Lilliana Character in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Up until very recently, Lilliana was Queen of The Fey, and ruler of the Summer Fort. Presumably the archfey was immensely powerful, though perhaps not on the scale of beings such as The Father and Atrox  She spent thousands of years locked in a vicious conflict with the warlike Thrastians after she denied the originators passage back to their home world. Her conflict with them ended with the death of Atrox at the hands of Telarus, and presumably she then got really into craft brewing for about 500 years.   Upon claiming the Shard, Killos and Yeenoghu visited the Summer Fort, and absolutely levelled the place, (presumably) killing the Archfey. This did however almost completely drain the shard.   During the Demon War on The Rings, Lilliana was responsible for assisting the Arcana Pentagonal with some of their most ambitious plays, including the creation of Persepolis, and the Transference - though she was almost completely tied up with the then still raging conflict with the Thrastians.

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