Law Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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"Of all the deities and near-gods stored within these walls, none are as expert at creeping into the minds and beliefs of others as the entity calling itself Law. No guard is permitted to spend more than an hour at a time in it's presence, and even then we have seen eight separate guards attempt to free him - all knowing they would face execution"   - Final reports from the Prison of the Gods

Order Above All

In the Shadowdays, the entity known as Law had only a singular goal, and pursued it with ruthless efficiency: bring order to chaos. His conquests in these before-times were far reaching, both across planes and planets, and made the creature a great number of enemies - most prominent among them being The Triplicate, an immensely powerful demon lord bent on chaos.   The battle between the two raged across the worlds for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years, and ultimately resulted in The Triplicate being split into three parts, which would later reform into sentient individuals known as Orcus, Balor, and Baphomet. Law himself had his power greatly diminished by the conflict and shifted his strategy accordingly, placing a far greater focus on his Arbiters.  


The Arbiters were the most devout followers of Law, individuals possessing a small fragment of his power, but all of his zeal. After the retreat of Law they acted as a kind of universal enforces, travelling from country to country dispensing what they considered to be ultimate justice, completely impartial. Supposedly, every Arbiter had their emotions stripped in pursuit of objectivity.   After Law was sealed into the Prison of the Gods, the Arbiters continued as best they could, however they had no way of quickly granting power to new members. As well as this, all the existing members lost the guidance of their leader, and after just a few generations the Arbiters had been reduced to a force of barely a hundred.  

Noble Causes

What supposedly made Law so dangerous wasn't that he was a being of surpassing power, but unlike so many other entities housed in the Prison, his goals were not just comprehendible but, according to some philosophies, laudable. Law was directly responsible for splitting the Triplicate, an entity which was undeniably one of the greatest evils of it's time, and unlike beings such as Atrox it's goal was not simply domination.   Reports from Arbiters claim that Law found it a shame he had to use such violent and often ruthless measures to bring about order, and that it was his dream for all creatures to simply lay down all weapons and live in absolute, perfect, unity. A reasonably objective combined with a reportedly immense force of personality made Law a very dangerous entity for any save those with the strongest of wills to be near.   That being said, the journey Law has taken towards his goal is paved so thickly in bodies that you can scarcely see the ground anymore. If creatures can't be bought to order, they are better of dead than corrupting the rest of the universe with their disunity. This has gone for entire planets in the Shadowdays, and should Law return to his previous power, will likely be the case again.

Recent Escape

While in the Prison of the Gods, Law made a number of attempts at escape, almost all of which hinged around corrupting guards to join his cause. it is unknown whether Law had a hand in orchestrating the final breakout, but the thought is certainly not unreasonable.   Even if this is not the case, Law was certainly very quick to capitalise, fleeing the dimension and summarily disappearing from detection.

The Sequence

The Sequence have taken a special interest in Law, as the rise of the Arbiters is something they beleive must be avoided at all costs. So desperate were they to contain Law that they were willing to sacrifice the entire planet of The Rings, and all the people on it. The idea was to bring back the three demon lords Orcus, Balor, and Baphomet, with the hopes that Law would find them so intolerably that he would bend all his power towards their defeat.

Rise of the Arbiters

Across the Astral Plane, a number of people claiming to be Arbiters have come forwards, some of whom posses a great deal of power. Each of these Arbiters has exhibited all the ruthless efficiency the histories claim they would, and they are all highly wanted by The Sequence

Hide nor Hair

Since the breakout at the Prison, there have been no recorded sightings or detections of Law. Even the leaders of the The Arcaneum have turned up nothing.

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