The Triplicate Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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The Triplicate

"From the festering charnel pits and burial mounds of the Wretched Abyss will be born a new god, and it shall take all worlds and all peoples for its own" - Ancient Fey prophecy thought to herald the birth of the Triplicate

According to legends, the Triplicate was a demon demon lord from the Abyssal Plane, who in ancient times represent the greatest threat to all life. The beast was responsible for spreading chaos across all the realms and had, along with his army of followers, lain waste to a number of great civilisations. Supposedly, in a battle which was said to have sundered an entire world, the Triplicate was "killed" by Law, whose power was so diminished afterwards that he would not be seen again in person for a millennia.   In reality, killing a deific entity is rarely a clean break, and rather than simply die the Triplicate was instead split into three and cast back into the abyss. Over thousands of years the three parts of its soul began to take on their own personalities and forms, and much later became known as the lords of Hell, Orcus, Balor, and Baphomet. These three entities would eventually get free of hell, and go on to wage war against The Rings.  

The Future

After the breaking of the Divine Prison, a number of entities which had previously contained were released onto the world. Among these creatures was Law, the ancient enemy and polar opposite of the Triplicate. Within a few moths, the now-three demon lords cunningly made their escape from Hell, where they had been sealed permanently by the Arcana Pentagonal some ten thousand years prior.   After laying waste to almost all life on the Rings in retribution, they set off into the stars to track down their old enemy.

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