
Nova Thania (In the native Enari: Lechosas, /lɛxʊsas/) is one of the great powers at play on the skylar stage, primarily consisting of Elothanis and their subjects. They are highly technologically and asaeically advanced, perhaps even more so than the Commonwealth of Barion. They have an imperial past, having grown their wealth and power through conquest. Now their political system has shifted to a democratic republic, though only full citizens are allowed to vote.


Religion plays an important role in the life of Novian citizens. The Elothanis revere their machine gods, the divine progenitors of their race. According to doctrine, it was these beings of metal with ancient thanian minds that brought their salvation from utter extinction. Unlike most other religions, the Machine Gods are real and physical, presiding over their court with full divine authority. Faith is not necessary as the power of the gods is plainly seen. They do not demand sacrifice or worship, but also do not usually meddle in the mundane affairs of common life.
Geopolitical, Empire
Economic System
Official Languages