Pantheon of Dawn


The Pantheon of Dawn is the primary pantheon followed in Telmia. From the far corners of Kingdom of Anzia to the southern isles of The Kingdom of Earania, the only border that is not the sea is that of Midgering. The Pantheon follows the spiritual lessons of Prince Manus and focuses on the future and coming days that will bless the lands. The Gods and Goddesses that are followed in this Pantheon lean towards the future and preparation. Followers of the dawn pantheon are simply called Dawnspawn.

Deities of the Dawn:


The First Priest

The first Priest of the Dawn Pantheon was the famous Prince Manus who after completing the war and founding the pantheon abrogated his role as prince from the Principality of Gigia. He went on to adventure around the lands and provide support and aid preaching that the harshness of the war was over and that the future was bright. He brought together many people and communities and openly invited people to join him on his travels, this offer was often taken by those who had lost everything in the war and helped give new hope and a new life to these people.

Life and Death

Life and the Rising of the Sun
The best phenomena to bless new parents is to birth a child just as the sky turns orange with the rising of the sun. DawnSpawn see the sunrise as the beginning of life or the start of positive change, they believe that every day they should strive to seek new positive changes in their lives.
Death and the Setting of the Sun
DawnSpawn see the setting of the Sun as the soul going to sleep, whether this is for the night or for good. However, this does lead to the belief that someone has not truly passed to the afterlife until the sun has set on the day of their passing and the soul is able to leave. If someone were to die in the night their soul would be freed immediately. Funerals for DawnSpawn often happen at night and are the only major celebration that occurs outside of daylight hours.  
The Sun at Zenith
The Sun at Zenith (or just the Zenith) is what DawnSpawn call the afterlife, it is said to be a place where Sun is at its strongest every day and even during the nights, the light is able to reach the surface. It is a land of warmth and of jungle-like flora with trees the sizes of castles and glistening lakes that could be seas.

The Mordamatorian Theocracy

The Mordamatorian Theocracy is one of the 15 nations of the world however is the only nation to be ruled by the church. Whereas in many other countries on the main continent that follow one of the Solar Pantheons, the Mordamatorian Theocracy indoctrinate the Pantheon of Dawn much more into their lifestyle and governance. Being the nation founded by the settling Priest Manus, it has always been ruled by the church.
  Read about how the Pantheon of Dawn has shaped The Mordamatorian Theocracy here.

The Common Deities

The Pantheon of Dawn has 8 common deities who the vast majority of practitioners follow and pray toward. Depending on what changes a DawnSpawn may want in their life, either short term or long term, they may pray to a specific diety.
Perlor is the God of Sun and the Summer, during the summer there are many festivals in his name that celebrate various aspects of life. He is the most prayed to of the Dawn Deities as he is not a god of any specific change. DawnSpawn will pray to Pelor for any vague positive change in their life whereas with other dieties they will pray for more explicit wants.
Pelor will be specifically prayed to during times of cold or by farmers who wish for sunlight for their crops. Devout followers of Pelor seek to alleviate suffering where possible as well as bring light into the dark nights. Because of this in towns without a military presence, it is often followers of Pelor who will stay watch in the night and be in charge of keeping the streets well lit and warded from evil.

As well as Pelor, farmers will find themselves praying to Chauntea on most days. Chauntea is the Goddess of Agriculture and Life and is the diety DawnSpawn will pray to when they seek good harvests, healthy births or overcoming of illness. She is also a popular deity to druids as they will often seek their connection to their powers through her.

Gond the God of Craft and best friend to your local blacksmith or tanner down the road. Businesses that provide goods to customers will often have some tribute to Gond at the entrance of their shop. He is prayed to when people seek help learning new crafts as well as by masters seeking to make the best product for their customers.

Lathander The Morninglord
Lathander holds a similar domain to Chauntea as he is also prayed to by farmers (though less so) as well as those giving childbirth. However, the renewal Lathander promises is that of anything, not just nature. Those who act in service of others in a constant need such as maids and private nurses pray to The Morninglord for the renewal of their contracts. Lathander has often been nicknamed as the God of Contracts because of this sense of renewal.
He is also prayed to by those seeking to improve their physicality and fitness and thus is one of the more popular deities in training halls or bastions. Creatives will also find themselves praying to Latahnder so that they may continue to hold their talents and that their minds may stay healthy enough for creating new art.

Savras is prayed to by the local fortune-teller who claims Savras grants them the ability to see into the future. Because of this Savras is not seen in an as serious light as the other deities. However, when a DawnSpawn finds themselves in hard times, the last thing they may do is to ask Savras for insight on whether their situation shall improve or not. Those in the school of Divination however see Savras as the most important of all deities, as he provides a connection between the mortal world and the flowing river of time.

The God of Storms is loved by sailors and fishermen as it is him who will grant them safe travels at sea. When special ceremonies are upcoming people pray to Talos to hold the reigns on the sky so that ceremonies may take place in sunshine and good weather, or alternatively during dry runs people may ask Talos to open the floodgates of the sky.

Tymora Lady Luck
From gamblers to the homeless to practically anyone, Tymora is the Goddess of what's too good to be true. A Goddess of Luck to change the course of your life over a single night. Although, for one to be blessed by Tymora it is said she must see you as worthy of one of her blessings whether that be as present or through the consultation with Savras.
Wizards in the school of Wild Magic are the most devout of Tymora's followers.

Evening Glory
Evening Glory, the genderless deity of all that is beautiful and all that is worth loving. Praying to Evening Glory has become tainted in the Dawn Pantheon. in the year 634ND a group of DawnSpawn went around major cities and chapels speaking of the horrors that came from devout followers of Evening Glory. They spoke of horrendous creatures, sinister practices and an entire detachment from the church. These DawnSpawn were eventually imprisoned for blasphemous calls, and for the disruption they caused.
However, over 300 years later these movements against Evening Glory have led some to be wary of her teachings. Those who do pray to her will often pray for beauty and good looks before important events, some may incorporate a pledge to Evening Glory during marriage ceremonies regarding a never-ending love between both parties and finally, during funerals, some may pray to Evening Glory to have them help remember the memories of the fallen.


  • Being a much larger religion than some others such as The Elladin Spirits or The Slovan Spirits it is less strict on how one should live their life. Although, some followers take its messaging very seriously.