Shards Physical / Metaphysical Law in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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"Hey Arulo, you wanna go get God powers? Sure you could help your sister out with that."
"Nice idea, but uhhhhhhh Saan's Manor"
  Shards are small fragments of divinity which have an unknown origin. A few shards have been claimed and used over the years, one by Alister Miles, and another by Killos. Despite containing immense power, they don't seem to be on the level of true divinity, the shard taken by Killos and Yeenoghu was effectively used up in the flattening of Lilliana's Summer Fort, and Dr Miles presumable doesn't posses his shard after using it to create the Shard Dimension.   It's not clear how the power of Shards matches up to other similar, planet-scale items such as Leecher, but presumably the effects are similar.

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