Starfelled - The beacon of the skies (stɑ fɛld)


A beacon of the skies

An old rickety man enters the shrine,
the sun holds strong, not a cloud to obfuscate its rays.
A small time later, the call is made,
and the beacon activates, its precise and brilliant beam sunders the soul.

A younger man leaves the shrine.
Bulked with strength and charm
a precise and brilliant shimmer in his eyes.
His time grows to a crawl.

A rusted weapon

Starfelled is known as a rusted weapon as it has not been used widely since the armies of the Kingdom of Monter and the Sziks Empire fought against each other in The Royal Cleansing. In current times, it is illegal to enter the shrine without sufficient documentation from the Cartitia officials. 
  The activation of the shrine is death.  

A weapon nonetheless

The shrine's full capabilities are unknown and are a tightly kept secret from the ruling family of Cartitia. What is known is that the effects alternated based on which beam 'blesses' you. During the day Pelor sends his lights down unto the shrine and with it comes physical enhancements of strength and charisma. Whereas, once the moons arise it is Selûne to grant her mystical abilities to the shrine. On Juliet's true form Selûne provides intelligence, wisdom, and increased constitution. and on Romeo's true form, she grants intelligence, wisdom, increased constitution as well as increasing one's dexterous abilities and charismatic qualities. 
However, there are side effects to these enhancements, commonly a shortened lifespan, however, the side effects are often more randomized yet still malicious in form. because of these unknown side effects and the dark history of the shrine's use during wartime, no one is allowed to access these blessings anymore.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose of Starfelled is unknown, carvings and decorations within the shrine suggest that before the construction these brilliant beams of daylight or nightlight would appear throughout the area where Olmixipor now stands in the present day. 
The shrine was built to harness these rays by channelling them to one central point and focusing their power into one singular beacon to the sky. Within the shrine are three short prayers that dictate how to harness the power of the Gods.
In more recent years the shrine has become a sight to see when passing through Olmixipor. With the number of foreigners that come through the trade city, the local governing body has capitalised on the popularity of such an ancient shrine.


The building and subsequent smaller structures around the area follow ancient architectural practises, most notably rounded roofs said to help reflect the skylight back into the sky. The inside of the shrine is rather small and crowded, not made for multiple worshipers at one time, likely to prevent thieves sneaking around trying to understand the old rituals that occurred inside.


5 silver pieces grants you a guided tour of the shrine and an explanation of its history and purpose. The use in the war and the now regulations to the laws around it. The shrine is a quarter days walk from the city and has birthed a small market square around the shrine. It is very popular for visitors to go and visit and the mystical insides and paranormal abilities of the shrine pull adventurers, traders and families alike.
Founding Date
Parent Location