Kingdom of Marbia

The Dark Lands

The Kingdom of Marbia is the farthest westerly country and is run as a Theocracy dedicated to various dietie of the Pantheon of Nightbreak. Marbia is the only Telmian country not to follow the Pantheon of Dawn. They have 5 primary gods of Nightbreak they worship, notably:
  • Selûne Our Lady of Silver - Goddess of the Moon
  • Kelemvor Judge of the Damned - God of the Dead
  • Helm The Watcher- God of Protection
  • Auril The Frost Maiden- God of Frost
  • Torm - God of Courage and Self-Sacrifice

Tho other deities are followed, these five hold shrines in the capital of Marbo and are actively worshipped by the community.
The country gets its nickname of "The Dark Lands" through its long and dangerous nights. There is a strange phenomenon in Marbia that there are only a few hours of daylight in a day, towards the middle of the year, when they get the most, Marbians are lucky to get 6 hours of Daylight. Because of this, many monsters roam among Marbia, they infest the non-civilised forests, plains and tundra and make travel through the towns extremely dangerous. People would rarely, if ever, travel in small company, and instead would travel with scheduled military convoys to reach other destinations.
Additionally, Marbians are affected the most by The Candlebearer constellation, with the darkness it brings obscuring any light from fluctuating in the night.    

An Export of Warriors

  Technology is not well advanced in Marbia, as most Marbians are taught self-defence and combat skills constantly throughout life, making following other professions hard to do within the country. Those who wish to have the luxuries of learning of the seas, or of plants and nature must foray out to other nations to get that education. Because of this, Marbians have a large export of very skilled warriors.
  Marbians in general are often quite quiet and kept to themself, they are not cruel people however their upbringings often involve attacks from beasts more terrifying than anywhere else on Skålnir. They also suffer a high amount of deaths in their life due to the cruel environment, living conditions and, of course, monsters. Marbian families are big to allow bloodlines more likelihood of persevering, and families have children young.
Family is a big thing to Marbians. Generosity is not a common trait in Marbia, it is often to hindering to oneself to be generous to others and so it has been normalised that generosity is no virtue, it is expected to hold on to what you can gain for yourself and for your family. Family members are often the closest friends to a Marbian and the bonds between siblings are extremely strong and reliable.    

The Watchers

The watchers are some of the more prominently well-documented monsters in Marbia, they travel in packs and scan the lands for innocence, fear, anger or any other manifestations of negative emotion.
  A short extract can be read here: The Watchers  

Worship to the Gods

The Church of the Raven run Marbia. They are a group of intelligent priests that bring unity and prophecy to their Kingdom. These prophecies often include the movement of monsters, the forecast of light and other things that will grant prosperity to their towns.
In the capital, Marbo, during twilight the Raven Priests will walk from the gates of the town to the central courtyard where large shrines form a 'U' shape overlooking the city. The shrines appear as massive chairs, symbolising the seats of the respective god. There are around 200 meters in height and each one has a very large fire pit at the highest point. These fire pits produce great green flames that light the city up for the nightly hours.
Offerings and sacrifices are made during these times.  

Magic in Marbia

As mentioned Marbians are mostly kept to themselves and live not only isolated in their communities but also in the grand political stage of the world. Their primary goal in life is to survive and they don't question the methods others take to do so. Marbia openly accepts any and all forms of magic, from Mage-punk devices to even natural-born Aether.
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