
Sthrena is a category of beings defined by being primarily resident in the Asaeic Plane and thus composed of Asa. They are sometimes broadly referred to as "Spirits" or "Fae", which can become confusing as both are terma commonly used to refer to a specific kinds of Sthrena. They vary greatly in between species and individuals, and although attempts have been made to classify them into understandable groups, those efforts were crude and do not quite reflect the unknowable and malleable nature of the Sthrena. Just like physical life, they have greatly varying levels of intelligence and sentience. Some Sthrena, such as those responsible for Fae Root are more comparable to a plant than an animal, whereas a Ghost-Pixie's intellect rivals a Human's.

The categories commonly used are:

  • Fae
  • Fiends
  • Spirits
  • Shades
  • Mindless
  • Aberrants
  • Deific

These categories are by no means all-encompassing, and there is a good amount of overlap. For instance there are many cases in which a spirit is also a shade, or deific. Additionally, some species of Sthrena defy categorisation.

Sthrena are capable of interacting with the physical world in a number of ways. Being entirely composed of Asa, they are uniquely adept at manipulating it produce physical effects. It is also possible for a Sthrena to become resident in the material plane indefinitely. This class of being, if sentient, is known as the Sthrenara. The manner in which they manifest their physical form determines the kind of Sthrenar they become in the material.

Scientific Name