Aposterolassa Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The Leviathan (a.k.a. The Rebellious)

She is said to be the first dragon; the original god. Into the empty crater of the earth, she poured the sea and made for herself a home. She lords the sea and the sky alike. Embracing raw power and savagery, she resembles chaos and instinct, encourages the fall into temptation for power and lust. Primal emotions and nature are her domains.   Her power greater than even Kenosis, the other dragons feared her and her strength. Afraid that she might trespass onto their new earth and destroy in her chaos all that they sought to create, the Dragons--for the first and last time--joined their efforts to sever the eight wings of the Primal Lord and cast her into the deepest cavern of the earth beneath, now, the Isle of Pathos. For thousands of years, she lingered there, and she produced in that maddening darkness the First Drow…   Upon man’s interference and the temptation they presented, the First Drow left the comforts of their mother at the promise that man would help them birth their own children, but they were raped and enslaved by man’s arrogance. Angered by their sins against her kin, Aposterolassa burst from her prison and unleashed her wrath on the world. From the earth she purged all but a few hundred men and fewer of the other races, and in her wrath, she refused to embrace the kin that had betrayed her and given into the temptation of men. She stripped them of their speech and rejected their pleas to return to her grace. The First Drow that remained pure became the Nau’daren, and she began her aimless existence in the depths of the sea as the “Leviathan.”   It is said that the Hero, Maete, gained the heart and favor from the Leviathan, for their wish for vengeance and their lust for power and rebellion sparked an understanding between them.   Every year, one boy from Baros is sacrificed at the Altar of Pathos as an offering for rain and a plea to be granted into the Leviathan’s grace once more, for it is the goal of all Drow to return to the womb that birthed them.
Divine Classification
Great Dragon

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