Menakatos Character in Skene | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Birthing)

Matron of monsters and gods, Menakatos gave rise to all the original magical creatures and divine beings of the world. Her daughter, Numa (born of Menakatos and Tikto), birthed the elves. With Agrion, the monsters of central and southern Skene were raised and given reign to continue developing their monstrous traits. But in addition, the once-beloved spirit of freedom, Gwa'sul, was also the result of their joining. Kleiyo was her child with Rhigan, and Isma a daughter of Menakatos after kissing a lost scale of Lyroma.   Regarded widely as one of the most powerful of the Great Dragons, she held little interest in human mortals (for they were not her own children) and split herself away from the world as time passed and wars raged. In time, she was forgotten to history…   Her whereabouts and fate remain unknown...
Divine Classification
Great Dragon
Current Status

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