Pyeerest Settlement in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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The best way to truly know someone is to see how they act when facing death
  Pyeerest is a town in Kinnorath which holds something of a central position with roads leading to Crane's Hill, Furanei, Treff, and Klum.   By the time the group reached the town, it had been reduced to a burnt out husk. As the group entered they were ambushed by Frostbite mercenaries led by Red. After the soldiers were dealt with, the group noticed a plume of black smoke rising from the north side of town. Heedless to the whinging warnings of their casters Dust and Guy headed straight for it, attempting to catch the perpetrators as quickly as possible.   They came to a small house, with a pile of blackened and charred corpses outside in an improtu pyre. With Guy splintering in the door with a kick they saw inside a number of troops including Red, and a man they would later learn goes by the name Till. After a brief back and forth, Till asks for a show, and being pretty pissed off at the whole village genocide thing, Dust once again ignores his group and gives him one.   Eventually Red basically just says "Wait you think we did this, we've got nothing to do with it!" Considering she had her soldiers attack us on sight, was eating dinner in a building with a burning pile of bodies outside, and has already partly torched at least one town like a few weeks ago, this seems like something that would've been good to lead with.

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