Session 4: Gods of the Road Report in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Session 4: Gods of the Road

General Summary

Session nr.4 12/01/2022   Wednesday, 12 January 2022 19:08   As the party is resting at Dre's Evil Shed, in the middle of the night Dust begins to have a vision during his meditation. He is brought back to his most traumatic memory, and breaks himself out immediatly. Looking down upon his new blade, he sees a Red eye has opened on it's hilt. "This is the price of my power" a voice echoes in his head. "Now I get nightmares, cool... That's... Thats what I wanted" Dust says, as he puts the weapon away and returns to his meditation.   That morning Dre, Haarin and Dust are up first, as Ruyi comes down the stairs to greet them. Dust approaches Ruyi, and asks her to inspect his new blade, explaining how he heard a voice coming from it. She takes the sword and promises to have a look at it after she's had breakfast. Dre is baking evil cookies, but is having some trouble considering he's hungover from Lucién and Guy forcing him to drink the night before. The Goldians have now awoken as well, and Ruyi sees her chance to get back at them for their jokes. She claims she's dream of a place called "Swolada". Unfortunately though, despite it being so early in the morning, the Goldians see through her joke.   At this point Yfirge and Silvio are awake as well, having just heard her joke attempt. Ruyi takes Dust's blade and goes upstairs to examine it. Dust goes over to Dre to help him out, but they are then approached by Silvio who has his mother's recipe stored in Sigil. He takes the construct out and with it, they help Dre cook the most delicious cookies yet. Silvio writes the recipe down for Dre, who wishes to keep it. After the cookies are done and everyone has some, Ruyi finally returns to explain to Dust that the blade is cursed, and causes nightmares to the wielder. It however, is quite powerful. Despite this, Dust will keep the blade on him, and asks for its name. "Demise" it replies.   Ruyi then turns to the Goldians and tries the "9+10" joke, but again it falls flat. After talking about how they all should get some new clothing in Pyeerest and Silvio giving Dre a cool black shirt with skulls on them, they start to get ready for their upcoming trip. They once again thank Dre for his hospitality, and wish him luck on his own journey. With that, they leave the shed and enter the cold once more to return to the road. As they walk, Dust and Yfirge are once again looking for any medicinal herbs they could use. Silvio makes some attempts at flirting to Yfirge, however they are far from succesfull. Lucién and Guy have been noticing this, and are beginning to feel bad for the dragonborn.   They decide to take action. Guy calls over Silvio, and Lucién calls over Yfirge. Guy shows Silvio a cool hand trick where he makes it seem like he can pull off his thumb, and for some unexplained reason it is the most amazing thing Silvio has seen in his life. Meanwhile Lucién tells Yfirge about how he believes Silvio has a crush on him, and that he should be considerate of this. Yfirge then explains to him how he is not deserving of a relationship, as in his tribe it is customary that only either the leader, or a great hero are allowed to reproduce. He then tells Lucién he'll confront Silvio about it.   On the road, they spot a man entirely clad in white clothing ahead of them, kneeling over a patch of snow. Fearing a repeat of the diseased armoured man, Yfirge attempts to sneak by in case something goes wrong, but his cloak gets stuck on branches, giving away his location. Dust takes the direct approach and begins a conversation. The man is elven, and in addition to his white clothing, the daggers he carries are also white as snow. The elven man picks up some snow from the ground and spreads it on the weapons, which then boils into them, filling them like white paint.   The man introduces himself as Frath. After some talk, he reveals how he's been having strange dreams about a man calling himself Telarus. Telarus referred to him as Iberian, and another man standing beside him was named Mortem. He is referred to as a traitor. After that, Yfirge asks the man if he knows The Brjalao, and he has heard of them, though hasn't seen them in a long time. Frath then asks Yfirge from which tribe he is form, but Yfirge claims he can't share that for concerns about their safety. Frath understands, and drops the subject. After explaining they've been looking for herbs on the side of the road, Frath offers to mark on the party's map where some good ones can be found. Dust gives him the map, and instructs the rest to continue walking. Ruyi gives the man a flower as thanks.   Dust will catch up to them, but as they leave earshot, Dust asks Frath if they've met before. Frath says he doesn't recall. Dust asks if the name Relas sounds familiar, and describes him as a tall young man. He continues to say it happened thirty years ago, then shakes his hand and congratulates him. Dust tells Frath he knew him, and that he once was his enemy but not anymore. The monk asks Frath for his side of the story, but Frath doesn't have much to add. He tells him a group of thugs simply jumped on him and he managed to fight them off, leaving only the youngest alive. Frath then asks Dust that if he'd ever find a woman named Laiell, that he should thank her on his behalf. Dust says he'll do his best, and takes the map now marked with herbal spots. They say their goodbyes, and Dust reaches the others.   That night they make a camp. Dust seems a little tense, and Lucién and Guy loudly theorise about how he might have lost a child. This makes Dust chuckle a little, as he tells the two he has no children. Instead, he tells them he's concerned about the tiefling they caught in Crane's Hill, Red. Lucién then reveals the keys to her cell, showing that he has indeed forgotten to lock the door after they left, which does anything but make Dust feel better. Meanwhile Ruyi enters the wooded area nearby to look for animals, while Yfirge enters further up to look for something to eat. Ruyi spots a cute fuzzy ferret, and offers it some food. The animal takes it, but after not ever 10 seconds Silvio pops up behind her to ask what she's doing, scaring away the animal. Ruyi tells Silvio that she isn't doing anything, as she looks ahead to see the ferret running off towards a bush. However right before it managed to enter, an arrow strikes if from the side killing it instantly. Ruyi yelps, as she sees Yfirge with his bow emerging from between the trees, and apologises for "stealing her kill". Ruyi, who honestly just can't right now, returns to her tent.   Silvio looks at Yfirge baffled, and feels bad for Ruyi. However as he sees Yfirge cutting and ripping the animal open to take out its meat and bones, the lizardfolk suddenly looks up at him. "I was told by Lucién you wanted to breed with me." This is heard by everyone in the camp, as the wooded area is right next to their tents. Everyone goes numb, as Lucién eyes dart left and right. Silvio is flustered and even more baffled for a good moment, until he shakenly says that while he does like him, it's not like that. Yfirge then continues his animal crushing, while repeating what he told to Lucién about his tribe's views on relationships. Silvio then also goes to bed to clear his head after what just happened, and Yfirge goes over to the water to clean himself. He then turns to Dust, and shows him some darts he made out of the ferret's bones. Dust tries them out, and is very capable of wielding them. Ruyi pokes her head out of her tent and carefully tries to tell Yfirge that what he did was a bad thing, however the lizardfolk doesn't fully understand and once again apologises, telling her she can kill it next time. Guy tells her they murder people every other day, and that this isn't a new thing, which prompts Ruyi to once again return to her tent.

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