Ayphrendan Character in Skene | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Abyssal Death)

His name in Ilythiiri quite literally means “abyssal death,” and he is held in regard with great fear by all drow. Even elves quake with terror at the mention of his name, though only those who live upon the coasts are familiar with his legends. It is said that he was an abomination born from the tearing of Aposteralassa’s wings, an embodiment of rage, jealousy, and an unending hunger for revenge. This anger is taken out on sailors. Numerous sea disappearances are attributed to Ayphrendan and his gluttony, and nothing he devours is ever seen again… Moving freely in the waters around Skene, he is only deterred by Kleiyo and the powers of Rhigan. No other sea, save the very north, is safe from his hunger.
Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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