Harbour Ward

Harbour Ward houses those moslty still loyal to the crown and houses many prominnent and important functions for the royal family. Due to the Castles small size various vital governmental structures and roles were unable to fit inside it and so many of these services where outsourced and built into harbour ward making the distrcit the center of Cartitian governance. Merchant shops are rare in these streets, both for a lack of customers but also due to the difficulty of gaining a permit for the distrcit.   Within the security and warmth of Harbour Ward stands the most prominent building, the large Court House. The Court House stands stark agaisnt the backdrop of open wooden buildings with its large white pillars and old ancient architexture. It is in this court house the royal family (or more likely thier delegates) see over the matters of the local populace. It houses one of the thrones of Olmixipor, unique and reserved for only the ruling King of the nation.   Surrounidng the Court house are multiple buildings dedicated to the different advisros and ministers of the the royal family.   Other key structures present within Harbour Ward include the national bank, secondary residencies for the royals, mansions for esteemed nobles and other dignatries, a large building dedicated for occupation for emissaries, and the Royal Mint that rests on the edge of the Starwell District and Ashchurch.