
Guild Vs The Crown

Cartitita is a wealthy country, they have the strongest trade routes with Folimia as well as a great geographical bonus in their location providing good connection to the entirety of Telmia (bar Kingdom of Marbia. Cartitia is ruled by King Maroon Dire who has had his power contested through the monopoly the Merchants Guild has on trade. When the Kingdom was founded it wasn't founded as a nation under the control of a royal family but it was simply led by the Dire family who modernised the old trade port of Olmixipor into a much larger bustling and efficient trade port for contact with Folimia.
  The Dire family placed an emphasis on creating an economy in the newly forming world before establishing a specific government and because of that, the Merchants Guild has actually been in place longer then the now Royal Family the Dire's ultimately grew into. Now, the Merchants guild has specific control over goods that, realistically, they shouldn't have power over. Yet, people will listen to the Guild over the Royal family in regard to anything trade-related.
  More recently this has led to tensions between King Maroon and the merchants, however, the merchants pay the royal no mind. Most recently in the cold war between the two leaders, military presence has been increased in the port cities where the Guild have the most power. Princess Aqua and Princess Celadon are currently organising these patrols and raids on the previously left-alone black market of Cartitia to get the local traders to side with the crown.

Foreign Tension

It seems not only goods can be traded. Recently merchants have brought political ideology and rumours into the nation, the war between The Vastelian Empire and The Kingdom of Midgering has left Cartitia one of the more torn nations on the continent. The Merchants Guild has specifically aligned itself with Vastelia while King Maroon has revealed no such intention of backing. Under pressure from the public to openly announce a side the King has instead sent two of his Children to speak with the governments of the warring nations. Prince Obsidian and Prince Onyx have respectively gone to one nation each.  

The Royal Family

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