Gwa'sul Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The spirit of the wind and of freedom, Gwa’sul was once loved by humans. It was upon Gwa’sul that Kleos rode into battle, and though Gwa’sul had no wings like his father, Agrion, he could fly great distances with only the guidance of the wind and the power of his stride. Using power inherited from his mother, Menakatos, he learned to use the wind in order to create, and the creations he made would come to be known in time as the wyverns.   However, knowing his creations to be fickle, he had them stay upon an island away from mankind until they could learn to coexist with the mortals… Although a lover of men, he did not understand them to be as greedy as many spirits do--having great faith in Sir Kleos and taking the knight’s example as one for all his kind (for they were inseparable partners)--and was slain by a man in an act of betrayal in the years following King Cadmus’s death. Sir Kleos, left in grieving and bereft of all (his two greatest friends having left the world), took his own life upon the soils of the Wyvern Isles over the grave of Gwa’sul.

Divine Domains

  • Wind
  • Freedom
  • Creator of wyverns


Divine Classification
Great Spirit
Current Status
Place of Death
Wyvern Isles

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