Agrion Character in Skene | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Beastly)

Despite his fearsome appearance, much like Kenosis, Agrion is not an evil deity. Worshipped as the patron of honor and war, chief of the hunt, and lord of monsters, many armies/soldiers, assassins, and hunters revere him. He dwelled in the center of Skene freely, taking on brave mortal challengers, infamously known for his great ambition and pride (and maybe even overconfidence). It is said that he went unmatched throughout his entire life, and his union with Menakatos gave rise to the uncountable army of dangerous monsters that plague Skene. All that is terrible in the world is said to have been born of his lust for power and dominance.   The Hero, Echid, once approached Agrion and demanded his strength for her own. Impressed by her ambition but aware of her lack of strength, he demanded that she prove her worth to him, for his power was not for the faint of heart and her womanly body would be too frail to contain it. She argued that the mind was stronger than the flesh, and she claimed she could defeat him in combat. Outraged a mortal would claim such a thing, he tried to devour her, but she, using magic she formed for herself, turned him into a pearl and ate him whole.
Divine Classification
Great Dragon

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