Tu'ine Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The White Stag

He is the spirit of the northern rivers and the deity worshipped the most by elves. Patron god of their religion, of all life in the North, he is most beloved and prayed to by even the least religious of elves. Born from Numa upon her death, he raced across the North and brough the rivers that breathed endless life and magic into the land. Wherever he stepped, new things grew, and streams branched from his great rivers. It is said that his wonders occurred on the night of a crescent moon, and the magic of life and death is strongest during this time as a result.   Kyllethan was the first mortal to beg for his divine blessing, and it is said that he was so taken with her kindness and beauty that he, Tu’ine (the spirit once said to fear mortalkind), lended her his aid for the reunification of Skene and asked for nothing. It was Kyllethan who insisted she give something in return, so he granted her the ability to converse with, interact with, and even have the power of suggestion over spirits so that she may combine their worlds as she wished to help in combining the mortal realm. Legends say she rode him into battle with this power, followed by scores of spirits that loved her just as much.   Upon her death, he retreated to the cave of Etfaer where he has laid in mourning ever since, staying to watch over her descendants and refusing to follow Aphada back to the realm of spirits.
Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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