Saan Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Of all the strange and peculiar characters encounter over 3 different planets, Saan is probably both the most important, and the one we know least about. As far as we're aware, he's a native of Ekellos, and current theory is that at some point in his childhood he was either captured or given to Doctor Hasnar, who did exactly what you would expect Hasnar to do.   Saan then must have either escape or be set free, as he took up residence in Kalanthus and became a mayor. When we met him, Saan told us Vic has killed his brother and he wanted revenge, but this might not actually even be the case.   Saan is basically the Elrond of this universe, in the sense that his power is that he just knows a lot of things, and knows a lot of people. When Killos was it risk of releasing Atrox back onto the universe, he was able to assemble an entire room full of massively powerful, sometimes extra planar beings with just a few days of notice. That being said though, as far as we know so far Saan is literally just a regular guy, and posses no real magic or physical ability, proven as he wasn't eligible to be zapped away after the events on Thrast.   He might be evil, genuine can't tell though.

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