

  Located in the easternmost region of Mailenstead, Forsbyr is the last settlement before the tribal lands of the Tauno.   When mining began in Mount Stoljir in the 176th year after the founding, a settlement began to grow around it. Currently, its population is around 250. While many in the village work in the Stoljir Mines, a number of families have small farms, and around a dozen families farm land as tenents for Lady Sigrid Armanen's estate. Apart from the mines, the village is also known for its inn, The Nightgate Inn.   Forsbyr is overseen by a mayor and also houses a Scholar General.  


  • Winter's Night ave high temps: 18 F
  • Winter's Night ave low temps: 4 F
  • Summer's Night ave high temps: 73 F
  • Summer's Night ave low temps: 54 F
  The winter months see frequent snowfall, which may begin in as early as mid-autumn. Snow begins to melt in mid-to-late spring.  

Points of Interest


Natural Resources

  • Iron Ore
  • Wheat
Founding Date
176th year after the founding
Included Locations
Characters in Location

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