
Master Bard Therion Ace Enders

Enders is a Halfling Lore Bard, and current member of the player character party. He wields the Vestige Flute of the Golden Voice. Standing just over 3 feet tall, Enders is a slim halfling with brown hair and green eyes. He has a tan complexion and a dazzling smile. A smooth talker if ever there was one, Enders can talk himself into and back out of ninety percent of situations, Relying on his magic to see him through the other ten. His suave and confident nature come across clearly, though he can be squeamish in battle. He is however slowly growing more comfortable with standing for what he believes in, and won't shy away from a fight if he's sure he can't talk his way out. Native to the continent of Marquet, Enders did not live a wealthy life, but he did live a happy one. He grew up in the port city of Shamal Bay, as the youngest of five children. He worked hard to provide for his family and did his best to make them proud.   He first discovered his passion for music when he saw two gnomes performing the greatest flute duet he'd ever heard at a local bar. It ignited a passion within him that led him away from his home, despite the mockery from his family, and their insistence that he stay. Shortly after he left for Emon, learning all he could about music along the way. He joined a traveling troupe called Fantasia Bazaar after graduating college and began traveling across Tal'dorei making friends and mastering Music.   Enders recovered two vestiges in his time with the party, Kiss of the Changebringer, and Flute of the Golden Voice. They were found in the Underdark and bard's college respectively.   After a brush with death at the hands of the Necromancer's minions, Enders received a vision from The Knowing Mistress Ioun. She brought him back to life at the request of The Uncaring, as the broken god lacked the power to do it himself. She also granted him a vision of the inside of the Library of Lore and some weapons held within, along with a warning of future danger.   Some time later Enders discovered he had limited use of a third eye, which could temporarily grant him truesight, and that the eye itsself was visible to others with sight beyond sight, marking him with the symbol of The Knowing Mistress.   After retrieving it from the Tomb of the white duke, he became the wielder of one of the The Baneblades, Dragathil.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Enders has limited use of a spectral third eye that grants him true sight

Mental characteristics


Therion spent a significant period of time studying at the college of the white duke in Westruun, after learning of the college's ties to his Idol he could think of no better place to hone his craft.


Ender's brief time as a traveling musician with Fantazia bazaar was the only time he could be described as having had a "real" job



Sister (Vital)

Towards Enders




Brother (Vital)

Towards Yesla




Yesla being 5 years older than Therion feels a need to protect her baby brother, that and an overwhelming desire to keep him from doing stupid stuff all the time.

Start of Campaign: 31
At exit of the timeline: 37
Circumstances of Birth
Therion was born the youngest of five children to a family of shoe makers.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
42 llbs
Known Languages
Common, Halfling