moderately lean and muscular physique. Their bodies remain healthy and resilient, aided by their unique adaptation to draw sustenance from the moon's magic. As they are not dependent on conventional food, their forms stay in good health and peak physical condition, further enhancing their ability to fulfil their celestial duties.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lunari marked for the role of Guardians have additional azure linear markings at birth, signifying their higher purpose and connection to the moon's magic.
Geographic Distribution
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