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Session 15: Season Change

General Summary

Session nr.15 29/03/2022   Tuesday, 29 March 2022 20:10   After a night of mourning, Lucién and Guy talk about what they should do. Despite who Dust turned out to be, they still lost someone they considered a friend. Lucién asks Ruyi if she's able to communicate with someone far away, and she says she can. He asks her to contact a man named Kelthar, the black armoured Goldian they fought all the way back in Snowcake. He was the one that helped Lucién and Guy cross the borders from Goldland to Kinnorath. She makes the sending, and they are instructed to meet him at a place called Thenian Ruins in three weeks. Ruyi and Haarin choose to go with Lucién and Guy to Gold, as this adventure has left Ruyi beyond scarred.   Lucién approaches Silvio and tell them of their plan, how they're abandoning the Mayor's contract. Guy asks if Silvio wishes to come too, but he declines, preferring to stay in Kinnorath with his family. Lucién apologises for losing his temper days before. Haarin thanks Silvio for being there for him all the time. Ruyi hands him Alistair's sunglasses, telling him she still felt bad for taking them with her, she even includes an apology note. At this point Finn walks up, having heard their conversation. Ruyi tells him she'll send him a message here and there to stay in contact, and that he can ask her anything. Finn tells them that even though the sun sets on their journey together, they should not fear the dark path. A sunset will always be reborn into a sunrise. Haarin tells Finn he hopes he finds his family. Guy tells him not to die. Lucién now gives May a talk, telling her to stay strong, even offering her to come with them. She refuses however, and they hug it out, as Zula too comes by to hug everyone. Ruyi thanks her, telling her despite how brief their travels were, she felt she was the proper mother figure she never had.   With that, Lucién, Guy, Ruyi and Haarin take their leave.   May is sad and begins to sob. In an attempt to cheer her up, Silvio asks his artifact Sigil for advice, which promptly shows an illusion of StarFruit, something he claims can help all people calm down and forget about things. Recognizing the item, Finn declines claiming he's had enough of such items. Thier silly chat makes May giggle a little. They pack up the rest of their camp, and begin to travel northward to Klum, making sure to avoid being seen by any dangerous foes, as they are now four fighters less. That night, Ruyi has another dream. Jim asks her where all her friends went, and she tells him she is unable to rescue him, choosing to head to Gold instead. As she tries to explain what caused her to reach this point, she is swiftly cut short by Jim, who is dissapointed and tells her off, then says she must bury the machine somewhere. He again gives her a disappointed look, then sends her away. Afterwards she gets a dream with The Teacher, who now is basically her therapist.   As Finn, Silvio, Zula and May reach Klum, they are approached by a few Glacier guards to check up on their cart. One of them is a familiar face, Druuth; one of the two Glaciers that followed them through Crane's Hill when they first entered. He recognizes Silvio and Finn, and lets them all inside of Klum, which now resembles a heavily guarded fort, much more capable looking than Treff ever did. Silvio explains it once belonged to a group called "The Children of Kallos" who did similar acts to how The Glaciers now function, however they were disbanded many years ago. Once inside, they meet up with Silvio's brother Argento, who is happy to see them. After explaining Dust's death, and the rest of the party leaving for safer lands, Silvio brings up what Zula told them, about how they're abandoning Klum to travel to Snowcake. He wishes to join them, apologizing to Finn for leaving as well. Finn doesn't hold it against him.   Argento explains there have been long meetings about the plan, some claiming they should first strike the nearby Frostbite main camp, others claiming it is too risky, and they should leave sooner than later. Silvio asks if they can't just send Markys, however Argento says that despite his well known status, an entire camp is too much for him. Finn squads down to face May, asking her if she wishes to continue to The Everglade with him, or join Silvio now to travel back to Snowcake. She hugs Finn's leg, and so has made her choice. He gets back up, and informs Argento about Till, one of the higher ranked men in the Frostbite. He also tells them what he knows about their leader, Kraask. Argento asks if he could go attend a meeting that is currently being held, and tell them about Till as well. After that, Argento brings out a list of mercenaries that have been neutrally hired by the Glaciers, and suggests they could assist Finn in continuing his journey through Kinnorath. He tells him they should be at the meeting, however there's a chance two of them are currently taking a break at the inn due to how long it's been taking. Finn takes the list, and together with Zula heads out to seek them.   Not even a second outside, they immediately are approached by a woman looking beyond deranged, peering into a book before looking up. She begins to ask the two what their favourite colour is, and wether or not they've suffered memory loss. The second raises some suspicion, but Finn answers truthfully. She lastly asks if they've recently lost a hat. Zula can only think of dust's iconic headwear. Finn then asks where she gets all this from. The lady explains it is all written in her book, however upon showing it off neither Finn nor Zula can read the strange scribbles inside. The lady then looks downwards to May and asks why she is so small. They explain to her that she is a child, and the lady acts a bit freaked out, then like she knew all along. Finn takes a second look at the list, and remembering Argento's words, heads to the inn. The strange lady decides to tag along, as nobody stops her.   Once at the inn, they spot an elven woman at the bar attempting to swindle the barkeep in giving her the room they're staying at for free. Next to her sits what seems to be a young pale boy, wearing a decorated hood and a kite shield with a symbol on it. Meeting his eyes for a moment, they seem a little devoid of life. The barkeep, fed up with the lady's attempts, points towards his husband, a large goliath man, who looks ready to throw them out. At that moment, the deranged lady walks up to them and engages in conversation, followed by the other two. Upon hearing their names, Finn notices they're on the list, and informs them of this. The lady, named Nariko, explains how she grew bored of the meeting, but that it should be finished up by now. The boy, Sylveras, stays mostly quiet.   With both of them recruited, they head to where the meeting is being held. There, they find Markys, the final one on the list, yelling out at the other Glaciers around the table, telling them retreating now is a fools errand, and that they should strike the Frostbite. Nariko shouts out to Markys, but he pays her little mind. Elthé then uses her magic to cause a woman standing behind Markys to burst out laughing, something that irritates the man beyond compare. He lashes out at her, breaking a glass against the wall. Elthé writes this down in her book. As the meeting ends, the group approach the angered man. Nariko makes a few playful remarks at him, however he seems still annoyed at everyone and everything. After a rather rough introduction, the new group decides to head back to Argento and Silvio, to let them know they've assembled. As the rest leave, Finn stays behind to speak with a woman who was overlooking the meeting.   The woman is none other than Naiell Treffor, leader of the Glaciers. She doesn't think much of the lizard, until he reveals he was one of the group that helped free Crane's Hill. She asks where the others have gone, and Finn elaborates. Having her attention, he begins to speak of his first meeting with the Frostbite member Till, and the ability he has that can trick a mind into a false reality. He shows her Dust's old blade Refusal's Demise, now in his care, explaining Till had shown interest in it when they parted ways at The ruins of Coil. They conclude his power may be due to his weapon, a presumably cursed Scythe. She asks if he wishes to leave Demise with them, however Finn declines. Naiell thanks him for the information, but says they will most likely travel to Snowcake rather than attack the Frostbite at this time. They say their goodbyes, as Finn catches up with his new party members.   Back in Argento's room, he is a bit perplexed as to the reason Elthé is with them, but doesn't linger on it. He asks them what the meeting's conclusion was, and Markys begrudgingly tells him they won't be fighting the Frostbite anytime soon. Zula and Silvio converse, and she promises to continue travelling to Furanei on Silvio's behalf. Finn is handed a map showing the locations of the main camps of the Frostbite, The Glorious Hand, and lastly the Ho'ruushi. Having lost the old map since Dust was carrying it, he thanks Argento, and they exit the room. Still inside, Markys shows his displeasure with Argento's choice of mercenaries. Argento asks him if he'll return to them after his trip is done, however Markys notes the defender lifestyle isn't for him. Argento hands him some earplugs, and after realising Zula and Sylveras were still in the room to hear his complaints about them, takes them outside with them. Once there, they make their plans. Showing the map, Finn mentions he wishes to visit his own tribe, as well as a location called The Everglade, a place that according to his old ally Dust, could look after May. After grabbing the Anrar and getting a new, larger cart, the new party consisting of Finn, May, Zula, Elthé, Nariko, Sylveras and Markys embark on their trip to Furanei.   Not too long after they leave Klum behind, they hear a cracking sound. Suddenly, C appears sitting next to Finn who is driving. He greets him, and asks how things have been. Elthé apparently knows about the Astral Sea where C is from, claiming again how it's written in her book. C offers yet another gift to all. He hands Finn a coin, Elthé a voodoo-doll, Zula a get-well card, Sylveras a finger puppet, Nariko a wine bottle, and lastly Markys is handed... A gun. A brief description given with every item, C says his goodbyes and dissapears as soon as he appeared. The doll Elthé has could apparently be assigned to the first person she thinks of. Nariko jokingly suggests she thinks of Markys, however she gets a taste of her own medicine as Elthé instead thinks of her, and the doll becomes a small Nariko. Nariko demands the finger puppet from Sylveras, claiming she should inspect to see if it is safe before he does anything with it. Elthé pushes Markys the pull the trigger on the gun to see what happens... So he does.   After a loud thunderous bang, the party finds themselves scattered and buried in the snow. The cart broken and splintered into pieces. It's walking from here on out. Neriko demands to see the gun so she can identify it, and that Markys apologises for hurting Sylveras. Markys whispers to Elthé if he can borrow the doll. As he approaches Nariko, whom is holding her hand out so he can fully apologise, he gives the doll a flick to the head. Unfortunately the force applied to the doll is magnified, and Nariko's head is flung back, hurting her severely. She throws a fit, yelling at Markys to give her the doll. He hands it to Elthé, who then hands it to May, who Finn just rescued from the snow. May then hands the doll to Nariko. Elthé call the child a traitor.   They set up camp and Nariko begins identifying all the items C had given them. Meanwhile Finn goes out to get food. His first attempt is lacklustre, until he hears a familiar voice in his head. Demise speaks to Finn, pointing out a deer that managed to elude the Lizardfolk. Finn finds and kills it, thanking Demise afterwards. Demise asks him if he will be replacing Dust as his new wielder. Finn says he remembers the "price" Ruyi claimed he'd have to pay. Nevertheless he says he will need Demise's powers in the future. Finn accepts his gift despite the drawbacks. Meanwhile back at camp, Ukhbran, whom Ruyi gave to Zula before she left, speaks up to the new members. He tells them of his past, how he once ruled the whole world before after a flash, a group of strangers defeated him, leading him to suddenly awaken locked away in the mountain. Nariko is the most interested in this former "god" and asks Zula if she can keep the book. Zula hands it to her. Ukhbran compliments Markys here and there, before Finn returns with the deer. He claims they should have someone keep watch. Elthé reveals she has tiny hut, a bit late as they had already set up tents and everything. Sylveras offers to watch as he claims he doesn't need sleep. This prompts Finn to ask if he's even human, to which Nariko claims he is, its just the magic. Not questioning it too much, they do still take turns to watch. On the final turn, before the morning sun rises, Sylveras sits with his summoned Raven. He spots something large approaching them.
Report Date
25 Apr 2022

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