Session 1: Renewal Report in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Session 1: Renewal

General Summary

Session nr.1 22/12/2021   Wednesday, 22 December 2021 20:06   The Night of Renewal, a celebration of the birth of Snowcake, one of if not the largest city in Kinnorath. Despite the cold weather, the residents of Snowcake have set up all kinds of stalls, some selling food and others offering simple carnival games. In the middle of the city's central plaza stands a large bonfire. It is tradition that people take a small piece of paper and write down a piece of their past, something they wish to forget, or maybe honour, and follow it up by throwing that piece in the fire. Around the flames are many groups of people, some who have lived there all their lives. Others, may have travelled from far. The people are in high spirits, as soon the fireworks shall be set off, signalling the beginning of the night's dance.   We steer out attention to five individuals. A young silver dragonborn sits outside on a bench alongside his father. A young well dressed man is strolling past the stalls along with an older fellow, observing what the locals and the outsiders are offering. A young white-haired lady stands next to an armoured guard, and throws a piece of paper into the large bonfire. She whispers something about her future, while on the other side of the flames a halfling motions a blue lizardfolk to do the same. Inbetween them stands a wood elf monk, his gaze fixed upon the fire as if it could attack him at any moment. These five, and some of their acquaintances, are about to have their lives turned upside down.   The silver dragonborn excuses himself and leaves his father's side to mingle somewhat with the people that are warming themselves by the fire in the plaza. He finds a circle of unclaimed chairs, and takes a seat. Across from him a blue lizardfolk sits down, after his apparent halfling friend runs off. Inbetween them the well dressed young man arrives, having split path with his friend who wished to seek "food, ale and women". Across from him the lady sits down, not really looking at the people in front of her. The guard who was standing next to her is still standing near the fire. Speaking of the guards, despite a recent increase in attacks from northern tribals and monsters, those currently on post are taking a mellow approach to it, choosing to partake in the festivities rather than seriously looking out for any danger.   The silver dragonborn speaks up, and introduces himself as Silvio. The young man and the lizardfolk do the same, introducing themselves as Lucién and Yfirge respectively. Yfirge opens with asking the dragonborn about where he is from, to which Silvio replies he's from right here in Snowcake. Yfirge is dissapointed, and tells him he seeks a group of dragonborn hailing from the north. Noticing the odd conversation, Lucién turns to the lady across from him and perks her to speak. Caught somewhat off guard, she stumbles a bit but eventually tells them she is named Ruyi Bloodworthe, and hails from Tharkos, but has been staying in Snowcake as of recent, spending most of her time around the University of Snowcake. She says this cautiously, knowing the reputation her motherland currently holds.   Hundreds of years ago, Tharkos was a beautiful country filled to the brim with the best nature could conjure in terms of flora, fauna, and everything else. The Founder Kaleb took a strong stance of peace and taught his people as such. Unfortunately, Tharkos proceeded to get brutally pillaged and raided from all fronts, some even passing through the abyss just to try and get some of the natural riches within. Many such things were lost as the raiders perished on the way back. This continued for 200 years until the land became mostly bare and desolate as it is now. For some time it fell under Faand rule, and they actually served well and did their best to try and renew the land to how it once was. However after just 20 years, a man rose from the ranks of the Tharkians seemingly from nowhere. He killed the founder, killed the current king and dispatched the Faand rulership. Despite this happening 120 years ago, it is still fresh in many people's minds, for ever since then Tharkos has become a military threat. The man responsible calls himself the "God-King", and claims to be hell bent on conquering the world.   Silvio comes up with an idea to play an introduction game to get to know one another better, and the rest go along with it. One person stands up, and shares an interesting fact about themselves. Silvio begins, sharing that his full name is Silvio Strauss. He is a tinkerer of sorts, and creates gadgets to aid himself and others on many different aspects and tasks. Next up is Lucién, who too shares his full name, Lucién Velisk, adding that he does not hail from Kinnorath either, but is in fact Goldian. Goldland, as it is properly named, is a land mostly known for its focus on trade, and how often said trade happens less than legally. Still, it is highly profitable if you can handle the inhabitants. Having been told by his merchant halfling friend Kemmis, Yfirge says he heard they were "rude". Lucién replies saying he finds him saying that quite rude. Yfirge then apologises, claiming he is not yet fully familiar with how one should act in social situations.   The lizardfolk then gets up and shares again how he seeks a group of dragonborn, though now he shares their name; The Brjalao. Over to the side, the aforementioned wood elf stands munching on a bowl of nuts he purchased, and listens in on their conversation. The ones in the circle however, have never heard of them before. He continues to share how he came here by acting as a guard for a merchant named Kemmis, and looks around, eventually spotting and pointing at the halfling. Silvio recognises him. Ruyi is next, repeats how she hails from Tharkos, then follows it up with sharing her hobby is making plushies, keychains and other items, placing her hand on a necklace decorated to look like a butterfly. After some more talking, a man comes up to the group and offers them some drinks, sharing that the dance will happen soon. Not knowing about this at first, Lucién asks about it, and the man shares it had become a tradition after too many fights broke out once everyone got drunk.   Ruyi inquires a little about which sort of dance shall be done, and upon learning she has only ever done stylistic dance such as ball room or tango, Lucién begins to smirk. He continues to ask her about different dance styles, even mentioning a mosh pit at some point, and laughing at her posh and prude responses. Lucién isn't the only one though, as from behind Silvio another man wearing some poppin' sunglasses appears. His name is Alistair, and he is a good friend of Silvio's, despite being a lot more outgoing than the dragonborn is. After proper introductions are made, he offers the group to go with him and get more drinks at the tavern. Eagerly, the group follows. Yfirge however first turns back to look for Kemmis, though despite having spotted him earlier, he can't find him now.   Meanwhile, the wood elf is still standing to the side with his bowl of nuts, before he spots a hooded figure staring at him. The figure isn't holding anything, no weapons no nothing. The wood elf gets a disapproving look on his face, as if he somehow knows what's to come, and takes this moment to approach the now alone Lizardfolk. He greets him, and says he had heard the name Brjalao before. Yfirge's eyes widen, and he asks the wood elf for his name. He introduces himself as Dust, though he doesn't seem very keen on sharing his name. Dust tells Yfirge about how an old group of friends he had once encountered a hunting party of the Brjalao tribe far north and bested them in combat, however that is all he knew about them. Yfirge thanks him, saying he has been the first individual since he began his travel to have heard of the name. Dust nods, and takes his leave, walking back to the bonfire. Next to him, the armoured guard is still standing, watching the flames, but keeping a side eye on Ruyi.   On their walk to the tavern Alistair and Silvio are chatting about Silvio's hobby, Alistair asking about if Silvio ever thought about making more... Suggestive gadgets. They have a laugh about it. Lucién then asks Silvio if he knows a place where he can overlook the festivities, noting he isn't really up for dancing. However, Silvio is able to convince him, Alistair throwing in that alcohol will most certainly increase one's dancing skills. Lucién then asks Ruyi if she too wishes to join in. She shares that she's still unsure of what will really happen, which prompts Silvio to demonstrate one of his own dances known as "the construct". He performs it absolutely amazingly. So good in fact, that it draws everyone's attention, even Dust and the armoured man. Lucién makes a good attempt at it, however when Ruyi tries, her movements are stiffer than a frozen board, and she feels embarrassed in front of everyone. Lucién attempts to make her feel better by offering a proper ball dance, but she is beyond saving. The armoured guard looks on. "Oh miss Bloodworthe.." he says as he shakes his head. Dust and Yfirge too had witnessed the spectacle.   The armoured guard then shifts his attention elsewhere, and narrowing his eyes, he places one of his hands on the hilt of his blade and begins to walk away. Dust, along with Yfirge, who was still standing in the circle of chairs pondering what he should do next, also notice the large guard wander off towards a strange figure in the distance. The guard then turns around to yell when suddenly: fireworks. An explosion coming from the tavern. In a surprise of tactics, the assailants knew when the fireworks were going to start, and planned their attack around the noise. Panic breaks out. Silvio immediatly runs off towards his home, where he is handed one of his gadgets, a rifle. Not just a rifle, for once he presses the button to the side, a small turret emerges from it. Ruyi and Lucién both focus upon their arcane abilities, learning from eachother that they are both spellcasters. Dust drops his bowl of nuts, and before it has hit the floor he has already pulled out his weaponry and begins to move towards a guard calling for help. Yfirge drops the cloak he was wearing, revealing his armour underneath, and how he was holding a bone knife in his claws all this time.   They all arrive at the guards who were calling for help, and are met with a group of tribal men led by an strange sight; a man, fully covered in blackened armour. He is wielding a strange weapon resembling a bladed Yo-yo on a chain. Alongside them is a beast, an Anrar. Creatures that are capable of jumping far with their strong hind legs, and attack with precise bites. Next to Lucién his friend from earlier shows up. They taunt one another a little, Lucién revealing his friend is called "Guy", as they jest. The battle commences, as the beast immediatly targets the back row of mages, Lucién taking most of the damage. As Yfirge attempts to strike the beast from behind, he misses and dodges back, only to come in range of the black-armoured man. "Wrong move" the man says, as he succesfully lands multiple hits with his weapon against the lizardfolk. Dust runs in, picking up where Yfirge failed and manages to land a few blows on the monster.   As Ruyi and Lucién attempt to move the beast and the tribal men back with their spells of flame, Silvio joins in with the guards and uses his rifle to off those attempting to come close. Unfortunately, one of the guards is hit point blank by an arrow, and falls. Once the beast had fallen, Dust, Yfirge and Guy approach the black-armoured man. After some hits, the man moves a few paces back and makes a broad swing with his Yo-yo, now infused with lightning energy. This blow manages to down Yfirge and paralyze Dust. However with Ruyi, Lucién and Silvio's backup, they manage to drive back the black-armoured man. He begins to speak to the party, noting how he is enjoying their battle, but can't stay. He informs them they should "Look out for the school". This draws Ruyi's attention, and she attempts to stop the man from teleporting away, but fails.   As Silvio and the other guards morn their fallen comrade, Dust comes over to get him back on his feet, Ruyi and Guy doing the same with Lucién, who was targeted by the Anrar. Ruyi then walks over to Yfirge, who despite her making sure he stayed alive earlier by using her magic, is still paralyzed and unconcious. She picks him up with little effort, and carries him on her shoulder to the rest. Together, the group make their way towards the University of Snowcake. Halfway through, they run into the armoured guard that was standing near the bonfire, his armour now dented. At this point Yfirge awakens as well, and it is revealed the armoured one is named Haarin, a man working for the guard, but also there to watch over miss Bloodworthe. He helps heal up both Yfirge and Lucién using some substance that stings quite a lot, though is effective. They catch up to Dust and Silvio, reaching the school together.   The building is perfectly fine. Ruyi, who is well known here, approaches the building and asks the guard at the entrance what happened. He tells her that the headmistress has "dissapeared". Ruyi barges inside, with the rest following behind. As she makes her way upstairs to the headmistress' office, she sees the captain of the guard, an older woman whom she is familiar with. She is talking to a young boy who is trying to wipe away tears. When she spots Ruyi, she gets up. They begin to converse, revealing how Ruyi was quite close to the headmistress, them both being above average when it came to magical prowess within the school. Despite this, Ruyi didn't know much about the headmistress' private life. The boy Clarence had witnesses the disappearance. Apparently the headmistress was approached by a hooded person she seemed to know. They hugged at first, but eventually their conversation got heated, them increasing the volume of their voices. The hooded one pulled out a knife, after which they grabbed one another, and dissapeared into thin air. The boy begins to cry, and Ruyi comforts him.   The rest tell the captain about the black armoured man, and note he had a Goldian accent. Dust asks Ruyi more about the headmistress, learning that she pretty much served the role of a mayor figure despite there being an actual mayor. The group is allowed into the office by the captain, Ruyi ordering Haarin to stand guard at the door in case someone tries to approach. Once inside, the group begins to scan the area. The investigation is cut short though, as loud arguing can be heard from the other side of the door. Eventually it bursts open, and an older female dragonborn runs through with a defeated looking Haarin behind her in the doorway. Turns out its Silvio's mother, Ashana Strauss. She exclaims how happy she is to know her son is safe, and after introductions are made to the rest of the party she offers those who assisted him in the fight an invitation to have dinner with her and her family. Then she takes her leave after giving Silvio a big hug.   With that odd event out of the way, the party talks a bit about their fight earlier. Dust and Yfirge thank Ruyi for her boosting them both, and complement Silvio on his weaponry. Lucién and Guy take a seat in the corner out of sheer boredom, as the rest return to their investigation. Eventually, Yfirge spots something between the floorboards: a small puddle of pulsating black sludge, no larger than a thumbnail. He takes an arrow from his quiver and tries to scoop it out with the iron tip, however upon contact with it the arrowhead burns away almost instantly, along with the sludge itself. He tells what happened to the group, showing the burned arrow, and asks them if there are any monsters they've heard of that spits such powerful black pulsating acid. Though there are indeed creatures that spit acid in the region, none have heard of it "pulsating". After Yfirge says there wasn't enough of it to get a closer look, Ruyi walks back to the entrance to get Haarin. When she does however, Dust walks over to Yfirge and nudges him to the side. Then, he punches through the floorboards, opening a large hole. Underneath however, there is no trace of the sludge.   Ruyi is baffled, and begins to scold Dust. He doesn't pay her much attention, and says their inspection has left them with no answers. Dust then turns to the corner where the two Goldians are sitting, and asks Lucién if he had ever seen the black-armoured Goldian they fought before. After thinking about it for a short bit, he says he might have seen someone wearing that armour a long time ago back in his homeland. He can't confirm nor deny though. This prompts Dust to side eye him, followed by him side-eying him back. Lastly. Ruyi too side eyes both. Yfirge asks if this is another human custom he is unfamiliar with. They leave the headmistress' office, and Ruyi thanks the others for their help. She insists though that this is a matter that they shouldn't feel forced to partake in. She wishes to inspect the rest of the school, and promises to meet the others tonight at Silvio's place for the dinner.   Silvio shares his address with everyone, and together with Dust, Lucién and Guy begins making his way there. On their way, Dust keeps an eye out for the hooded figure, splitting off from the other three. He eventually does spot him and stalks him for a bit, until he is patted on the back by Albert and Marcine, two of the guards they fought alongside at the entrance. They thank him, though this seems to make Dust uncomfortable. Meanwhile Lucién, Guy and Silvio arrive at the dragonborn's home. Walking inside, one of Silvio's sisters Synthea pokes her head around the corner. "Oh, you're not dead." she says, not looking nearly as concerned as her mother was. Silvio excuses himself and goes upstairs to take a bath, while Lucién is offered some wine. Dust, now having caught up, knocks on the front door and Lucién opens it. Noticing how the wood elf still looks and smells quite horrid, he casts prestidigitation on him to clean his clothes. Dust enters and removes his weapons and hat, trying to hang them all on the coat hanger. It is too much for the poor thing though as it tumbles over with a loud thud. Synthea looks over again with narrowed eyes. "I haven't visited many houses" Dust explains. "Yeah" she replies, "I can tell".   Meanwhile on the other side of town, Yfirge had gone out to find his halfling friend Kemmis first, to see if he had survived the attack of the tribal men. After some searching he does manage to find him, completely unscathed. Noticing the Lizardfolk's wounds, Kemmis shows worry for his friend, however Yfirge reassures him he is feeling well. He explains what happened, how he managed to make new allies and also shares he finally managed to find someone who had heard of the Brjalao. He also spotted their cart near the entrance, and he leads Kemmis to it. With some of his goods and wares, Kemmis helps Yfirge look more acceptable, giving him proper clothing and taking away his weapons and armour. Together, they begin making their way to Silvio's home, and arrive well on time. Synthea opens the door and recognises Kemmis. Yfirge awkwardly introduces himself, and together they are welcomed into the home. Kemmis does some party tricks to lighten the mood. Finally Ruyi and Haarin arrive, Ruyi wearing a very posh dress while Haarin is still in his dented armour. Synthea is baffled by the amount of people her usually anti-social brother happens to have brought over within a day.   Silvio comes downstairs, wearing a very nice outfit, similar in colour to Yfirge's scales. He wears a golden earring adorned with a purple amethyst, something that seems to capture Yfirge's attention. Then, another knock is heard at the front door. Alistair somehow knew about the dinner and has come to join in. He compliments Silvio on his clothes, asking if he's "trying to impress someone". Dinner arrives, and the party is introduced to Silvio's family. They had already met his mother Ashana and were greeted by his sister Synthea, but in addition there are his father Garrund, his older sibling Sylverster who is a lawyer, his other sibling Izaria and her husband Tzarenzo. Ashana mentions one more sibling Arĝento, noting that despite him not being with them at the moment, he would have been proud of Silvio too for defending Snowcake.   Everyone is given some wine to drink, however Dust instead asks if they have any milk. Getting a few raised eyebrows his way, Ashana walks over to the kitchen to get him some. He pours himself a glass, adding that he doesn't get to drink it often. They begin to eat. Dust, who has apparently been eating nothing but roasted nuts for days, is going crazy on the meal, ravaging it like a wild animal. Ashana however, takes it as a compliment, as in some cultures behaviour like such is considered a way to show appreciation. Only Synthea doesn't buy it, and looks on judgementally. After some time, Lucién family is brought up. The Velisk family are apparently known as a large wealthy trading family. However their Goldian origins does add a side note of distrust to them. Alistair leans over to Silvio and whispers in his ear. "This guy seems like a prick", referring to Lucién. Similarly, when the name Bloodworthe is mentioned, it is recognised by some as yet another family of wealth.   Ruyi makes an attempt to lighten the mood by bringing up how well everyone fought today against the attack, and makes a friendly nudge to Haarin next to her. The nudge however becomes a loud clang, as Haarin is still in full armour. Lucién scoffs at her comments, loud enough to be heard by everyone. This causes Ruyi to close up almost completely. In an attempt to keep the conversations going, Silvio compliments the lizardfolk on his new look, and Yfirge shares that Kemmis helped him with it. He continues about how he's never been invited like this before, and asks Silvio's parents if they too hail form Snowcake. They share they have lived in Snowcake for very long and are from the region, but did travel together some time ago. Yfirge brings up how he hails from the north, and shares his story as well. Eventually he mentions the mountain Suuth'Kallos and the Brjalao. He goes on a tangent about how he believes the Brjalao tribe were filled with greed for taking the mountain's resources without giving anything in return (cutting trees without replanting them for example). He continues to say he feels that everyone who takes more than they need are filled with greed. This makes Ruyi feel addressed considering how wealthy her family is, and she asks Haarin if her feeling is correct. Haarin however, doesn't see malicious intent in Yfirge's words and reassures her there is no ill will meant.   With the food eaten, Silvio tells everyone he has something to show off, and goes upstairs. After some time he returns holding a large amethyst. He taps the gem three times on the top and it unfolds, then it begins to hover. The construct comes to life, much to everyone's amazement. Even Synthea, who usually thinks her brother's antics are boring, is impressed. Then, it begins to talk. Alistair is so baffled he almost drops his sick ass sunglasses. Lucién and Guy whisper to eachother. "Can you guess how much something like that is worth?" Guy says. Lucién inquires Silvio if he is willing to part with the construct, or maybe create many more on a larger scale, seeing profit in these items. Ruyi too asks if she could perhaps commission the dragonborn into creating a construct that looks like a cat out of rubies, sapphires, gold, etc. Silvio turns them both down however, claiming his construct, named Sigil, is one of a kind. Alistair asks if it can do trick, to which Silvio commands Sigil to look at Haarin and fix the armour he is wearing. Sigil does as told, and flies over to the armoured man, casting mend to fix a dent in his armour. All are amazed, and Lucién even offers Silvio his business card in case he changes his mind.   Next, Silvio wishes to demonstrate another trick of Sigil. He turns to Yfirge and orders the construct to make him "dissapear". Upon hearing that, Yfirge shoots up from his chair in slight panic and fear. Silvio however begins to reassure him that nothing bad will happen to him. The lizardfolk trusts Silvio, and lets Sigil continue. Sigil flies over and casts invisibility on him, making Yfirge dissapear from view. Ruyi says she is beyond impressed, and wishes for a private room where she can write a letter to "someone", she doesnt specify who. Ruyi is brought upstairs to a study, and she begins to write. Back downstairs Ashana brings up the subject of a resting place for the night, and offers the party a night's sleep at their home. Lucién and Guy decline, stating they already have that covered. Dust claims he also has a place to stay. Yfirge however, takes up her offer. Dust begins to excuse himself, and is about to leave when another knock is heard on the front door. Dust is suspicious, and stands at the end of the hallway while Silvio goes to get the door.   Silvio first peeks through the tiny lens in the door and sees a young, well-dressed man on the other side. It is none other than the recently elected Mayor of Snowcake himself. Silvio opens the door to greet him. The mayor tells him he wishes to speak to him and all who fought alongside him and the guards at the entrance of the city. Silvio invites him inside, and goes to gather everyone to the living room. Ruyi had just finished up writing her letter, as she is called downstairs. Once everyone is inside, they close the door. The mayor begins with a request to the party. The attacks on Snowcake have gotten fiercer over the past months. For years now more and more tribes and monsters from up north have begun attempts to expand their territory, the most renowned being the tribe of Ho'ruushi. The mayor wishes for the party to travel to the nearby towns and see how they are holding up against the threats, perhaps even help them if needed. He adds they will be compensated, claiming he will give them "anything they want".   Dust immediatly says he will do it, and will not need a reward. The mayor lets out a loud sigh as if a heavy weight is lifted off his chest, and almost begins to tear up at hearing the monk wishes no compensation. The mayor then turns to Ruyi, who replies: "If you can offer gold, that is alright. But recognition will be good enough for me". The mayor then turns to Lucién, expecting the worst. Seems he knows the Velisk family. Lucién begins to whisper to Guy. "Is it on the way to the professor?". Guy shrugs, and then turns back to the mayor. "Are there any laboratories on the way?" he asks. "There's one right outside the city actually" Silvio says. Lucién then nods to the mayor. "I will take you up on the offer to let time pass by, I'll see how much difficulty this job will take... and make a proper agreement after". The mayor nods. "Cease trading with the Meyan Faandian family, and solely rely on the Velisk family for the heating equipment" Guy says, and the Mayor freezes up. It is silent for a bit as the mayor stumbles over his words, until Silvio walks over and whispers to him he can take care of the heating for the city through one of his gadgets. The mayor is relieved, and accepts the request. "Good! We will start writing up the contract." as the Goldians exit the living room, closing the door behind them.   Silvio tells the mayor he simply wishes for better equipment and resources to work with, nothing else. The mayor thanks the others for being considerate, and finally asks Yfirge what he wants. "This town has been nothing but kind to me, offering me food and a place to stay. I was given kindness, and I shall give kindness in return". Having another person not wish for compensation, the mayor can't hold in his tears and begins to cry. Yfirge apologises, thinking he did something wrong. The mayor gives everyone yet another thank you, and opens the door to leave the living room. He makes perhaps two steps before Guy and Lucién pull him aside, telling him to sign the contract they had just made. The mayor reluctantly signs the paper after reading it, and Lucién uses his magic to burn the signature into the paper. Back in the room, Silvio wraps his arm around Dust. "Looks like we're all going on an adventure!" he says with a smile. Dust removes the dragonborn's arm from his shoulder, and replies with an uncomfortable "yeah.." followed by him once again excusing himself, thanking the family for their hospitality, and leaving the home.   Silvio repeats his mother's offer to Ruyi, who was upstairs when it was mentioned before, and decides to stay. Together they walk towards the stairs, however on their way Ruyi and Silvio spot a very strange sight indeed. Haarin and Garrund, Silvio's dad, are talking! Not only that, they are chuckling as well! This is such a rare sight for the both of them that they stand and stare for a few seconds. Ruyi then approaches Haarin to ask if he wishes to stay here as well, but he tells her he has his own living quarters in the city. With that, the three of them make their way upstairs. They pass by Synthea, who warns her brother not to steal her booze again like last time. Once inside the room, Ruyi uses her magic to create an invisible chair. Silvio however tempts her with one of his own chairs, and realising the one she currently made is far from the comfiest, she takes up his offer.   Silvio pours in a drink for them, when Alistair walks into the room, not wanting to be left behind. Alistair refers to Ruyi as the "dancing girl", which maker her feel embarrassed yet again. "It was indeed an odd ritual" Yfirge says, unaware of his rude remark. Ruyi then apologises to him and asks if he is perhaps mad at her for being wealthy, explaining how the butterfly pendant she's wearing is actually her mother's, not her own. Yfirge panics yet again and explains he is still learning human customs, and apologises if he ever happens to offend someone through his ignorance. Alistair manages to light the mood by introducing a drinking game, more specifically a quiz where if one gets the wrong answer, they drink. Of course, Alistair rigs the questions by asking Yfirge about social situations, Ruyi about street slang, etc. To make sure everyone ends up as hammered as possible. This ends up with all of them drinking until they pass out, hugging the floor many times over.   Yfirge: "What do you call someone from the land of Gold" Everyone: "Goldian" Yfirge: "What do you call someone... From the floor?"   Lucién and Guy are walking outside, discussing their deal, talking about how impressed Lucien's parents will be. Lucién hopes it will result in good praises, while Guy teases they'd know it was his own idea, not Lucién's. They speak of getting ready for tomorrow, as Dust had requested everyone be ready at sunrise near the entrance of the city. They note how they are rich, responsible adults and shouldn't drink or try to find ladies. They nod to one another, and split up to go rest. Guy secretly takes a bottle of wine with him, and goes to his room. Meanwhile Dust is wandering outside, looking for a body of water. It's getting late, and the snowfall is beginning to get heavier and heavier. He eventually spots a river, however standing near it is the same hooded man that was staring at him near the bonfire. The man stares at Dust, but the monk does not recognise him. Dust turns away to look for another water source.   He eventually reaches a pond not too far away, and kneels down, placing his weapons on the ground in front of him. He closes his eyes, and waits for the unknown man to approach him. Not long after, he hears his footsteps in the snow, stopping in front of him. "Do you need something?" Dust asks. The unknown man sits down in front of him and suggests they seek a place of shelter, somewhere warmer. Dust declines him. The man begins to speak. "you live like this, every day. Yet, you are alive. You are an important man, Dust". The monk does not answer, giving the man only silence. "I will eventually need you" he continues. "Not yet, for now you are free to do as you please". "I dont take orders." Dust finally replies. The man shakes his head. "you dont have to, I simply state I will need you eventually". The man then gets up. "Who are you?" Dust asks, but again the man shakes his head. "That is not yet important". He touches a small rock, and tosses it towards Dust. Then, he walks away. Once the sound of his footsteps has dissapeared, Dust turns to look at the rock. It has been magically enhanced to give off heat, something to keep him warm. Dust however doesn't take it, and instead stays as he is, meditating until sunrise.
Report Date
22 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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