Völsung (vi'ø'sung)


Völsung haunts the northern lands of the Kingdom of Midgering as an everlasting shroud of white crystalline ice spiralling in an endless super-storm, reeking havoc one the lands. It hovers primarily over the northern glaciers and rarely enters the occupied lands of Midgering, however, few are said to have the skill to predict the movement and the locals leave Völungs will to the The_Slovan_Spirits decree. 
The Song of Storms name came from these aforementioned locals who found beauty in Völsung's winds. Although disastrous and catastrophic to anything inside the lightly blue luminescence of the storm, these same winds of death whistled harmonies across the lands. Many song writers of the The_Slovan_Spirits take months out to travel toward Völsung just to write their hymns and songs with the notes of the icy winds. Völsung's song can be heard from miles away and is both a song of nature as well as foreboding. 


The internal happenings of Völsung are widely unknown. Few have travelled close, let alone within the impenetrable icy winds, to document such an ecosystem. The most reliable documents only state findings from within the first few kilometres of within these walls and they state that though their senses where nulled they where confident that no living thing could live within Völsung. The further inward they got through the winds the less effect any anti-frost potion or ballistic shielding had against the storm.
This expedition managed 20 kilometres in 3 days. The furthest by far any recorded expedition had attempted. As well as the lack of Life they claimed the storms song would change more frequently and drastically as it did when observed from the outside, furthermore, they started to feel a shared paranoia of each other for their lives. This paranoia was scrapped from the records and was discovered after the torn pages where found in a northern village. Lastly, they found no explanation for the luminescence of the ice nor any evidence to what formed or sustained the storm. 
All artifacts have been distributed to the The Lakebed Museum .

Ecosystem Cycles

The winds of the storm have always travelled clockwise and have never faulted in ferocity or size. Certain The_Slovan_Spirits folk tales will show a great passing of time by narrating Völsung's winds as travelling anti-clockwise.
The only external changes present is the changing of the melody of the storm. Apart from this, many changes were documented internally, but where to sporadic to form any patterns.

Localized Phenomena

Silent lightning has rarely been seen within the visible white winds of the storm, and occasionally ice fragments will fly out of the storm possibly being carried for hundreds of kilometres by the sheer force of the storm. 

Natural Resources

The Ice from Völsung was used in blades - named Nepja - during large wars, most recently the Royal Cleansing. These weapons had a blue hue and a transparent icy blade that was indistinguishable. They are praised for their lightness and ability to be used as an arcane focus by the few mages lucky to wield one. Due to the dangers in forging these blades, however, they are scarce in the world.


Völsung is said to be one of the physical prime deities of the world. It has shaped the lands since the lands where birthed and has remained eternal and never faltering.

My ears ringing with its ethereal presence, my eyes listening to my sweetest paramour. I do not think our species has evolved deeply enough for our simple senses to take in Völsung's song.
Nile Ilvermay- Royal Artist of Midgering
Alternative Name(s)
The Song of Storms, The Great Blizzard
Location under