Doctor Hasnar Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Doctor Hasnar

I'm probably not the best person to fill in the info for dear Hasnar, so this is a placeholder for now.   From what we understand, Hasnar is an Ekellos native and is particularly fond of experimenting on living creatures. He considers his work to be 'evolving' the creatures he comes into contact with, turning Usze'Taham into a crazy lizard predator and Vic 'The Bullet' Chambers into a terminator. We know at some point he likely has done some kind of planar research, as a small ground of adventurers led by his son Francois found some kind of extra planar creature in his basement, in the middle of torturing him (I think).   Hasnar is also likely responsible for the creation of some of the more powerful and influential individuals we've met over the years, as his laboratory has something to do with Saan and his backstory, along with some presumable pretty fucked up torturing of Palanthus, which left the celestial with a somewhat warped sense of reality.   Most recently, Hasnar has cropped up again on Joran where he now has a darth vader/bane breathing apparatus. He has ties to the Velisk family, and has taken a particular interest in the condition of Ruyi Bloodworthe and her sister. His efforts on Joran has presumably been set back somewhat by the escape of Vic and Usze from his secret lab, after they were aided by a mysterious Goldian dressed in black and wielding a yoyo (see Session 1: Renewal - same guy).

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