Greater Ring

The greater Ring, sometimes called "Cintus Majora", or simply the Ring, is a large, ring shaped archipelago consisting of countless individual planes, moons, and even planets. Although few of them are actually inhabitable, it is still one of the most densely populated areas in the Sky. Trade and exchange within the ring is safe and plentiful due to one only needing a littoral vessel to be able to sail through its skies. The strong skylar winds also facilitate this by providing a very simple method for littoral propulsion. A number of circular path highways allow for faster long distance travel in its bounds.

Contested territoy

Being such a populated region and attractive locale for infrastructure, it is a highly contested region by a great number of large skylar powers. The Commonwealth of Gailesburgh is one of the prominent colonial powers, but Zemaran has been gaining more and more ground as Gailesburgh has been forced to prioritize the Placairn Revolution